How are you feeling?


Well-known member
More alone than ever. Even more than the last time I posted that.
I truly have nobody who cares about how I'm doing. I confided in my Mom that I felt like I could die and the entire family wouldn't take any notice, and all she could say was "Well, see, you're really negative." and that she doesn't like to be around me when I'm feeling bad because she only likes being around positive people. I asked her if she can even remember a moment when we did something together, and she "can't think of one at the moment but there must have been one..." So she goes to my younger sister and tells her openly that I'm feeling like "I can fall off the world and nobody would care" and could I speak to her? (Without my permission, I really didn't need that) and all my younger sister has to say is "I'm getting ready to go out and I don't have time." Well, it's been half an hour since she said that and she hasn't gone anywhere.
Aren't people allowed to be sad every so often? I'm only sad because I feel like nobody gives a **** about listening to me. Perhaps if I was a louder, more socially lovable child I could have avoided this.. family exclusion

And now... Sorry. I feel extremely negative to be posting this, and pretty "victim mentality"-like...


Well-known member
More alone than ever. Even more than the last time I posted that.
I truly have nobody who cares about how I'm doing. I confided in my Mom that I felt like I could die and the entire family wouldn't take any notice, and all she could say was "Well, see, you're really negative." and that she doesn't like to be around me when I'm feeling bad because she only likes being around positive people. I asked her if she can even remember a moment when we did something together, and she "can't think of one at the moment but there must have been one..." So she goes to my younger sister and tells her openly that I'm feeling like "I can fall off the world and nobody would care" and could I speak to her? (Without my permission, I really didn't need that) and all my younger sister has to say is "I'm getting ready to go out and I don't have time." Well, it's been half an hour since she said that and she hasn't gone anywhere.
Aren't people allowed to be sad every so often? I'm only sad because I feel like nobody gives a **** about listening to me. Perhaps if I was a louder, more socially lovable child I could have avoided this.. family exclusion

And now... Sorry. I feel extremely negative to be posting this, and pretty "victim mentality"-like...

I can really relate to that. I'm sorry you feel that way Escape.

I can't think of the words to describe how I feel, but chances are any negative feeling you can think of, I probably feel that ::(:


Like giving up, feeling so down and depressed. Everything seems so pointless right now... a constant up hill battle, only for me to fall further each time.

I wish I could be happy for the things I do have, instead of being depressed over the things I don't. But being housebound,unable to feel emotion or laugh or cry..feel joy. I feel like I am just existing. I wish I could close my eyes and not have to wake up, that does seem pleasant compared to enduring this crap.
Like giving up, feeling so down and depressed. Everything seems so pointless right now... a constant up hill battle, only for me to fall further each time.

I wish I could be happy for the things I do have, instead of being depressed over the things I don't. But being housebound,unable to feel emotion or laugh or cry..feel joy. I feel like I am just existing. I wish I could close my eyes and not have to wake up, that does seem pleasant compared to enduring this crap.

Hang in there Danny. You know its just a temporary thing bro; it'll pass and you'll be good in no time. *handshakes and pats on the back*


I feel mellow. Not bad and not super chippy. Thinking about all of those damn papers I have to file at work tomorrow. Crap...


I am dreading tomorrow because at my new job I have to learn how to operate a cash register in case they need me. I usually work in the back doing manual labor which i enjoy. I do not enjoy interacting with people, counting money, taking coupons, price checks, overrides, did i mention rude people? ;) FML

Ok, to explain my level of anxiety I have a fear of planes. I die in crashes in dreams and have never ever flown. I would rather fly 100 times than operate a cash register. Wish me luck people. I need it.


Well-known member
I am dreading tomorrow because at my new job I have to learn how to operate a cash register in case they need me. I usually work in the back doing manual labor which i enjoy. I do not enjoy interacting with people, counting money, taking coupons, price checks, overrides, did i mention rude people? ;) FML

Ok, to explain my level of anxiety I have a fear of planes. I die in crashes in dreams and have never ever flown. I would rather fly 100 times than operate a cash register. Wish me luck people. I need it.

good luck, man

i would rather work the register all day and have to interact with people than be left on my own in the back

left on my own, i am too busy procrastinating and avoiding to ever get anything done
I'm feeling conflicted.

I have this person in my life whom I feel is wishy washy. I feel this person is wishy washy because she acts one way with me and another way with others. She acts like a semi conversative loner around me, but she gets on facebook and acts like a lying, tawdry slut. I want to discuss this with her, but a part of me feels like I'm being judgmental because she's nothing like me and she should be and another part of me feels like I'm being taken for a ride and she will leave me high and dry when she finds better. See, I'm conflicted! :mad:
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Well-known member
first time on this site in ages.serious xanax withdrawal symptoms.the drug is a curse ya feel normal on it and then feel worse than ever comin off it i really feel on the verge of a seizure.long term use is a bitch : (


Well-known member
I feel alright, my anxiety seems to have less of a hard edge about it. I held a conversation with one person, and went to a group meeting and really spoke out. I've stopped drinking Pepsi Max, and I think that drink really contrbuted to the wosrsening of my anxiety.