Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

It's nearly summer and now the skunks are comin out, which means skunk juices. One of them sprayed and I can smell it through my window which is open because it's too friggin hot.

I might puke.

Puke on the skunks, and have your revenge!

No, not really. *nudge, nudge*
I seem to get migraines in clusters (but not cluster headaches... heh). It's like a cycle. I get one, then I get another one either the next day or a few days later. Then I'll go weeks without getting any until the short-lived cycle happens again.

I wonder if it isn't really a cycle as it appears, but just all triggered by allergies. They seem to come around when the pollen count is particularly high. Hasn't it been high all this season though? I just don't know, but these migraines don't seem to go away after I sleep. They often linger for half a day more, sometimes a whole day, and sometimes they go away and then another migraine attacks. *sigh*


Well-known member
Now that I was almost done with my root canal, another tooth started hurting a lot. I hope I don't have to do another root canal, this tooth is more in the back and I can't see myself opening my mouth enough to get those rasps in my tooth.


Well-known member
I have this particular song stuck in my head (no, not the one I just posted in the Music In Your Head thread; this is another I've had stuck in my head) and for the life of me I cannot think of what the heck it is. I can't even remember the lyrics, just the beat, and it's so catchy and I just listened to it the other day and I can't think of what it's called. It's going to drive me insane, I knew I should've downloaded it or written it down or something.


Well-known member
I feel conflicted. My mom wants me to buy her a hard drive but I don't want to because it will only fuel her paranoia. Plus sitting on the couch all day watching the security video feed isn't exactly healthy. But if I don't do it, she'll think I don't support her so she might not support me in my endeavors. It's a mutual relationship.

I was hoping to feign incompetence, like telling my brother to do this instead but he told me it's very easy choosing and picking a hard drive. I wonder if I can use a USB instead because USB stores more info and is less expensive.


not actually Fiona Apple
I'm such a goddamn loser...

Oo, then that may make you eligible to join the club! that I am in I'm afraid they wouldn't let you in for being too awesome though, we have a very strict *no awesome people, no winners, no making progress and no thinking on the bright side* policy.

We wallow every tuesday at 4 am, being late is unacceptable as it would make us think you had someone where else to be, which of course goes against our entire philosophy.

We also have cookies! Lot's and lot's of cookies :sad:...:crying:

I have this particular song stuck in my head (no, not the one I just posted in the Music In Your Head thread; this is another I've had stuck in my head) and for the life of me I cannot think of what the heck it is. I can't even remember the lyrics, just the beat, and it's so catchy and I just listened to it the other day and I can't think of what it's called. It's going to drive me insane, I knew I should've downloaded it or written it down or something.

ahh, I have been having that problem too. I want to say about 2 months ago, this song that I feel like I heard a long time ago, like 2001-ish pops into my head, and I feel like I can remember the lyrics but I can't exactly. I try to type in the lyrics I sort of know (which are like, "dun dun dun because I know that you love me when you something call me baby...something). I even tried humming the melody into one of those online things, not a thing came up. I don't know the singer (obviously) but I would describe his voice as a "cool, suave black guy" which also I assume would not be helpful on google. Maybe I'm just making the song up :kickingmyself:


Super Moderator
People only care that I exist only when they're single. Assuming they care at all.

I sometimes want to be like this too. It makes you look like a jerk, but at least you don't suffer a lot.


Well-known member
People only care that I exist only when they're single. Assuming they care at all.

I sometimes want to be like this too. It makes you look like a jerk, but at least you don't suffer a lot.

I'm sorry, Hellhound. :( In my experience - people only care as long as they need you, be that because they're lonely, or bored, or that you have a specific skill that can help them... So you're not alone in being "forgotten" about by people.

I want to know here all the people who continue to care are... I personally could never treat people the way you and I have seemingly both been treated.
People only care that I exist only when they're single. Assuming they care at all.

I sometimes want to be like this too. It makes you look like a jerk, but at least you don't suffer a lot.

I'm sorry, Hellhound. :( In my experience - people only care as long as they need you, be that because they're lonely, or bored, or that you have a specific skill that can help them... So you're not alone in being "forgotten" about by people.

I want to know here all the people who continue to care are... I personally could never treat people the way you and I have seemingly both been treated.

Yeah, those type of 'friends' are the worst.

Especially when they break up they and start to come back to you again. And then to add insult to injury, when you've picked up all the pieces over the course of months and finally got them back on their feet they jump into another relationship and ignore you again.

