Hey Janett!
I'm doing quite good, thanks. How about you?
I do remember, You seem a really nice person, I love your posts on facebook!
Btw have you created ''Safe place to say it''? I'm confused lol who-ever did make it?
It is a very good place, very original group on facebook, nice!
I posted something about ' being a high sensetive person' a lot of people could relate
How have you been and I remember you were a long member on SPW.
I never really talked to you before, only through a few posts i think.
Anyways, how's your SA, has it gotten a little better?
I'm always curious when people leave spw, if it helps to motivate yourself to ' get out of the comfort of sa zone? ' lol.
Still, SPW is such a great place hehe.
Talk to you later!