How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Perceptive to a scary degree. You know when you notice everything there is to be noticed, things that people would never think anyone could notice or piece together? I don't mean to or know why but I just do. And some of that stuff sickens me ::(:


Well-known member
feeling btchy. good thing no one is around to push me over the edge. egh. and tired of myself in so many ways.
i'm suddenly deaf at one ear. (right ear) :S this sucks.
it's weird, cuz i'm at my grandma and she had this a few weeks ago.
what should i do?

i'm eating chewing gum now, but it doesn't change it. grrr


Well-known member
Only awake and im slightly anxious because i have to go down to the social welfare and stand in a very very long queue. I know ill be alright but id rather not go.
Right now im thinking stress of going to the gym later but i know it will do me the world of good. Plus i need to burn off the cans i drank and the big chinese i ate last night!!
i'm suddenly deaf at one ear. (right ear) :S this sucks.
it's weird, cuz i'm at my grandma and she had this a few weeks ago.
what should i do?

i'm eating chewing gum now, but it doesn't change it. grrr

If it persist, you should consider having it checked out by a doctor. It could be as simple as a cold, but when it comes to one of your main senses you might not wanna take a risk. ;3


Well-known member
Confused, disappointed, slightly angry and simultaneously indifferent towards it all. Kind of wishing I was where I was one year ago, though I know I shouldn't mope over the past.


Well-known member
best of luck with that!!!:)

As for me I'm really tired - I better get to bed.