Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
When this site was down a couple of days ago, did coyote cease to exist?

Yea of course they did. They were transferred to a holding file with their hosting company. Using my immense technical skills, I was able to intercept this transfer. I made a few changes to the file, to improve Coyote's performance. I hope my improvements show, and enhance the experience here for all of us.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 phone using Tapatalk 2 on Android.


Well-known member
I get so lost in the negative, in other people's criticism and anger, and my own. What I need to do is to take steps towards the dreams I have. There are lots of things I could change for the better if my mind wasn't so pre-occupied with unhelpful thoughts.


not actually Fiona Apple
I have had a "can't do" mentality for far too long. I can do things, things other than set up limitations. Other than try to prove that the limitations are real, that I should be pitied, that there is some explanation for what I'm not doing. There is an explanation, but it's not that I can't though. The only reason for failing in the past is me, not my capabilities, and the only explanation for the present and future will be the same. It's not "I can't," it's "I didn't."


Well-known member
Imagine being named 'Brian Brain'



Well-known member
Sort of doing a "part time job". Nothing serious though, just my aunt and mum paying my cousin and I to take care of my grandma's backyard (no one went there for months so now we have to take care of all the grass, weeds, trees, etc). I'm just doing 4 hours a day at most, and only some days of the week (this week I went there today and might go again Sunday), but I'm getting 5€ per hour (which is almost twice the minimum wage).

I don't really know why I accepted doing this.
I woke up this morning when my brain decided to wake me up.

Not by anything else except my brain deciding naturally that I've had enough sleep.
It felt GLORIOUS! :perfect:

It has been so long since I have been able to do this, that I had forgotten how simply wonderful it felt.:applause:
Saw the cutest black pug tonight on the train with my sister, we wanted to steal him. I never knew black pugs existed. So so cute! I don't usually have a thing for pugs but the black one looked so velvety soft and extra happy :p haha

As we were walking home these guys on bicycles shouted, "I love my white girls!" (they were a different race) :/ I mean... could have been worse, but I still find that racist. Is it necessary to comment on the fact we're white?


Well-known member
a family with two small children noticed a mouse in of the front display windows of my store this morning. the father approached me and asked if i could remove it "as humanely as possible." seems the kids were concerned for the mouse's well being and thought we should rescue it.

so, on the busiest day we've had all year, and already being short on staff, i stopped what i was doing to climb into the display window and scoop the critter up in a bucket (all the while being carefully supervised by the kids). i then went and released him into the wild behind the store in a grove of trees.

but first, we named him "Hector"

cute little guy - only about an inch long (25 mm)

good luck, Hector :thumbup:


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Well-known member
^ Awww cute! Good on you for rescuing the little guy!

I cannot keep my cat entertained for more than ten minutes. He gets bored so easily I don't know what to do. He's taken to excessively grooming again and it worries me. Before he would excessively lick when he had fleas and developed an allergy to them, to the point where he'd have bald spots all over. We just got rid of fleas over a week ago, and usually he stops by now, but he hasn't which makes me think he's now doing it purely out of boredom. (Thankfully I haven't noticed any bald spots) He gets bored with yarn, and the rattle ball I gave him today (note I made it from one of those gumball machine toy canister things and put a penny in it so it would make noise heh) only entertains him for a minute or two. Play mice, no matter what kind, are also a no go because he doesn't like them. He doesn't care for boxes either and paper bags are too noisy for him. It's not that he doesn't like to play, but it seems the only things that are entertaining to him is attacking my hands and feet occasionally or playing with my mom's cat -- who happens to be so lazy she often won't play with him. I have no idea what to do, his energy has been keeping me up at night lately. :idontknow:


Well-known member
I woke up this morning when my brain decided to wake me up.

Not by anything else except my brain deciding naturally that I've had enough sleep.
It felt GLORIOUS! :perfect:

It has been so long since I have been able to do this, that I had forgotten how simply wonderful it felt.:applause:
That's good. Unbroken, deep sleep is great for the body and mind. :)

huh should a 26 years old guy be with a 16 years old girl?
NO. But that's just me.