How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I hate Facebook/technology. Somebody sent me a message which I was really happy to receive as I haven't spoken to the person in a while. So I replied on their wall and the message I sent keeps disappearing and reappearing. I think its just a glitch but part of me is so worried that they deleted it or something, and then the SA kicks in.
I think my life would be better without computers.


HAPPY!!! :D FINALLY, just talked to my dad about seeing if our insurance covers just waiting on it....armpits are sweating, shortness of breath is kicking in, hearts beating a bit faster now, but dammit, i'm still happy-ish. this better work out so i can finally start moving forward and getting rid of this SA bologna. who knows, maybe in the future i'll be able to TALK TO A GIRL and start GETTING LAID AGAIN, been too long.


Well-known member
i can't believe it. i love my new job. i wish it was permanent!

today i tore into some guy on a conference call with a boss and coworker. i told him sht's unacceptable and heads would be rolling if i had any say. later in the day a different boss apparently heard about it and during a meeting thanked me for yelling at the guy! hahaha i was expecting them to tell me to pipe down but i got commended! then they told me i'm the most productive on my team. this is awesome!


Well-known member
Feel like crap. The reason being is me and my mother went out to rent some DVDs and on the way we past two guys coming in the opposite direction and having been judged negatively by guys I immediately started thinking they were going to think something bad about me and when I past them I felt myself physically cringe. It hurts that the treatment I get from guys has reduced me to feeling so tense and uncomfortable around men now. ::(:


Well-known member
I feel exhausted. I spent the entire day studying with no breaks. My back aches.

My life coach set up an appointment for me to get work experience with a company who does Industrial sewing. I'm really not looking forward to it, I just want to curl up in a ball and disappear right now.


Well-known member
Feeling quite good today. Had a long conversation with the girl at work I am keen on.

Found out that she is leaving today. I worry that I may never see her again . . ::(:


Well-known member
I think I'm jealous, and irritated.

How do people manage to interact so well in their first interaction with a total stranger? They then begin to trade phone numbers in the second interaction.

I wonder if I could ever do that.
I feel exhausted. I spent the entire day studying with no breaks. My back aches.

My life coach set up an appointment for me to get work experience with a company who does Industrial sewing. I'm really not looking forward to it, I just want to curl up in a ball and disappear right now.

After a certain point of doing most activities without rest, it becomes counterproductive... You can try drinking lots of water while studying. That way, you'll have bathroom breaks now and then..
Excited! Aunts wedding at the end of this year and for the 2 weeks before it me and the love of my life are going to italy, france and octoberfest in germany! Gonna be brilliant. And to top that off ive lost a stone in weight since christmas and 13 inches in total. Delighted things are starting to look up! :) oh and the weathers beautiful right now. :)


Well-known member
^ That's awesome! And that trip sounds exciting too :)

I'm feeling tired. Got up early, only to find out I have no school today since we just got a whole bunch of snow dumped on us. I want to go back to bed, but my mind doesn't want to rest.
I think I'm jealous, and irritated.

How do people manage to interact so well in their first interaction with a total stranger? They then begin to trade phone numbers in the second interaction.

I wonder if I could ever do that.

Tell me about it! I'm no good at talking to or bonding with strangers, and if i was confident enough I'd be nervous they'd think i'm too forward!


Well-known member
I feel extremely tired, I think I'd be in a fairly good mood if I wasn't so tired.
Hopefully my sleeping schedule improves so that I can be a bit happier.


Well-known member
It was a shaky step but I'm so glad I took it :) I love CBT. Its challenging me. I might still be far from cured but I wouldn't have done what I've just done without it.