Post some random information about yourself





we were trying to get a pic of the stick flexing but we just couldnt time it lol


Well-known member
I've only been to the hospital once for getting stabbed by my bike handle
Sometimes I wish I could live in the shower
I really wish I had some Shrimp Fetticine Alfredo wtih Garlic Bread
I have a hat and shoe collection but oddly enough rarely wear hats and I like wearing the same shoes til they are ruined unless I'm going out to impress somebody I'll throw on some new ones.


Well-known member
I don't realise how emotionally strong i can be until i'm put in a situation where i have to be and then i really surprise myself by staying strong and not breaking down.

I like mayonaise mixed in with my baked beans.


Well-known member
I've just realized that if a female has a male avatar, I can talk to her with little anxiety lol. But if she has her own picture, or something girly/feminine, I get scared to death lol. Odd.

The same way, if a male has a female on his avatar, I get scared to talk to him lol.


Well-known member
I really like coleslaw but I don't like having mayonnaise or eating raw cabbage and carrot.


Well-known member
It's my dream to one day own a black 1957 Chevy Bel-Air.

Wow, my dad had that exact car when I was a teenager. I used to get soooo embarrassed when he'd pick me up from school in it. It had white seats, a metal dashboard, and no seatbelts. He sold it for $15,000 and it was mint condition.


Well-known member
I'm afraid to be home alone at night.

I love green olives.

I hate to touch newspapers.

I hate my boyfriend's mother.

I play with rubberbands alot. I mean wrap and unwrap them around my finger.

I love old TV shows.