I've been obsessed with getting wrinkles ever since I took a picture of my eye & posted it here. I didn't think I had any wrinkles & everyone always tells me that I look a lot younger than I am, but when I looked closer at that picture, I realized that I had a wrinkle underneath my eye. It's been really disturbing me ever since. As soon as I have the money I'm going to try to buy some of that wrinkle reducer cream just so I don't get wrinkles, or more of them at least. I'm not sure how old people are supposed to start getting wrinkles, but in a way I think I'm sort-of prematurely aging. Unless people my age (28) are supposed to start getting wrinkles now. Ever since I saw that wrinkle, I've been thinking about those anti-aging commercials & hearing the "fine lines & wrinkles" line in my head all the time lol.