How are you feeling?


Well-known member
bad bad bad bad bad

There were some people holding a conversation in the society I'm in, I decided to do the wrong thing and I told a little white lie to get into the conversation, one of the guys called me out on it, and I was too stunned for a reply. My fault though, never doing that again.


Well-known member
Pretty good. Had another half day of school, no homework, and now I'm just going to be lazy and sit around and play Sims 2. ::p:


Well-known member
pretty ****
had day off work so went out with mum and sister to monkey sanctuary for day was ok but I ended up having go at me mom at end of it for day being boring as was fed up being depressed n all and feel real bad now's hard not being able to feel happy/seem happy to others...despite wanting to

that and it's friday night n wana get drunk with people but lost all my friends pretty much so no-one to call
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Well-known member
I am NOT looking forward to this weekend. Working tomorrow, out in the evening and then working again the next day (will need to be up at 5am). Going to be so tired and don't even want to go out tomorrow evening to be honest as I won't be able to drink so I'll just sit there in the loud bar with awful music whilst everyone else is drunk. But its a birthday, so I have to go, and that makes me feel bad for not wanting to go. Hmmm.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I am NOT looking forward to this weekend. Working tomorrow, out in the evening and then working again the next day (will need to be up at 5am). Going to be so tired and don't even want to go out tomorrow evening to be honest as I won't be able to drink so I'll just sit there in the loud bar with awful music whilst everyone else is drunk. But its a birthday, so I have to go, and that makes me feel bad for not wanting to go. Hmmm.

You shouldn't feel bad. You're going, and that's what counts.


Well-known member
I am NOT looking forward to this weekend. Working tomorrow, out in the evening and then working again the next day (will need to be up at 5am). Going to be so tired and don't even want to go out tomorrow evening to be honest as I won't be able to drink so I'll just sit there in the loud bar with awful music whilst everyone else is drunk. But its a birthday, so I have to go, and that makes me feel bad for not wanting to go. Hmmm.

Aww twiggle fair play 2 u for sill going to the bday. Thats courage right there...

I feel like i want to party, but im trying to party less, so i think tomorrow il have to make up for it - double time !!! :cool:


Well-known member
I am not happy at all.

I hate living at home! Hate it, hate it, hate it. And I can't do anything until next year.
I feel light headed and dizzy. Maybe it's due to not eating for the last couple of days :/
My father rang this morning, and the phone call was sooo awkward!
But talking to him always is.
On the positive note, he's offered for me to stay with him. I may take up that offer.

My online friend hasn't been talking to me :/ I think I've screwed everything up.
He's the only one who talks to me.

I've also been feeling suicidal lately.

I've had these weird thoughts, about cutting all of my hair off.
I don't know where they came from, but I'm really tempted to do it.
Even though it will make me look more like a male than I already do.


It feels good to let all this out.


Well-known member
I am not happy at all.

I hate living at home! Hate it, hate it, hate it. And I can't do anything until next year.
I feel light headed and dizzy. Maybe it's due to not eating for the last couple of days :/
My father rang this morning, and the phone call was sooo awkward!
But talking to him always is.
On the positive note, he's offered for me to stay with him. I may take up that offer.

My online friend hasn't been talking to me :/ I think I've screwed everything up.
He's the only one who talks to me.

I've also been feeling suicidal lately.

I've had these weird thoughts, about cutting all of my hair off.
I don't know where they came from, but I'm really tempted to do it.
Even though it will make me look more like a male than I already do.


It feels good to let all this out.

Well if it feel good to let this all out...keep typing. I know with me sometimes i just need a place to vent as my thoughts become too much for me, and that seems like the case for you at the moment.

If something happened tonight (with the family), is everything ok now?
Please, dont cut your hair off, you will regret it in the morning and feel 10times worse.
Is there any reason your online friend insnt talking to you anymore? Did something happen? You dont know their situation, im sure if nothing happened they will talk to you again.

Im sorry you feel like s**t. Its s**t to feel Sh**y !!


Well-known member
Well if it feel good to let this all out...keep typing. I know with me sometimes i just need a place to vent as my thoughts become too much for me, and that seems like the case for you at the moment.

If something happened tonight (with the family), is everything ok now?
Please, dont cut your hair off, you will regret it in the morning and feel 10times worse.
Is there any reason your online friend insnt talking to you anymore? Did something happen? You dont know their situation, im sure if nothing happened they will talk to you again.

