Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Here's what you do:

1. Ask to borrow his favourite anything (pen, book, video game, laser pointer, sex toy, etc.).
2. Send it to me through the mail.
3. He will ask where it is. Tell him it's in Australia at my address so he'll have to come get it.
4. When he knocks on my door, jet-lagged and annoyed, I will slap him on the cheek and tell him to return items to their rightful spot to avoid such a trip again!
5. I give him the item wrapped in a box with very strong string so he can't open it until he's back home.
6. The box is empty and I've kept his sex toy as a surprise twist to the adventure.
7. I'll be right back.

Brilliant idea Mikey. :giggle::thumbup:
Here's what you do:

1. Ask to borrow his favourite anything (pen, book, video game, laser pointer, sex toy, etc.).
2. Send it to me through the mail.
3. He will ask where it is. Tell him it's in Australia at my address so he'll have to come get it.
4. When he knocks on my door, jet-lagged and annoyed, I will slap him on the cheek and tell him to return items to their rightful spot to avoid such a trip again!
5. I give him the item wrapped in a box with very strong string so he can't open it until he's back home.
6. The box is empty and I've kept his sex toy as a surprise twist to the adventure.
7. I'll be right back.

I was more thinking along the lines of a portable SAW device and sending the key to Australia. Makes flight delays a whole new level of frustrating. ;3


Well-known member
I want to start a blog but I am not sure if i can really write and more importantly write consistently..arhh need some place to rant and for that this place is nice.


It´s weird - you have to feel good in order to be liked, you have to be happy in order to be succesful, etc.


Well-known member
I had a really disturbing dream last night of a random girl jumping off a cliff and killing herself. I wonder if that means anything? Or if it means I need to lay off the chocolate before bed?

Today might be a movie and sloth day. It's a public holiday in Australia so there's probably not much to do.
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Well-known member
Started the day pretty slowly, only started getting things done around 4pm. Spent a lot of the night trying to start studying a subject that I find confusing to study (the materials provided are confusing, the recommended book doesn't follow the same order and has some extra stuff and some other stuff lacking) but always ended up avoiding it. Then I read the part of the book that covered the material for the first test (which I skipped, but had studied a bit for it so I didn't have to waste much time searching the stuff in the book). After that I started doing the first tests of previous years instead of doing the exercises we did in class because that was a huge mess. Already finished all of them and I'm feeling much better about this subject now.


Well-known member
How come people online and dating sites dont like when people start a conversation with something like "Hi,how are you doing?",its suposed to build up from that.
Can you imagine if someone came up to you in real life all like"hi,you like tennis I do too,I like to go cycling too,we should go together sometime,where did you take this picture?how long have you been in japan?
It's too much and too soon.


Well-known member
How come people online and dating sites dont like when people start a conversation with something like "Hi,how are you doing?",its suposed to build up from that.
Can you imagine if someone came up to you in real life all like"hi,you like tennis I do too,I like to go cycling too,we should go together sometime,where did you take this picture?how long have you been in japan?
It's too much and too soon.

lol yeah it will seem awkward.
what i think is that people dont want someone to say, 'hi, how are you?' and leave it at that and not carry the conversation further.
Or like if someone has given a full bio of one and expects someone to say something related to their interest..(note: i dunno about dating sites lol)


Well-known member
I fell asleep for 8 hours yesterday, exhausted. Woke up at 2:00am, then couldn't sleep. Then fell asleep again at 6:00am, and now I am late as usual, and didn't get out for my run.
I chuckled endlessly when I took this shot this afternoon.


''No, mom. I swear, they're not toys. They're not for playing..'' I lied, wearing my best poker face.


not actually Fiona Apple
Only priests say that. :)

And weekend Dishwashers apparently ::p: Funnily, at one point of my life I was contemplating becoming a priest, maybe I have always been destined to look forward to Monday's.

Today I've spent almost the entire day sleeping, I woke up at 10:00 and have been in bed since 3 getting up every once and a while to check things, then deciding I'm to tired and going back. I may head back again. At this point it almost seems logical to just go to bed for the night, but one would think that by this point I'm not tired anymore. I still am though :idontknow: