How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Feeling tired, lazy and slightly anxious already as i have to collect my money from the post office.

So instead of sitting around doing nothing, i am going to get up out of bed, (however difficult) have a relaxing shower, get my money and buy something nice and tasty (prferably something with LOADS of sauce...mmmmm!!) for me to mill into when i come home, as a reward for this trip.

Ha i love the way food motivates me.... Now the big decision...what to get??


Well-known member
Umm well i feel agoraphobic. Like i wanna stay all the time just in the flat and feel safe about it.
One neighbor make me pissed off, coz she looked on with hate and i freak out and looked at her scared and too as i hate her(i don't hate her but fear let me look i do). But i still hold it door. I'm very nerves by this one because she was talking about me bad one's and from this time if feel very uncomfortable around her. I still hold her door if she was going in coz i me her by entrance door but i hold it very nerves and i was doing funny moves like turning with face away if i was holding. Just awkward. Now i'm scared face her again lol. But other neighbor make my day she told me i'm very nice and was acting to me nice then at least something positive on it. Well i'm now really scared go out coz this what talked about me bad and don't like me she live on the same floor door:( *sigh* How i have to act if i'm meet her:( Fear control me to much and i lose my grip:(by certain people i don't know why is like that.


Well-known member
Thank you my friend.:) Yes that does happen a lot to me too. It's just easier to find opportunities to be friendly to some niegbours than it is to others. Seems like we're both happy to be inside the safety of home today.


Well-known member
Thank you my friend.:) Yes that does happen a lot to me too. It's just easier to find opportunities to be friendly to some niegbours than it is to others. Seems like we're both happy to be inside the safety of home today.

Yes home is my castle my only one safe place:) Sad but at least exist some place where i have peace. I don't want to be home all the time outside is wonderful weather but i don't have really willing be there. Why? Simple. People:(
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Okay... my anxiety is still pretty bad but the depression is tons better. I am eating well and sleeping well too, put on so much weight recently (a good thing for me) I need new clothes!

After getting kicked out c.b.t, managed to get back into it. Though sadly I think I have met a dead end with this particular therapist.
Okay... my anxiety is still pretty bad but the depression is tons better. I am eating well and sleeping well too, put on so much weight recently (a good thing for me) I need new clothes!

After getting kicked out c.b.t, managed to get back into it. Though sadly I think I have met a dead end with this particular therapist.

glad you got to feelin' better man! :)


armpits are dripping a bit just from reading these forums. i'm not real nervous though(don't remember a day in the last 5 years it hasn't happened), dreading the thought of a phone call from my buddy cos i might actually need to go out to a bar and perform, need to go to the bank to deposit a check, but there's people there...need to get a hair cut too, but that means i'll need to engage in potential conversation with the stylist. passed by it the other day and there's some pretty cute girls working there...probably wont do that today. i'll wait for the fat chick my buddy knows. cos he'll be present so he can do all the talking

so i'm feeling pretty normal today :D


Well-known member
Worried, and anxiety has already begun because i have to go to the dreaded shopping centre now........

Aww Hottie i wish good luck, no wonder u feel anxious. I hate shopping centers because i feel so bad if i go there:( I hope u will be fine and soon feel alright if will be shopping over. Buy something delicious for u yumi.::p:


Well-known member

I hate shoppin' too! Just cause...I really dislike rude, and people in general! =/

Plus, it doesn't help I don't have cash on me! Har de har! Easy shopping buster there, eh? Hehe.


Well-known member
Like crap,just saw the story of a guy who lost his face in an acident,some people are just so unlucky.


Well-known member
Really tired, I've been fighting this sinus cold for two days now. But, on the positive side, I had anxiety only once today. :)