Im sorry you feel like s**t. Its s**t to feel Sh**y !!

Haha, thanks.
I didn't expect my post to be noticed :)
If my day keeps going this way, by tonight, a big rant may be needed for me.

Not really, I'm trying to avoid my mother as much as I can.
I haven't been talking to her for a few days.

You are probably right too about the hair thing.
I don't want to do it, but I'm sooo tempted.
I may just have to hide my scissors and leg razors for a few days to stop me.

I thought it may be because he's left home and is trying to sort things out, but I've seen him online on facebook.
I've seen new messages and posts. But he won't reply to mine :(


Well-known member
Haha, thanks.
I didn't expect my post to be noticed :)
If my day keeps going this way, by tonight, a big rant may be needed for me.

Not really, I'm trying to avoid my mother as much as I can.
I haven't been talking to her for a few days.

You are probably right too about the hair thing.
I don't want to do it, but I'm sooo tempted.
I may just have to hide my scissors and leg razors for a few days to stop me.

I thought it may be because he's left home and is trying to sort things out, but I've seen him online on facebook.
I've seen new messages and posts. But he won't reply to mine :(

On this site somebody always notices your posts, wether you get a reply or not is a different thing...! Well i noticed and i lucky for you !!!!

Personally on FB, i dont reply to people straight away, sometimes - i let them sweat!! Ah no seriously though, sometimes as well people are busy online or he could be online but not beside his computer, ya no? There could be a million and one reasons why hes not replying, so try not jump to only makes you ask questions that you dont know the answer to.....which cause us stress and worry.

I do not know your personal situation with your mother. I do not live with my mother but when she was here she was i nightmare to be livign under the same roof with. Is your mum always building to you stresses?? I know mine proberly was the causes of mine hah!! But i think its good you are avoiding her. Some stress is better of avoided, so stear clear!!!

I know there may be temptation there, to cut the hair, but honestly could you ever give into that temptation and pull a Britney Spears on us!!!???

P.S. - you have friend here, maybe virtual but still, virtual or not - still friends!! And i am not long on this site but i feel so at home!!! (if that makes any sence!)

So Smile.... :) ........Even if you feel like you cant a fake smile can make us feel better :D


Well-known member
On this site somebody always notices your posts, wether you get a reply or not is a different thing...! Well i noticed and i lucky for you !!!!

Personally on FB, i dont reply to people straight away, sometimes - i let them sweat!! Ah no seriously though, sometimes as well people are busy online or he could be online but not beside his computer, ya no? There could be a million and one reasons why hes not replying, so try not jump to only makes you ask questions that you dont know the answer to.....which cause us stress and worry.

I do not know your personal situation with your mother. I do not live with my mother but when she was here she was i nightmare to be livign under the same roof with. Is your mum always building to you stresses?? I know mine proberly was the causes of mine hah!! But i think its good you are avoiding her. Some stress is better of avoided, so stear clear!!!

I know there may be temptation there, to cut the hair, but honestly could you ever give into that temptation and pull a Britney Spears on us!!!???

P.S. - you have friend here, maybe virtual but still, virtual or not - still friends!! And i am not long on this site but i feel so at home!!! (if that makes any sence!)

So Smile.... :) ........Even if you feel like you cant a fake smile can make us feel better :D

That's what I like about this site :)
I wish I would have discovered it sooner.

That's true.
I get your point. I try not to think of worst case scenrio.

I don't like it when people choose who they will reply to first, and leave others waiting.
Just one of those things you have to put up with I guess. haha.

I would say she stresses me out.
She's never there for me, and she treats me like I'm stupid.
She'll never help or support me, and right now I need lots of it and I guess it's also the favouritism in my family.
My younger sister is little miss perfect and everyone loves her.

Oh dear. I could never do a Britney Spears.
I completely forgot about that.

Aww thank-you!
It makes me feel so much better you said that.

I feel better already :)
I feel really lonely and isolated for some reason. I've been trying to figure out why, but I haven't been able to identify the source.

I'll keep at it, see what comes up.


Well-known member
I feel really lonely and isolated for some reason. I've been trying to figure out why, but I haven't been able to identify the source.

I'll keep at it, see what comes up.


I hope soon will this feelings passing and u will feel again well. ;) Maybe u miss contact with people more as u think?