Too many times.. Too many times.


i currently need help not worrying about being a bad person. i have that worry constantly, and i don't know how to stop. any suggestions?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
i currently need help not worrying about being a bad person. i have that worry constantly, and i don't know how to stop. any suggestions?

Why do you think yer bad person, mary? I know, I struggle with this thought as well. So yer not alone... Though, I think the fact I'm honest and outspoken makes me a bad person. Since I'm very much tell-it-like-it-is.

Any suggestions? Ummm, stop thinkin' yer a bad person, because yer not. Try and not put yerself down, or be so hard on yerself. I know, that's difficult since we're all usually our own worst critic.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Why is it, if am asked tae do something ah do - no question asked because I "have to". It's no like ye give me much o' a choice, is it? Yet I ask for something to be done for me, even askin' nicely. Nah! That's just too much tae ask, innit? But then, am treated like ah don't exist when tryin' to open up about ma depression, so ah dinnae bother. That's family for ye...

Mind you, f**k knows why?! Keepin' yer problems to yerself doesnae exactly help make things better, does it? But then men don't really talk about their problems, how they're feelin' and all that, do they? :no: F**kin man-up, stiff upper lip, boys don't cry, etc...

Surely, if there's something wrong ye seek help? No, men... Naw! We'd rather wait til cancer or whatever f**kin' tumour is visible tae the naked eye afore seekin' help! Probably... Sorry. That's a generalisation, ah know! Am just wonder why it's harder for men to open up about strugglin' with depression? As am huvin' difficulty findin' someone ah can confide in about it, myself. :sad: Aaarrggh! So f**kin' frustratin'!


Well-known member
Ended up going to the dentist sooner than expected because the pain in my tooth wasn't being reduced by the pills anymore.

She found a pretty small cavity (on the outside) but it was much bigger inside. She took care of it. The area still hurt after the procedure but I think it was because that area was still pretty sensitive.

Halfway through (we spent a lot of time talking since she is my cousin) my dad gave me some muscle relaxing pill. Because of that, when I got home I was incredibly sleepy and I ended up falling asleep after barely being able to eat lunch. I set my alarm to ring every 5 minutes because I wanted to go to the gym but I was really sleepy (not only from the pill but also for not sleeping much in the past days). Then I realised I wouldn't be going to the gym because I was still very sleepy, so I ended up setting the alarm like 30 minutes from that moment. Woke up with a terrible pain not only in that tooth but the area around it, including the teeth below and half of the roof of my mouth. I took some aspirins but I still had to go through that horrible pain for 50 minutes until it started taking effect. At least it actually took effect, since the last time I took the aspirins (before going to uni this morning) it didn't really take effect.

I don't understand why my teeth give me all sorts of problems, I'll probably have them all removed before I turn 30.
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Well-known member
ahh, I have been having that problem too. I want to say about 2 months ago, this song that I feel like I heard a long time ago, like 2001-ish pops into my head, and I feel like I can remember the lyrics but I can't exactly. I try to type in the lyrics I sort of know (which are like, "dun dun dun because I know that you love me when you something call me baby...something). I even tried humming the melody into one of those online things, not a thing came up. I don't know the singer (obviously) but I would describe his voice as a "cool, suave black guy" which also I assume would not be helpful on google. Maybe I'm just making the song up :kickingmyself:
^ Yeah, I was doing that for about an hour last night, haha. Also going through the two indie stations I've been listening to lately on Spotify and Songza. And you know what? I did find out the song. Where at? Turns out I had posted it the day before here in the Music In Your Head thread. There was this part of the song I didn't know was part of the song that was stuck in my head. I thought it was from another song, and... uh... yeah. Duh me. :eek:h:

...And damn if that isn't uncanny! Just as I'm typing this the song comes up on Spotify. Ha! This is weird...


Well-known member
Not long ago, I was sitting around trying to remember how I became friends with all my old friends from when I was younger.

Then I realized I didn't do anything. I didn't put hardly any effort into making friends back then. They all sort of just flocked to me. I guess being a quiet freak/outcast can be alluring for the younger folks.

Not so in the real working "adult" world. People are more exclusive, it seems, and I don't have it in me to make the effort. I want it to be like the good ol' days where people just flocked to me. Of course, I need to go places for that to happen... but everyone else is with a friend wherever I go.