Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


not actually Fiona Apple
^ Yeah, I was doing that for about an hour last night, haha. Also going through the two indie stations I've been listening to lately on Spotify and Songza. And you know what? I did find out the song. Where at? Turns out I had posted it the day before here in the Music In Your Head thread. There was this part of the song I didn't know was part of the song that was stuck in my head. I thought it was from another song, and... uh... yeah. Duh me. :eek:h:

...And damn if that isn't uncanny! Just as I'm typing this the song comes up on Spotify. Ha! This is weird...

^I found my song too, you must be my good luck charm! I decided to try typing the lyrics into google, and the first song that came up was it. I think I had seen the song before, but the artist's name and song title didn't seem right. Also the "suave, black guy" I was thinking of didn't sing any of the popular versions, he sang a cover version on American Idol back on season two (or, 2001-ish). I actually looked at the "love songs" album for that season, and skipped over the song because I just "knew" it was wrong. Ahh! :kickingmyself: At least I know it know, but :eek:h::eek:mg:


Super Moderator
Can somebody explain me why someone would rate The Trial by Pink Floyd with a 3/10 because "Paramore is better" ?

My brain can not grasp this. Help me.


Well-known member
During the week I've been waking up in the middle of the night (like now for example) and can't sleep for one hour. I thought this could be a bad thing but according to some websites it's actually a good thing. I guess I'll start using this hour to do something more productive like studying or just reading. I'll have to start going to bed earlier though.


Well-known member
I really hate when I'm having a good day and my SA isn't getting the best of me but people treat me like I'm weird anyway. This just causes me to focus on my SA all over again.


Well-known member
I lost a pretty good chance to talk to the girl I fancy today. I could've gone to the stand she was at inside the university and ask what that was about, but instead I went home.

At least I found her facebook, not that I would add since it was pretty complicated to find her.


Well-known member
I feel I´m not ok. I´m procrastinating too much work and the levels of anxiety are increasing. The less I do the less I want to do. It´s difficult to start having things up to date but I must do it tomorrow (I´m postponing again).


Well-known member
I feel I´m not ok. I´m procrastinating too much work and the levels of anxiety are increasing. The less I do the less I want to do. It´s difficult to start having things up to date but I must do it tomorrow (I´m postponing again).

Sounds just like me. Although I'm feeling fine for now since my terrible toothache is gone so I'm not too concerned about procrastinating, as I'm enjoying these pain free moments.

You know what, I'm going to start working on it right now while it's still sunny outside. Last time I couldn't get myself to do something I slapped myself in the face and it worked, I guess you could give that a shot.


Well-known member
Sounds just like me. Although I'm feeling fine for now since my terrible toothache is gone so I'm not too concerned about procrastinating, as I'm enjoying these pain free moments.

You know what, I'm going to start working on it right now while it's still sunny outside. Last time I couldn't get myself to do something I slapped myself in the face and it worked, I guess you could give that a shot.

Thanks for the advice. I really need to stop doing this to myself. My conscience is heavy and despite doing nothing I can´t rest.


Well-known member
Thanks for the advice. I really need to stop doing this to myself. My conscience is heavy and despite doing nothing I can´t rest.

Well it's not much of an advice but sometimes a slap is enough to make your mind stop dramatising everything and calm down for a second.


Well-known member
My mother was right about me. I'm just like my father. I've tried hard to not be like him, but I'm just as controlling and pig-headed as he and his father before him. I don't know what to do. I just know I want to change. My father seems to be doing better with it. Maybe I can, too.