How are you feeling?

Absent Empty Wretched under
Devoid Listless Twisted behind
Void Forgotten Dread backward
Missing Forbidden Dark cataclysmic
Dead Thoughtless Toxic overlooked
Death Finished gone done
Disappointed, but also relieved. I've took the day off from work (called them and told them the truth about the situation). I didn't fall asleep until 5:30AM last night, and couldn't responsibly head in to work today.

After the so-maniest night of little- to no sleep, I've decided that it's time for a change. So (partially because of a piece of advice from Sial) I've decided to closely regulate my sleep pattern.

On work days, I have to be in bed by 12 o' clock (max) midnight. And 2 o' clock (max) in the weekends. With this, I hope to eliminate future exhaustion, and hope to return to my former self.


Pirate from the North Pole
Monday over - these have been very stressful, but have settled down with persistence, yay! The rest of the week should be a breeze by comparison :D

I know it has nothing to do with what you said but I just clicked on your signature - Nice pictures!! I especially like the last one.


Well-known member
Feeling like I seriously need someone to tell me to get a life! Been too much on the internet and the only effect it has had has been worsening my SA and ability to communicate with poeple in real life.
Too much internet=Big No-No
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Well-known member
i feel like my life is completely out of my control

overwhelmed by all the things I'm juggling to keep in the air

and can't seem to find solid footing anywhere


Well-known member
“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”

Hope everyones having a good day :)


Well-known member
really worried about a friend, and I don't know how to help him

he's really acting out of character

what's worse is that I apparently said or did something to offend him

and it seems like he doesn't even want to talk to me now


Pirate from the North Pole
I heard somewhere that Where you live is what affects level of happiness the most (state of mind/mental and spiritual aspects out of the picture I believe). Dear god I hope that wasn't Oprah.....

Hahahaha well Oprah or not I think it is very true... not only the apartment but also the town/city etc...
I'm working on my apartment problem right now - I think it will get better in the next days