I have a weird dot that is quite literally on my right eyeball. My doctor said it's the equivalent of a freckle. Nonetheless I absolutely hate it being there. 
Damn, alot of those things are exactly me! I have flat feet, loved that ninja turtle and that mortal kombat (went to see it atthe movies when it came out) My girlfriend told me I snore which I never thought I did, I write as well (have some poems on this site), I have the worse hand writing in the world, and I sing when Im happy. Aint that some ****, lol. looks like we are twins there lol
I looked in your photo album, and you have a nice shape to yours...couldn't tell too much, I have to get up close to them but they don't look wild and unruly or anything
I go by the shape of your face. I have an oval face; I like high arches for ovals. Your face is roundish, so you need defined thicker brows. You already have a good arch...omg can you tell how obsessed I am haha this is a long reply sorry..but to yours I would just pluck around and under the brow bone, and keep them the same shape they are, really. You have good features!
Lol, no it's totally nice to have someone to help me with this stuff. I just get them waxed when I have the time and that's it, so this is good ::
No you're not, I think you're great fun! And really interesting!