Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Chrome has been nothing but a big ball of suck lately. It's not really working right for me anymore, sometimes I have to refresh the page more than three times in order for it to load -- it doesn't matter what website I'm on. Sometimes it will just crash on me or I'll end up with a light blue window where the web page should be. Firefox has been working great for me, so that's what I've been using the most, but I still miss Chrome. Maybe I just need to re-install it.

Having some issues as well. Images that appear as broken (for example, the sad and surprised smilies on this website), switching to another tabs but it shows the previous tab I was in, although it's more like an image of the previous tab.


Well-known member
Having some issues as well. Images that appear as broken (for example, the sad and surprised smilies on this website), switching to another tabs but it shows the previous tab I was in, although it's more like an image of the previous tab.
^ Yeah I've been dealing with those issues too. Hope all these bugs get fixed soon.


Well-known member
I am not exactly sure what to do in the forums lately.
You can post or you can lurk. Either is fine. :)

Chrome has been nothing but a big ball of suck lately. It's not really working right for me anymore, sometimes I have to refresh the page more than three times in order for it to load -- it doesn't matter what website I'm on. Sometimes it will just crash on me or I'll end up with a light blue window where the web page should be. Firefox has been working great for me, so that's what I've been using the most, but I still miss Chrome. Maybe I just need to re-install it.
I'm not having such immense problems as you are with Chrome, but attached images on this site aren't showing up anymore. I hope your issues are sorted, and fast!
Ok that's enough, where the hell is Oz??

Well, here, of course! :p

Did I mention how much I'm going to miss all my Irish friends when they leave next month? They're all such sweethearts and so much fun. It's like I've known them forever. I think I'm going to cry when they're gone. Maybe someday I can meet up with them in Dublin, like one of them suggested. I had so much fun with them yesterday <3


Well-known member
^I hope you can meet up with them again. As for now, have as much as you can before they leave. :)

I think I'm expecting too much from people, I don't know why. Maybe partly because of my own frustration coupled with depression and partly due to being judged, bullied, used, manipulated in the past. I do understand its not fair though, how can I expect others to accept me the way I am if I'm being so judgemental, specially when they're trying their best to help?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I think I'm expecting too much from people, I don't know why. Maybe partly because of my own frustration coupled with depression and partly due to being judged, bullied, used, manipulated in the past. I do understand its not fair though, how can I expect others to accept me the way I am if I'm being so judgemental, specially when they're trying their best to help?

Aye, that's how ah've been feelin', lately.


Well-known member
After not being able to talk to my crush in this last semester, I sent her a friend request when I realised I wouldn't be seeing her around the university any more (since I only had two more exams after that day and she wasn't going to do those). It has been a week since, I noticed she added some friends since (all girls, though it could be other people accepting friend requests she had sent before).
From passing by her at university I always felt that she looked my way a lot of times, so I thought that she could be interested too. I thought that maybe she was waiting for her exams to be over so I wouldn't distract her or something. The exam season ended yesterday, and I considered she could have gone out with friends or something.

Basically, I gave this whole situation a deadline: today. If she doesn't accept my friend request by like 5pm, then it's pretty much certain she has ignored the friend request and I'll move on.


not actually Fiona Apple
This heat is killing me, I can't get cool enough to have a decent nights sleep and have been head tired for the last three weeks.


Well-known member
This heat is killing me, I can't get cool enough to have a decent nights sleep and have been head tired for the last three weeks.
^ Tell me about it. I can't stand it, I really wish it was fall already. Sorry you haven't slept good for 3 weeks. I haven't slept properly this entire week because of this heat.


Well-known member
After not being able to talk to my crush in this last semester, I sent her a friend request when I realised I wouldn't be seeing her around the university any more (since I only had two more exams after that day and she wasn't going to do those). It has been a week since, I noticed she added some friends since (all girls, though it could be other people accepting friend requests she had sent before).
From passing by her at university I always felt that she looked my way a lot of times, so I thought that she could be interested too. I thought that maybe she was waiting for her exams to be over so I wouldn't distract her or something. The exam season ended yesterday, and I considered she could have gone out with friends or something.

Basically, I gave this whole situation a deadline: today. If she doesn't accept my friend request by like 5pm, then it's pretty much certain she has ignored the friend request and I'll move on.

you sent her a friend request on Facebook? sorry i don't know much about social networking, i guess you have to be a social animal to be involved with that. :shyness:

but your post made me think about my uni crush. i don't think i would have had the courage to even send her a friend request, so you should be proud of your courage. did she reply yet? give it one more week and see what happens.


Well-known member
you sent her a friend request on Facebook? sorry i don't know much about social networking, i guess you have to be a social animal to be involved with that. :shyness:

but your post made me think about my uni crush. i don't think i would have had the courage to even send her a friend request, so you should be proud of your courage. did she reply yet? give it one more week and see what happens.

Yeah it took me a lot to send that request. I kept postponing it but when I realised I would never see her again unless I contacted her, I sent the request (not at the first try though, I would just hover the mouse cursor above the "Send Friend Request" for a while and then close the browser). It has already been 10 days and pretty much everything points out to her having ignored it. I think it's best if I move on.

Edit: oh and you don't have to be a social animal, I only use it to arrange things with friends every now and then, it's easier to have everything in one place instead of having to text everyone.