Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
huh should a 26 years old guy be with a 16 years old girl?

I guess you could try the rule of seven. Divide your age in half and add 7, that's around the minimum acceptable age (by society I guess). So, 26/2 = 13, 13 + 7 = 20.

From my experience, my sister was 18 and dating a 26 year old guy and the age difference was pretty awkward and I think my parents weren't ok with it.


Well-known member
NO. But that's just me.

I guess you could try the rule of seven. Divide your age in half and add 7, that's around the minimum acceptable age (by society I guess). So, 26/2 = 13, 13 + 7 = 20.

From my experience, my sister was 18 and dating a 26 year old guy and the age difference was pretty awkward and I think my parents weren't ok with it.
I think so too,I mean not long ago the guy was 20 and she was 10,love has no age,BUT at your teens its to early to experience this diference,glad I am not the only one who thinks like this.
Sometimes the prospect that I won't live on my own for a very long time really get to me. It's deeply depressing.

Even if it's just a small single room and small bathroom with just enough room for a bath tub, sink and toilet. It would be a paradise I can not bring to words.


Well-known member
I guess you could try the rule of seven. Divide your age in half and add 7, that's around the minimum acceptable age (by society I guess). So, 26/2 = 13, 13 + 7 = 20.

let's see... :thinking:

49 divided by 2, add 7, carry the two....

ladies, if you are over 32, feel free to message me :thumbup:


Well-known member
The other day I bought some polyester bristle paint brushes, thinking it was a good investment and the nice lady at Home Depot told me they worked well. Then I realized today I have no idea how to care for them so I haven't used them yet. I started reading around the internet and now I'm thinking that maybe it wasn't such a good idea? They apparently don't leave a smooth finish, and I'm not the best painter. I was previously using nylon brushes and I was trying really hard to get brush strokes out of the furniture I was painting. Can't say I did a horrible job, it looks fairly decent, but now I'm thinking I might have to work more with these new brushes I bought..... So I don't really know whether I should still try them or take them back and go back to nylon bristles. Hmmm.... :question:


Well-known member
Is it just me or does this article offer cra*ppy advice:

20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don't Get - Forbes

Some advice is good, but others I take issue with. Examples:

Your Reputation is Priceless, Don’t Damage It

Does this mean me and Tiger Woods are doomed for life because our reputation has been damaged, possibly beyond repair? I've lived in different cities where my reputation has gone to sh*t.

You Need At Least 3 Professional Mentors

You gotta be kidding me, finding a mentor who's willing to put in the time and effort is already hard enough.

We’re More Productive in the Morning

I disagree, and I'm sure there are others who feel the same way.


Well-known member
Sometimes the prospect that I won't live on my own for a very long time really get to me. It's deeply depressing.

Even if it's just a small single room and small bathroom with just enough room for a bath tub, sink and toilet. It would be a paradise I can not bring to words.

Indeed, I'd like to do the same. My parents think I wouldn't be able to live alone because when I went on school trips I'd get anxious/nervous and I'd feel sick most of the trips.
Even though my dad is a neuropsychologist he thought my problem was being alone (without my parents). He didn't understand the problem was being with other people my age.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
We’re More Productive in the Morning
I disagree, and I'm sure there are others who feel the same way.

Uh-huh! Ah agree with you, laure. Well, am certainly not more productive in the morning. Later in the day, and in the evening, mostly. Unless ah've planned out what am gonnae do... which I don't. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
I guess you could try the rule of seven. Divide your age in half and add 7, that's around the minimum acceptable age (by society I guess). So, 26/2 = 13, 13 + 7 = 20.
27/2 = 13.5
13.5 + 7 = 20.5

Works for me. :D

EDIT: When I'm 80, I can date a 47 year old. Sweet!

Sometimes the prospect that I won't live on my own for a very long time really get to me. It's deeply depressing.

Even if it's just a small single room and small bathroom with just enough room for a bath tub, sink and toilet. It would be a paradise I can not bring to words.
I hear you there, bro!


Well-known member
I hate looking at myself in the mirror. I use to look too young for my age, so young to the point where I'd have to show my ID just to buy alcohol. In the past year I've grown to look older and more decrepit, I guess due to stress and lack of sleep (loneliness and self-pity doesn't help). I haven't worked out in almost two months, a combination of long work hours and lack of motivation. And, for some reason I can't explain, broke out in acne a few weeks ago which still hasn't cleared all the way.

My brain is going blank now so I'll end it here. I guess a 'TBC' is in order.


Well-known member
The other day I went to the shopping centre with my father to have dinner. My dad was doing all the talking, and as always I kept looking everywhere. It's a habit I've had for a long time, I don't really move my head, just my eyes. It's like I'm looking for someone.

Anyway, when I was getting my dinner I noticed a girl outside of the store eating. She got up and left before I got my food back, and I sat down at the table she was in (I would've done it either way). After a while I noticed she was working at another food store right next to the one where I got my dinner from. I looked her way a few times while my dad kept talking, she looked back a few times as well.

It's been 2 days and for some reason I'm still thinking about her. She was nothing special, cute, probably slightly older than me and probably taller as well (I'm pretty short). I think I might be thinking about her because my school life is over, so finding romance there isn't happening. I don't have a job (haven't started looking yet, but it'll be hard during this crisis) nor any particular outdoor activities. Basically, I don't meet new people any more. That's probably the reason why my mind is so fixated on her, since I can more or less predict she'll be at the same place next week.

