Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
And weekend Dishwashers apparently ::p: Funnily, at one point of my life I was contemplating becoming a priest, maybe I have always been destined to look forward to Monday's.
Really? Maybe you should. It's a calling. Straight from Jesus. :)

Today I've spent almost the entire day sleeping, I woke up at 10:00 and have been in bed since 3 getting up every once and a while to check things, then deciding I'm to tired and going back. I may head back again. At this point it almost seems logical to just go to bed for the night, but one would think that by this point I'm not tired anymore. I still am though :idontknow:
When you're tired, you're tired. Go back to bed and you'll feel much better in the morning. :thumbup:
I've seen this site in my travels on the Internets before, and always assumed it was one of those corny self-help sites trying to sell you something while claiming to contain expert information. I read a great deal of it and an pleasantly surprised! It's fantastic!

The author offers a PDF of the site for sale, but it's all the same information you can get on the site anyway, and you can determine the price up until the 15th of this month. He said he's charging at least something for it because it took a while to put together and there are some small costs associated with running the site. I'm not going to buy the PDF because the information's all there anyway.

It actually looks useful despite its bland name. It's very realistic and I think I'm going to start giving the strategies a try.

Succeed | A Free Guide On How To Improve Social Skills For Adults


Well-known member
Because the effects of my antidepressants seem to be wearing down. Like they no longer have an affect on my brain the way they used tolerance to a drug.
I don't know how much longer I can cope with the depression.

I have had this too, and I was prescribed a new anti depressant, it isn't uncommon for a drug to become ineffective after a while. :thumbup:


Well-known member
Because the effects of my antidepressants seem to be wearing down. Like they no longer have an affect on my brain the way they used tolerance to a drug.
I don't know how much longer I can cope with the depression.
Can you go on some others? Or take a higher dosage of the ones you're on now? I'm sorry your depression is returning. I hope you find a solution. Big, Shellharbour hugs coming your way.
I have had this too, and I was prescribed a new anti depressant, it isn't uncommon for a drug to become ineffective after a while. :thumbup:
Can you go on some others? Or take a higher dosage of the ones you're on now? I'm sorry your depression is returning. I hope you find a solution. Big, Shellharbour hugs coming your way.

I will look into trying another then, thanks.

Thank you for the hugs Mikey.


Well-known member
I will look into trying another then, thanks.

Thank you for the hugs Mikey.
Is there anything specific that's causing this depression or is it just a matter of the anti-depressants losing their power?

Hugs are available any time, BlueDays. And they're free! Order now and receive a bonus compliment.


not actually Fiona Apple
Really? Maybe you should. It's a calling. Straight from Jesus. :)

Noooooooo, as much as it would excite my mom to hear, I am not going to become a priest, that window has passed long ago.

When you're tired, you're tired. Go back to bed and you'll feel much better in the morning. :thumbup:

I did the same thing on Saturday though! Well, except I woke up at 11 on that day and went back to bed at 1, and slept until work at 5. I should be doing things with my day, not sleeping them away.


not actually Fiona Apple
Have you pinpointed why you're so tired?

No, I can tell you it's definitely not from lack of sleep though. During one of my naps I had a dream of there being like 20 cartons of ice cream outside my door and me bring them in to keep in my freezer, and just as I was about to engulf one of them I woke. Maybe it has something to do with that :thinking:
Noooooooo, as much as it would excite my mom to hear, I am not going to become a priest, that window has passed long ago.

I avoided becoming that. Just said I had no interest. Now I am glad I did. The supposed house of God controlled by corrupt people, geez sounds like anywhere else. Why waste the time?


Well-known member
No, I can tell you it's definitely not from lack of sleep though. During one of my naps I had a dream of there being like 20 cartons of ice cream outside my door and me bring them in to keep in my freezer, and just as I was about to engulf one of them I woke. Maybe it has something to do with that :thinking:
It's a possibility if the dreams are making you restless. Still, nothing wrong with naps. :)
Why do you say that? You have been doing very well lately. What's changed?

New job, so work stress mostly. Dealing with people. I keep trying to remain positive and look at it as a chance to keep working on my social skills. I've gone for coffee with two coworkers, I'm hoping I can get to know some better and maybe make some good friends.


Well-known member
New job, so work stress mostly. Dealing with people. I keep trying to remain positive and look at it as a chance to keep working on my social skills. I've gone for coffee with two coworkers, I'm hoping I can get to know some better and maybe make some good friends.
That all sounds like good things to me. :idontknow: Keep it up. :)


not actually Fiona Apple
Yesterday at work, someone who recently started working there asked if I ever talked (to others, thinking I was out of earshot) after I walked by and didn't respond with words to what someone said.

Some people actually think I'm mute :giggle: