Post some random information about yourself


Well-known member
I can't stand texture changes in foods... like chocolate chip cookies *shudders* It's gotta be like sugar cookies.. nothing in, on, or around them... and Ice cream.. Rocky Road is a nightmare. Plain Vanilla thank you very much... What's soft and chewy needs to stay that way... it shouldn't be soft and chewy and crunchy and whatever all at the same time... it's disgusting...


Well-known member
I'm like the crazy cat lady...but with fish. I have 3 fish tanks in my bedroom and I'm sure I'll get many many more in time. :p
I like to pretend I'm famous and walk around as if I had imaginary papparazzi following me..guess it helps me feel less like a loser lol
Two summers ago, on a whim, I thought it would be a good idea to get a mullet. And, of course, the obvious next step would be to dye it purple.

I only did it just so I could say that I once had a purple mullet.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I'm like the crazy cat lady...but with fish. I have 3 fish tanks in my bedroom and I'm sure I'll get many many more in time. :p
Between my roomate and I, sophomore year of college, in a tiny little dorm room: 3 10 gallons, 1 20 gallon long, 1 42 gallon hex, 1 29 gallon, and a 5' diameter baby swimming pool set up as a salt marsh environment simulation.


Well-known member
I've been obsessed with getting wrinkles ever since I took a picture of my eye & posted it here. I didn't think I had any wrinkles & everyone always tells me that I look a lot younger than I am, but when I looked closer at that picture, I realized that I had a wrinkle underneath my eye. It's been really disturbing me ever since. As soon as I have the money I'm going to try to buy some of that wrinkle reducer cream just so I don't get wrinkles, or more of them at least. I'm not sure how old people are supposed to start getting wrinkles, but in a way I think I'm sort-of prematurely aging. Unless people my age (28) are supposed to start getting wrinkles now. Ever since I saw that wrinkle, I've been thinking about those anti-aging commercials & hearing the "fine lines & wrinkles" line in my head all the time lol.


Well-known member
I've been obsessed with getting wrinkles ever since I took a picture of my eye & posted it here. I didn't think I had any wrinkles & everyone always tells me that I look a lot younger than I am, but when I looked closer at that picture, I realized that I had a wrinkle underneath my eye. It's been really disturbing me ever since. As soon as I have the money I'm going to try to buy some of that wrinkle reducer cream just so I don't get wrinkles, or more of them at least. I'm not sure how old people are supposed to start getting wrinkles, but in a way I think I'm sort-of prematurely aging. Unless people my age (28) are supposed to start getting wrinkles now. Ever since I saw that wrinkle, I've been thinking about those anti-aging commercials & hearing the "fine lines & wrinkles" line in my head all the time lol.

wrinkles are no joke...I read its a good idea to start preventing them in your early 20s before the skin starts to buy that cream! anyways its good to take care of yourself


Well-known member
I'm double jointed. I can bend my finger back far and bend them really weird. It freaks everyone out, lol.


Well-known member
i never feel satisfied!! Is it the same with everyone? I dont feel satisfied with the way i look, eat, sex or whatever!! Is everyone like that?:confused:


Well-known member
I hated high school with a passion that I couldn't even begin to express in any way that would approach even a small measure of justice. Every single day, every single minute, sometimes every single second that I counted as passed was an infinite barrage of soul draining misery that I could only endure at the barest level that would let me survive it.

And yet I had perfect attendance. I didn't miss a single day. I wasn't even late a single time in the whole 3 years. And I graduated with honors and two scholarships.