Of course I could always try making her company while she's eating dinner but, biased emotions aside, I don't think that's a good idea at all. Besides, with my AvPD and slight SA I'd either ruin it or I wouldn't go at all.

Just wanted to get this out, see if my mind gets back on track.


Well-known member
My best friend and his girlfriend broke up recently and I think it might have something to do with me.
I feel terrible about it.
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Well-known member
The other day I went to the shopping centre with my father to have dinner. My dad was doing all the talking, and as always I kept looking everywhere. It's a habit I've had for a long time, I don't really move my head, just my eyes. It's like I'm looking for someone.

Anyway, when I was getting my dinner I noticed a girl outside of the store eating. She got up and left before I got my food back, and I sat down at the table she was in (I would've done it either way). After a while I noticed she was working at another food store right next to the one where I got my dinner from. I looked her way a few times while my dad kept talking, she looked back a few times as well.

It's been 2 days and for some reason I'm still thinking about her. She was nothing special, cute, probably slightly older than me and probably taller as well (I'm pretty short). I think I might be thinking about her because my school life is over, so finding romance there isn't happening. I don't have a job (haven't started looking yet, but it'll be hard during this crisis) nor any particular outdoor activities. Basically, I don't meet new people any more. That's probably the reason why my mind is so fixated on her, since I can more or less predict she'll be at the same place next week.

Of course I could always try making her company while she's eating dinner but, biased emotions aside, I don't think that's a good idea at all. Besides, with my AvPD and slight SA I'd either ruin it or I wouldn't go at all.

Just wanted to get this out, see if my mind gets back on track.
It's difficult to start a conversation out of the blue but try something. You never know what could happen!

My best friend and his girlfriend broke up recently and I think it might have something to do with me.
I feel terrible about it.
What did you do?


Well-known member
I haven't had a refreshing deep dreamless sleep for weeks now. I feel tired and usually i'm waking up from some bizarre dreams. I feel like my mind is creating stimulation through my dreams, which I'm not getting from reality. just to keep my mind from blanking out.


Well-known member
I hate looking at myself in the mirror. I use to look too young for my age, so young to the point where I'd have to show my ID just to buy alcohol. In the past year I've grown to look older and more decrepit, I guess due to stress and lack of sleep (loneliness and self-pity doesn't help). I haven't worked out in almost two months, a combination of long work hours and lack of motivation. And, for some reason I can't explain, broke out in acne a few weeks ago which still hasn't cleared all the way.

My brain is going blank now so I'll end it here. I guess a 'TBC' is in order.

I hate looking at myself as well.

I probably look like I'm in my 40's and i'm not yet at 30. As to the reason it could be so many things, probably all the stress i used to live before i went on meds. heck, maybe the meds themselves have something to do with it. i don't exercise much because of lack of motivation and sheer exhaustion from doing nothing all day.

as for acne you should try to stay away from oily foods and chocolate. it's not a cure, but it can help it stay stable. also things like peanut butter should be avoided, and probably nuts in general.

I haven't had a refreshing deep dreamless sleep for weeks now. I feel tired and usually i'm waking up from some bizarre dreams. I feel like my mind is creating stimulation through my dreams, which I'm not getting from reality. just to keep my mind from blanking out.

same for me, but substitute weeks for years. :sad:


Well-known member
The other day I went to the shopping centre with my father to have dinner. My dad was doing all the talking, and as always I kept looking everywhere. It's a habit I've had for a long time, I don't really move my head, just my eyes. It's like I'm looking for someone.

Anyway, when I was getting my dinner I noticed a girl outside of the store eating. She got up and left before I got my food back, and I sat down at the table she was in (I would've done it either way). After a while I noticed she was working at another food store right next to the one where I got my dinner from. I looked her way a few times while my dad kept talking, she looked back a few times as well.

It's been 2 days and for some reason I'm still thinking about her. She was nothing special, cute, probably slightly older than me and probably taller as well (I'm pretty short). I think I might be thinking about her because my school life is over, so finding romance there isn't happening. I don't have a job (haven't started looking yet, but it'll be hard during this crisis) nor any particular outdoor activities. Basically, I don't meet new people any more. That's probably the reason why my mind is so fixated on her, since I can more or less predict she'll be at the same place next week.

Of course I could always try making her company while she's eating dinner but, biased emotions aside, I don't think that's a good idea at all. Besides, with my AvPD and slight SA I'd either ruin it or I wouldn't go at all.

Just wanted to get this out, see if my mind gets back on track.
I say give it a try talking to her. Maybe it can go somewhere. Its hard yeah, but it might be worth it.


Well-known member
One of my closest friends complained yesterday, that they changed the opening times of a supermarket chain here, to close 2 hours earlier on Saturday (in Germany, stores ain't open 24/7), and that she couldn't get the blueberries she wanted. And she also has to work a lot this weekend. She has to work so much, that our weekly movie evening, that takes normally place at her flat, had to be cancelled. And in addition she couldn't attend a festival this weekend, that she likes a lot, because of all the work of hers. So I thought that she needs some cheering up, and I paid a food delivery service to send her blueberry pancakes and mousse au chocolate. She messaged me right after she got the food, and didn't stop thanking me. :) And that cheered me up too, knowing that instead working in a grumpy mood, she had her mouth full of blueberry pancakes with vanilla sauce, smiling happily, and continue with work a bit later.