Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

she works for the Health Department

evidently, someone got bit by a bat

imagine my disappointment :sad:

although i did get to play in the 'bat cave' when she got home :)

Hit by a bat? A baseball bat, or a plane-sized giant bat monster, because depending on which it is, the coolness of this can still be salvaged..


Well-known member
Early this morning I had a dream about living in a pseudo neighborhood. My mom showed me a box tightly packed with 3-4 lizards and told me to dump them. I got scared and felt like throwing up.

10 Delicious Meats That Are Better For You Than Steak

There's a market here that sells fresh exotic meats like alligator, antelope, rattlesnake, python, ostrich, turtle, as well as venison, buffalo, rabbit, frog's legs, beef, chicken, etc. I'm going to check it out sometime next week. I want to get some venison but I don't see it listed on the website at this time. Maybe because it's not deer hunting season? haha. But couldn't they still get it? It's not like they go out and kill the deer themselves. Not sure how that works.

I want to eventually try all of it :bigsmile:
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Well-known member
Hit by a bat? A baseball bat, or a plane-sized giant bat monster, because depending on which it is, the coolness of this can still be salvaged..

no.. BIT, as in bitten, by a small flying rodent

apparently they carry rabies

not too exciting, unless you like to give shots
how to remember the good from the past instead of thoughts always stopping on what went wrong? accept that life goes wrong a lot of the time but that's no big deal?
no.. BIT, as in bitten, by a small flying rodent

apparently they carry rabies

not too exciting, unless you like to give shots

Ah, 'bit'. I totally read 'hit'. That's much less adventurous than the scene I had in my head.

But all joking aside, are all involved well?


not actually Fiona Apple
Today I was thinking about how I haven't raised my voice above a quiet murmur in a while, at best an inside voice that could be acceptable in a library. So, while driving home from work, I yelled "LOUD" (the word, as I could not thing of anything else to say) eight or nine times. It turns out, I am able to raise my voice. Who knew :idontknow:
I've just bought a electromagnetic radiation meter.

I'm always worried about how much radiation comes off my electronic devices, and how much of a risk they pose, and I'm tired of being in the dark about it.

Especially since I've recently bought a laptop/tablet hybrid. You hear all this research stating the laptops are dangerous to have on your lap, and it worries me. Especially since this thing was designed to be held, and resting on your lap (due to its tablet functions).
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Well-known member
Ah, 'bit'. I totally read 'hit'. That's much less adventurous than the scene I had in my head.

But all joking aside, are all involved well?

the predator was secured in a Tupperware containment device for transport to the testing facility
Today I was thinking about how I haven't raised my voice above a quiet murmur in a while, at best an inside voice that could be acceptable in a library. So, while driving home from work, I yelled "LOUD" (the word, as I could not thing of anything else to say) eight or nine times. It turns out, I am able to raise my voice. Who knew :idontknow:

Haha :bigsmile: