How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel soooo much better today then i did yesterday. Have to take each day and task as it comes...

Cant wait for my din dins... im starving !!!



Well-known member
I feel soooo much better today then i did yesterday. Have to take each day and task as it comes...

Cant wait for my din dins... im starving !!!


I was tellin ya u will feel better and here u go:) U see?:D Dinner hehe so simple happiness of food. Yep food can make happy that's right.


Well-known member
I was tellin ya u will feel better and here u go:) U see?:D Dinner hehe so simple happiness of food. Yep food can make happy that's right.
Ha i do see...

the bad always passes. Got to take the good with the bad and roll with it!!!

Food though...a great reward system !!!
This is so weird. Every time I have a good day at work, I feel like utter crap when I come home.

I almost lost it on the highway, forgot to fill up the gas. Snow and careless drivers to add. Then couldn't get up the ramp to get the gas.

I feel like utterly dead and drained. Yeah, and that too. Misery loves company.


Well-known member
it's not going to happen but i would like a massage, a #### #######, strawberry cake with white frosting, bad 80s tv, and sleep. in that order.


Well-known member
After a certain point of doing most activities without rest, it becomes counterproductive... You can try drinking lots of water while studying. That way, you'll have bathroom breaks now and then..

I never thought about that, thank-you.
I will try that from now on.


Well-known member
...aaaand, all went well, I worried for nothing. My biggest fear was being asked a question that I didn't understand or couldn't answer. I answered all questions really well.

I have three days off now, I'm exhausted. This whole week has been hard, but it has all gone well.

Well done Phocas, that must be a relief


Well-known member
I had two math tests today and it didn't go well. I feel like I just got punched in the face because I had done all the homework and studied and put so much of my time into this.