Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


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My father, in an attempt to help me, caught me in the street when I was going back home from the cafeteria and introduced me to some chick that (apparently) lives in the area. I think the person had a degree of SA or something suspicious, the way she acted was kind of... awkward. And she mentioned not having friends, not "fitting in".

Of course, that was not the problem. The problem is the way my father treats me. He introduces me to random people because he thinks I will make friends that way. You know when parents introduce their little kids to other kids and are like "Lookie, you have a new friend 8D" ? Kind of like that.

He introduced me like this: "Oh, yeah, this is my daughter and she's socially awkward, has no friends, is in the computer all day and doesn't leave the house. I'm sure you will get along". Then, without my consent, proceeded to give her my phone number to call me if she wanted to hang out. And he had the nerve to even invite her to the cafeteria with me and my mother (cafe time is something my mom and I do, just the two of us, to distract ourselves and spend some time together). He made ALL the decisions for me.

Now, I know some of you won't approve of this, and I admit it's not the right way to act, but I got really ticked off and told him that I don't want him to introduce me to random people like that, without any consent, without even asking me. I'm close to my 30's, I don't need daddy to bring me "friends" to play at my house. I asked him to kindly stop invading MY personal space and nagged for giving away my number. Then I stormed off.

I know his intentions are good, though. I'm not angry at that. I'm angry at the fact that he thinks I'm retarded or something. Or maybe, in his mind, I'm still a helpless child to him. I will never know.


Well-known member
^ That was not okay by your dad. I see what he's trying to do, but to randomly give out your number is not the best way to do it.


Well-known member
So...we're just going to talk about you the whole time? No, it's okay, I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking.

^ This is happening far too often. A conversation is supposed to go both ways. It would be very nice if people decided to ask about me, and not have it immediately about them, and all about them, for the whole conversation. It makes me feel like I'm being used and I'm uninteresting/unimportant.


Well-known member
Just took a look at my calendar to see which days of the week I usually study and in which I procrastinate.

First of all I notice that I usually have long series of days in which I study, followed by long series of days in which I don't. The day I worked less this semester so far was Saturday (only 3 out of 13), followed by Friday (5) and Thursday (6). The other days were 8 or 9 out of 13.

Do you guys think I should focus on studying just on these 4 days (Sunday to Wednesday) and rest the other 3, without worrying about not getting any studying done in those days? What I mean is, instead of planning my study for the whole week and only get half of it done, I would plan it for those 4 days (and increase the daily load) and leave the other days out of it.


Well-known member
My father, in an attempt to help me, caught me in the street when I was going back home from the cafeteria and introduced me to some chick that (apparently) lives in the area. I think the person had a degree of SA or something suspicious, the way she acted was kind of... awkward. And she mentioned not having friends, not "fitting in".

Of course, that was not the problem. The problem is the way my father treats me. He introduces me to random people because he thinks I will make friends that way. You know when parents introduce their little kids to other kids and are like "Lookie, you have a new friend 8D" ? Kind of like that.

He introduced me like this: "Oh, yeah, this is my daughter and she's socially awkward, has no friends, is in the computer all day and doesn't leave the house. I'm sure you will get along". Then, without my consent, proceeded to give her my phone number to call me if she wanted to hang out. And he had the nerve to even invite her to the cafeteria with me and my mother (cafe time is something my mom and I do, just the two of us, to distract ourselves and spend some time together). He made ALL the decisions for me.

Now, I know some of you won't approve of this, and I admit it's not the right way to act, but I got really ticked off and told him that I don't want him to introduce me to random people like that, without any consent, without even asking me. I'm close to my 30's, I don't need daddy to bring me "friends" to play at my house. I asked him to kindly stop invading MY personal space and nagged for giving away my number. Then I stormed off.

I know his intentions are good, though. I'm not angry at that. I'm angry at the fact that he thinks I'm retarded or something. Or maybe, in his mind, I'm still a helpless child to him. I will never know.
^ Ugh, what an awkward situation to be in. I understand your dad probably just really wants to help you, but he also needs to understand that you're definitely not a child anymore. I feel like you reacted fine, even if you did tell him off. I honestly would've done the same if I were in your shoes. That being said, I wonder how that girl felt. She probably didn't appreciate being introduced randomly and pressured like that either!


Super Moderator
^ Ugh, what an awkward situation to be in. I understand your dad probably just really wants to help you, but he also needs to understand that you're definitely not a child anymore. I feel like you reacted fine, even if you did tell him off. I honestly would've done the same if I were in your shoes. That being said, I wonder how that girl felt. She probably didn't appreciate being introduced randomly and pressured like that either!

I think she felt uncomfortable. She was awfully quiet.


Well-known member
Yesterday, I had one of the most awkward (and scariest) moments of my life: I saw my brother naked! So here's how it went down:

I was getting ready to go visit the dentist. I grabbed some clothes and was planning to change in the bathroom. From underneath the door, I could see the bathroom was dark without any lights on. So without further thinking, I turned the knob and open the door. Door was unlocked. Then I turned on the lights and there he was sitting on the toilet naked! For a moment I was shocked and in utter disbelief. I screamed. Seeing what had happened, my brother immediately ran towards the door and slammed it shut. I was ran away from the bathroom and hoped to God that he won't kill me for it.

