Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

The first place that comes to mind is the Biltmore estate. The house is truly magnificent, and the gardens should be spectacular this time of year. It's kind of pricey, though.

There's also the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Folk Art Center, Smith-McDowell House, Chimney Rock, and a lot of other historical/artsy/naturey/touristy-type places. It all depends on what you like to do.

I don't get out much, except to buy groceries and hit the thrift shops once in a while, but with a bit more information about your plans and interests, I might be able to make a few more recommendations. Feel free to PM me if you wish. :)

Awesome. Thank you! We hit the Biltmore and Blue Ridge Parkway last time I was there. I really want to check out this art center. :thumbup:
Why do I feel bad about not having anyone to talk to, if nothing anyone could say would make me feel better anyway.
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Why do I feel bad about not having anyone to talk to, if nothing anyone could say would make me feel better anyway.

Yep, I know what you mean. I wish I could learn how to be a good hermit and being content that way. I have no other choice anyway :sad:


Well-known member
i just realized that my posts about how things were when i was young must sound like my parents' or grandparents' stories i heard about when they first got a television, telephone, automobile, electricity, running water, shoes, etc....

when kids the same age as they were are now demanding that their parents buy them a new iPhone because, "everyone else has one"

at this rate, what will life be like 100 years from now?


Well-known member
Thanks Miss Phoenixx and Opaline for your nice words =)
^ You're welcome. :)

Procrastinatin', eh? Aye, am the same lately. So much tae do, yet ah cannae be bothered. :giggle:
^ Yeah procrastinating is one of my talents. I did finally get around to cleaning my room though, so I guess I'm not the best procrastinator out there. ;)

I got to talking to a friend tonight, she sent me a text since today was originally the day we were supposed to hang out, but ended up being with her boyfriend instead since it was his graduation day. I was okay with that, but lately she had been brushing me and another friend off just to hang out with her new bf -- and that's what was pissing me off for a while. She sends me on such an emotional rollercoaster... or maybe it's really all me. When I feel I should be mad at her, she somehow works her way into my better side and she's so easy to forgive (and I'm not usually that forgiving of a person). I have to admit though, I get into such jealous rages. Obviously when it occurs, I feel I have the right to feel the way I do. Which in a way I do, I shouldn't feel ashamed of being jealous, it's a natural human emotion. My problem though is that it consumes me so much, I hate it and I really don't know what I can do to brush it off. After pondering, I do realize that a lot of my jealousy/envy stems from fear. The fear of losing the people around me. I have lost so many friends already, the only two I have left I feel a great need to hang on to. I'm not even clingy to them, I'm still my independent self who likes my space, but as soon as I see or hear of them hanging out with other people or going out I get so insanely jealous it's kind of stupid and turns me into this terrible person. I really don't know what to do about it.

This turned into a wall of text, my bad. To conclude: I love her to death, she's still like the younger sister I've never had (who is also 10 times a better person than I'll ever be) and I can never stay mad at her. I'm over my stupid jealous fit/grudge I had for over a week. And I'm glad she still texts me once in a while because that at least tells me she still cares, even if I don't see her face all that often.


Well-known member
I need new/better friends.
I don't need "the perfect friend"
I just need somebody who's worth a ****.
That's not what I have at the moment...