Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Welcome to the 21st Century, Puma. You'll like it =D

(what was your former provider and what's your one now?)

Everything is so shiny and nice now. :V

We used have a connection at this company called ''Tele2''. It was a 20Mb connection. Now ''UPC'' is our provider, and we have a connection of 90Mbs.

I'm fairly stocked about this new connection. <3


Well-known member
If only I could get my thoughts straightened out in my head I would be able to start to think more clearly. But there's just too much going on up there to sort out. Everything is moving around too fast to get a hold on any of those thoughts even the smallest of thoughts.


Well-known member
Just found out they're turning the board game battleship into a movie starring Liam Neeson. I know that sounds like the stupidest possible movie idea ever but the trailer actually looks cool. How do you make a naval battle more interesting? The same way you make anything more interesting, add aliens! :D
Battleship Changes the Game in the First Trailer Premiere | Movie Talk - Yahoo! Movies

Wow that trailer does look pretty good! Can't go wrong with Liam Neeson either ::p:.


Well-known member
I hate having a knotted mind. Sometimes I wish we could pause time just so that we can catch up with everything before too much time elapses and later thoughts add to the mess. Have you tried writing things down? Even if not on here, just open a word document and write EVERYTHING, unabridged, uncensored... it can help sometimes.

Thanks twig. Yes I've tried writing it all down before but it didn't seem to help me. It just made my thoughts go round even more. It's like it all throughout the day lately. But worse time of day I get it is late evening and when I'm trying to get to sleep. When these thoughts goes round I can't seem to concentrate on anything.


Well-known member
Ever read Sun Tzu Execution?! ... Thought it would be good but ... I was turned off by the coldness in the first couple of!


Well-known member
I hate life at the moment. Everything's just been so dull and lonely lately. I want to move away already and start a new life. I also want to start college but at the same time I don't. I want to because I want to meet some new people (surprisingly) and be around people, not cooked up in my house all the time. I don't want to because of all the work you get and having to be trapped in an auditorium packed with people almost everyday for about 2 hours during each class session - a social phobic's worst fear come true.


Well-known member
Cowboys vs. Aliens is a huge exception. That movie just looks dumb in my opinion. The title doesn't help it much either.

what?!:confused: cowboys and aliens looks awesome. true its a bit experimental, but its something different for a change. i like westerns and i like scifi, so it works for me.


I don't want to because of all the work you get and having to be trapped in an auditorium packed with people almost everyday for about 2 hours during each class session - a social phobic's worst fear come true.

I actually preferred the big auditorium classes when I was in college. I always found there was a lot less social interaction in those classes over the smaller ones. Plus the profs don't single out students to answer questions in big classes :D


Well-known member
what?!:confused: cowboys and aliens looks awesome. true its a bit experimental, but its something different for a change. i like westerns and i like scifi, so it works for me.

I don't know, that's just my opinion. I've been annoyed with all the alien movies and shows coming out lately. The idea of aliens coming to earth and wiping out the human species is so overused, especially with the "end of the world" supposedly coming up in 2012. Originality has almost reached extinction with movies like these.


Well-known member
I have often wondered over the past few weeks why I still come on here.

All I seem to do is moan about how rubbish my life is.

I don't even know if it is helping me or not anymore.

It just feels soo lonely on here just like my life is where I am.