I got dressed fast and went to the garage. But I suddenly forgot something so I went back inside the house and encountered my brother who has also gotten out of the bathroom! He looked at me very angrily and forced me to have a little private conversation. He told me to never use that bathroom again and if he caught me using it, he might just stab my stomach. I was in a hurry so didn't have time to argue with him. I said ok.

I told my mom what he just threatened me with but she didn't seem to care. When I got back home, I had to apologize to him, and he did the forgiving. He made it seem like it was all my fault. While he was in the bathroom, why didn't he turn on the lights, and why in the world was the bathroom door unlocked? He made it look like there was nobody in there. Plus when I walked past his room, I heard some noises so I thought he was in his room but in reality, he wasn't.

On our way to the dentist, my mom said some mean things about me and my brother. She called us losers for “losing” to the more extroverted kids. I told her putting people down isn't the way to motivate them. She doesn't care. She kept on saying that other kids who are more social are better than us. I had to tune her out and tried to change the convo.


Well-known member
I got my hairs cut off today. Actually I just got 4 inches cut off. I was going to go shorter, but I was afraid of what my hair would do -- whether or not it would curl more. (Lately I haven't had curly hair at all. Only wavy. It's strange.) It feels good having it shorter. I didn't dye it this time around either, I've been thinking of going back to my natural blonde hair. I'm going to let it get some sun the entire summer, see how that goes.

On another note, I'm loving the skinny jeans I got the other day. They're so comfy!


Well-known member
Yesterday we got a letter from the toll road authority fining us roughly $33 for going on the EZ-tag lane without presenting an EZ tag. My mom fessed up to going on the EZ tag lane several times, but she wants me to call the toll authorities to see if I can get her fines waived. wth. They already waived our fines from last year because I told them it was the first time my mom ever got on an EZ tag lane. Now she wants me to present another excuse to the toll authorities. She wants me to tell them that she saw another person did it, so why can't she do it? No way am I gonna do this. I would only end up embarrassing myself. I told my mom to either pay the fines or buy an EZ tag for God's sake.
I hate having flat feet. I hate the way they look but I especially hate the way they feel - my feet get tired so easily :(

High arches can cause a lot of problems, too, but at least they look nicer :p Of course normal arches would be nice, but if I just HAD to have effed up feet, I'd choose high arches over low arches.


Well-known member
I got my hairs cut off today. Actually I just got 4 inches cut off. I was going to go shorter, but I was afraid of what my hair would do -- whether or not it would curl more. (Lately I haven't had curly hair at all. Only wavy. It's strange.) It feels good having it shorter. I didn't dye it this time around either, I've been thinking of going back to my natural blonde hair. I'm going to let it get some sun the entire summer, see how that goes.

On another note, I'm loving the skinny jeans I got the other day. They're so comfy!

That's great! :)


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I hate having flat feet. I hate the way they look but I especially hate the way they feel - my feet get tired so easily :(

High arches can cause a lot of problems, too, but at least they look nicer :p Of course normal arches would be nice, but if I just HAD to have effed up feet, I'd choose high arches over low arches.

You're only about 4 million years behind the rest of us. But can you grasp branches using your big toe?


Well-known member
I've been alright, been busy with my finals which are almost over. So I'm finally hoping to get some rest.
How are you? Its been a long time. :)
^ Yeah it has been a while. :) I've been really good actually. School and life in general kept me really busy, hence the hiatus.

Good luck with your finals! I just finished mine last week and now have a couple weeks off from school (I'm taking a summer semester). I've been looking forward to this all semester, heh. Your rest will come soon enough, you've earned it!


Well-known member
^ Yeah it has been a while. :) I've been really good actually. School and life in general kept me really busy, hence the hiatus.

Good luck with your finals! I just finished mine last week and now have a couple weeks off from school (I'm taking a summer semester). I've been looking forward to this all semester, heh. Your rest will come soon enough, you've earned it!
Thank you, I hope you have a great time in your vacations.
New discovery changes perceptions of human evolution – The Maneater

You're only about 4 million years behind the rest of us. But can you grasp branches using your big toe?


I wish I just had normal feet...

As if I don't have enough medical issues. Migraines, thyroid problem, TMJ, flat feet, seasonal allergies (do those count? haha. They are awful). Anything else? -____-

If your feet get their arch back when you stand on your tip toes then it's not actually a medical problem. It must be true, I read it on the internet. Bull****.

Actually, it is a medical problem for me because my ankles over-pronate - they turn too far inward when I stand or walk on them, and this is because I don't have the proper arch support. As a result my whole body alignment is thrown off, even though you can't see it with the naked eye, and will likely cause a lot of problems for me over the years.

I always used to think it was just something that would cause easily fatigued (and not so pretty) feet and that would be the extent of it. There is surgery to put a stent in your foot that would create a synthetic arch support, but I can't afford it :sad: Maybe some day I can, but until then I guess I'm stuck with them. I'm afraid of developing further problems from them, though...


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
seasonal allergies (do those count? haha. They are awful). Anything else? -____-
I really think they do. I've been having terrible allergies the past 3 weeks or so. A couple nights ago I couldn't sleep at all because it felt like I was going to choke on my own snot. Sexeh! Mucinex helped a bit, in combination with benadryl. I just re-ordered my nasal spray; that will help too.

Else? Um, depression and social anxiety maybe?

I'm not being very helpful here, am I...