i LOVE having red hair and having a job, full-time, temporary/seasonal but it feels awesome. Everyday at least 2-3 times a day someone says they love my hair color-I never got this much attention as a natural blonde all my life....it's crazy! I am shy but it's so funny how people go out of their way to compliment me on my hair of all things. Red Heads have it going on. Ha. Someone said today even 9 am in the morning I am not even awake,they thought I was Nicole Kidman of all people jeeze crazy!!
My advice, If you're brave and want to change your world, go red. It helps too if you have naturally fair skin-I am loving being pale and avoiding sun exposure, though I do love the feel of sunshine.
Get a job, change your look (or vice-versa) and see what happens-seems like crazy advice but it really has helped me get outside my comfort zone and feel more alive and content in the world. Considering what a basket case I was a yr ago, this is good to try.
Think of your life as one big science experiment. There are no mistakes, only learning experiences to build upon.