Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I haven't had a refreshing deep dreamless sleep for weeks now. I feel tired and usually i'm waking up from some bizarre dreams. I feel like my mind is creating stimulation through my dreams, which I'm not getting from reality. just to keep my mind from blanking out.

Well, we dream always, but we normally don't remember them. For me personally, sleep is the same refreshing, no matter whether I remember my dreams or not (except when they are nightmares). Well, I hope you get your good sleep soon. :)


Well-known member
Well, we dream always, but we normally don't remember them. For me personally, sleep is the same refreshing, no matter whether I remember my dreams or not (except when they are nightmares). Well, I hope you get your good sleep soon. :)

Hey, Thanks :) may be I'm over thinking, since I'm not occupied much. That is so sweet of you to send your friend blueberry cake, I bet that's the best blueberry cake she has ever had, filled with much care and love. Can I be your friend too :D. Have a nice time :)
Is this weird or not? I think sometimes I come up with some crazy ideas for sneaking vegetables into my food. Or just crazy food in general. I made whole wheat toast and put cottage cheese on it and baby spinach on top of that and another slice of bread. Cottage cheese sandwich with spinach. It's delicious though :D


Well-known member
One of my closest friends complained yesterday, that they changed the opening times of a supermarket chain here, to close 2 hours earlier on Saturday (in Germany, stores ain't open 24/7), and that she couldn't get the blueberries she wanted. And she also has to work a lot this weekend. She has to work so much, that our weekly movie evening, that takes normally place at her flat, had to be cancelled. And in addition she couldn't attend a festival this weekend, that she likes a lot, because of all the work of hers. So I thought that she needs some cheering up, and I paid a food delivery service to send her blueberry pancakes and mousse au chocolate. She messaged me right after she got the food, and didn't stop thanking me. :) And that cheered me up too, knowing that instead working in a grumpy mood, she had her mouth full of blueberry pancakes with vanilla sauce, smiling happily, and continue with work a bit later.
Doing good deeds is usually a great way to cheer us up. Well done!

Awesome! :thumbup:


Well-known member
Really need some positivity today.

How about this... today my two rabbits decided to be absolute terrors and hid under the bed where i couldnt reach them, despite the fact that one of my cats (who would love to eat them) was also under there. i practically had to tear apart my bed to be able to shove their naughty little butts out.

If that doesnt work then *offers chocolate*
7% of Americans drink NO water each day (besides the water in soda, coffee, etc. possibly). That's almost 1 in 10! And 36% drink less than 4 cups.

I don't do the whole 8 glasses a day thing because there is no evidence to support we need that much, and even if there was I wouldn't care. It's a bit overkill. I just try to drink it when I wake up, with every meal, and a little between meals.

Anyway I think I write about health stuff too often on here. It's a strong interest of mine but maybe I should lay off for a while :shyness:
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Well-known member
One thing I noticed is how crazy lit up America is, but even more is how most of that light is in the eastern half of the country, and right on the west coast. :)

what about Europe, Japan, India, and China? :idontknow:
