How are you feeling?

are you alone? and isolated?

Yes and no, to both. Literally, I not alone, but very much in the sense of relatablility. Many people simply don't understand what I'm trying to say to them due to awkward choice of words, or simply choose to ignore every word I say. The latter being the preferred one in my direct surroundings (offline).

And while I am in no sense isolated from the outside world 3 times a week at work, that is followed by 4 days (two separated over the week, plus the weekend) semi-confined to a tiny room with no sunlight, with a possible awkward Skype conversation as highlight of the day.

The thing is, though, that all of that didn't used to be a problem. Making me think I'm overlooking some elements.
Yes and no, to both. Literally, I not alone, but very much in the sense of relatablility. Many people simply don't understand what I'm trying to say to them due to awkward choice of words, or simply choose to ignore every word I say. The latter being the preferred one in my direct surroundings (offline).

And while I am in no sense isolated from the outside world 3 times a week at work, that is followed by 4 days (two separated over the week, plus the weekend) semi-confined to a tiny room with no sunlight, with a possible awkward Skype conversation as highlight of the day.

The thing is, though, that all of that didn't used to be a problem. Making me think I'm overlooking some elements.

On days off, get out and enjoy the day? Instead of staying in and attempting to enjoy the day?


Well-known member
Feeling useless, rejected, lonely, like a fool. Among other things. Hdhebeiqjveuribehwirbfbdkdnisbsvdujdoapqnfbdjajdjssjsibudnddnsjq


Well-known member
I came home and felt great earlier today. Now for the past 6 hours I've felt nothing but sadness and loneliness.


Well-known member
oh gad did landlord hear my really bad singing at max volume? humiliating! hahahaha quick. where is a rock to hide under?


Well-known member
That's what I like about this site :)
I wish I would have discovered it sooner.

That's true.
I get your point. I try not to think of worst case scenrio.

I don't like it when people choose who they will reply to first, and leave others waiting.
Just one of those things you have to put up with I guess. haha.

I would say she stresses me out.
She's never there for me, and she treats me like I'm stupid.
She'll never help or support me, and right now I need lots of it and I guess it's also the favouritism in my family.
My younger sister is little miss perfect and everyone loves her.

Oh dear. I could never do a Britney Spears.
I completely forgot about that.

Aww thank-you!
It makes me feel so much better you said that.

I feel better already :)

I am glad it helped and you are feeling better :)


Well-known member
I live like a hermit. This is not OK with some of my neighbours.

Sometimes I feel as if I am a failed experiment as a human being. It is hard to fight off this negative voice, when it is so often fueled by the strident negative voices in my world.

Still, I can run and this is a such a comfort.

I feel as if I am on a path of positive change, but it is a battle to change when the people I spend most of my time around (work, block of units ) have negive expectations of me.

It is through running that I can get back in the touch with person I once was, and can see potential in the person I think I can be.
nervous and a bit tensed, but i hope it will reduce a bit.
I'm at my gf's house and it's just making me a bit anxious because it's a step for me, but i just need to relax a little but still tension is a lot , just need to relax


Well-known member
I'm mad on myself because outside is wonderful weather:(
And what do I? Seat home and being in fear go out...aww i want so much do it...and i can't something hold me usually
On days off, get out and enjoy the day? Instead of staying in and attempting to enjoy the day?

Even though that does sound good in theory, I don't quite think it would make much of a difference where I am at the present moment. Not in the current weather, anyway.

Around here, there are two places I could realistically go to; down town to buy things, or to the nearby lake. The nearby lake would be the place I would've gone to in moments like this, if it weren't turned in an recreation area.

But on a more positive note, it's becoming the time of year where I could take cross town hikes again. It shouldn't take any longer then two weeks.


Pirate from the North Pole
Why people talking of going outside but not going? It's sunny and nobody cares if you look like crap because they feel the same! (if they do care they can choke)

*Going to drink coffee on the balcony*


Well-known member
I'd like to get outside today, too

but I have to work

besides, it's 18°F/-8°C and snowing :[

yay, spring!


Pirate from the North Pole
besides, it's 18°F/-8°C and snowing :[

yay, spring!

Here too LOL (but not snowing today)
But if I want to drink coffee outside nothing can stop me
Well I had to come back inside once my coffee was cold :rolleyes:
It's so insanely good to be outside - I should move in a tepee or something


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
It's so insanely good to be outside - I should move in a tepee or something

Here too LOL (but not snowing today)
But if I want to drink coffee outside nothing can stop me
Well I had to come back inside once my coffee was cold :rolleyes:
It's so insanely good to be outside - I should move in a tepee or something

Keep mind some of us want to go outside but certain tasks, routines, jobs, work keeps us from doing that.

Must keep busy.