Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Eh... no yer no(t)!

Eh, since yer leavin'... can ah come wi' ye? Ah wish ah could've done more tae, but am quite a fat, lazy b'stard! Sorry, ah didnae mean tae take the piss there! Nae offense intended, just a wee joke.

no prob and I know im just going through the emotions
^ I love your avatar, brokenfingers! :D

"Extraordinary" is a strange word. When pronounces "extrordinary," it sounds like the actual definition of the word. When pronounces "extra-ordinary," it sounds like the exact opposite of the definition. :idontknow:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I accidentally walked in on a co-worker today while she was pumping her breast milk. That was mildly embarrassing.

Aye, that would mildly embarrassing. Luckily ye didnae ask her tae put some in yer cup o' tea. That would be embarrasin'! :bigsmile: Sorry! Nae offense intended.

What's with me the day? Cannae seem tae stop masel' makin' jokes. :eek:h: Ah'll stop... eventually.


Well-known member
Aye, that would mildly embarrassing. Luckily ye didnae ask her tae put some in yer cup o' tea. That would be embarrasin'! :bigsmile: Sorry! Nae offense intended.

Eeew! lol. I don't know why human milk grosses people out. It's a heck of a lot less disgusting than store-bought cow's milk. Still. *shudder*


Well-known member
sadly, the word '***' is also now asterisked over by the swear filter

apparently i'm not allowed to talk about my donkey :idontknow:
Ha, well, the swear filter is going haywire. You can't say "a*s" or "an*l" or even a completely non-swear like "v*gina," but "penis" is allowed (where's the equality there??), as is "shit." It makes no sense whatsoever.

"Extraordinary" is a strange word. When pronounces "extrordinary," it sounds like the actual definition of the word. When pronounces "extra-ordinary," it sounds like the exact opposite of the definition. :idontknow:
Haha, I know. If something is extraordinary, it should be extra ordinary - really lame. :giggle: Welcome to the English language!
^ I love your avatar, brokenfingers! :D

"Extraordinary" is a strange word. When pronounces "extrordinary," it sounds like the actual definition of the word. When pronounces "extra-ordinary," it sounds like the exact opposite of the definition. :idontknow:

Damn typo. Not once, but twice! :eek:h:

Haha, I know. If something is extraordinary, it should be extra ordinary - really lame. :giggle: Welcome to the English language!

I pity people who learn English. It's confusing to native speakers.


Well-known member
i LOVE having red hair and having a job, full-time, temporary/seasonal but it feels awesome. Everyday at least 2-3 times a day someone says they love my hair color-I never got this much attention as a natural blonde all my's crazy! I am shy but it's so funny how people go out of their way to compliment me on my hair of all things. Red Heads have it going on. Ha. Someone said today even 9 am in the morning I am not even awake,they thought I was Nicole Kidman of all people jeeze crazy!!

My advice, If you're brave and want to change your world, go red. It helps too if you have naturally fair skin-I am loving being pale and avoiding sun exposure, though I do love the feel of sunshine.

Get a job, change your look (or vice-versa) and see what happens-seems like crazy advice but it really has helped me get outside my comfort zone and feel more alive and content in the world. Considering what a basket case I was a yr ago, this is good to try.

Think of your life as one big science experiment. There are no mistakes, only learning experiences to build upon.


Well-known member
I pity people who learn English. It's confusing to native speakers.

Why do comb, tomb, and bomb all sound different?
Why do mass, pass, and bass all sound different?
Why do flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?
"I after E, except after C." With exceptions (weird, science).
Why does the word "shall" have a different sound to all other words ending in "-all"?
Why do the words wallet and ballet sound different?

I could go on and on. :)


Well-known member
I think some of you are forgetting some words come from latin or other languages, and thus do not follow the same rules of the other english words. For example, extraordinary comes from latin so a lot of other languages have that extraordinary/extra-ordinary thing as well.
Another example is wallet and ballet. Of course they sound different: whereas wallet is an english word, ballet is a french word.


Well-known member
My tooth stopped hurting the day before going to the dentist. The dentist told me that it could be good or bad. It could mean the tooth was finally starting to heal by itself, but it could also mean it was dying. She told to see if it reacted to cold.
For a couple of days I didn't expose it to cold, afraid it would start hurting regularly again. But today I was drinking some cold OJ and I thought "eh, might as well give it a shot". It hurt a lot. But at least it stopped soon after. I guess the tooth is still alive then, might have avoided doing a root canal.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Today's no ma day... Ah've a hellish migrane... Ma heid's aw dizzy! :sad: :thumbdown:

On verge of throwin' ma laptop oot the f**kin' windae (window) since it's slow as fu... - Work ya f**kin' b@$**d!!

Also, ah wish ah could speak ma mind more without feelin' like am being a total fanny! Oops did ah just say that? :giggle:


Well-known member
not a very good day today...
sad and depressed.

hate when I feel like this - total lack of motivation, etc.
I just want to curl up under the covers and hide from everyone today.


Well-known member
I was a bit sad yesterday, since around the time I was going back home after classes (around midday). When I came back home after a birthday dinner I spent some time listening to two depressing songs. I was feeling really sleepy after that so I turned the mp3 off and fell asleep.

Woke up feeling much better, didn't want to get out of bed though I quickly grabbed my study material and studied for an hour and a half. After that I got out of bed and studied another subject for another hour. During the afternoon I went to the gym. Was feeling really tired afterwards so I lied down for 40 minutes but didn't fall asleep. Before dinner got another half an hour of study, and after dinner I got 1h30. Still far from my goal for today, but I'm planning on staying up until 2am.
It was a very productive day today.

I noticed that I wake up with the opposite feeling I had before going to bed. If I'm happy before falling asleep I'll wake up cranky, if I'm sad I'll wake up full of energy and ready to do stuff.
My brother has a mind numbingly annoying habit. He'll borrow stuff and not return it. Ever. Like, he'll come to my room asking to borrow a tool (which I keep in my room to prevent it getting lost), he'll then take it, use it, and afterwards just leave it where ever it was he used it last.

Then I have to go ask for him to bring it back.. Which is a pain in the butt since he borrows stuff like every other day, if not every day.

I guess that's my job now; Keeping the household inventory in check.


Well-known member
not a very good day today...
sad and depressed.

hate when I feel like this - total lack of motivation, etc.
I just want to curl up under the covers and hide from everyone today.
I have these days, too. Eat some chocolate, watch a good movie. Get your mind active on anything else. You'll ride it through.

My brother has a mind numbingly annoying habit. He'll borrow stuff and not return it. Ever. Like, he'll come to my room asking to borrow a tool (which I keep in my room to prevent it getting lost), he'll then take it, use it, and afterwards just leave it where ever it was he used it last.

Then I have to go ask for him to bring it back.. Which is a pain in the butt since he borrows stuff like every other day, if not every day.

I guess that's my job now; Keeping the household inventory in check.
Here's what you do:

1. Ask to borrow his favourite anything (pen, book, video game, laser pointer, sex toy, etc.).
2. Send it to me through the mail.
3. He will ask where it is. Tell him it's in Australia at my address so he'll have to come get it.
4. When he knocks on my door, jet-lagged and annoyed, I will slap him on the cheek and tell him to return items to their rightful spot to avoid such a trip again!
5. I give him the item wrapped in a box with very strong string so he can't open it until he's back home.
6. The box is empty and I've kept his sex toy as a surprise twist to the adventure.
7. I'll be right back.