How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm feeling a little better :)

@DespairSoul: A big hug to you! <3, I hope you feel better soon aswell :)

Saskia im glad u feel better. Im lying whole day in bed. Cuz hurts me belly. But like bonus i had atleast delicious chinese food yumi yumi i love it.::p:


Well-known member
I have rekindled my friendship with an old acquaintance and he invited me to participate in an art group he's part of. He wasn't mad at all that I disappeared for such a long time, though I felt so guilty about it. I'm glad I got one of my friends back :)!


Well-known member
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." ~Mark Twain

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
a little depressed, but really too tired to be really depressed, I really want some lego sets. Went to a store called the art of shaving today and was able to look at alot of neat things. so, sort of hopeful as well.


Well-known member
This week has been terrible! I think I'm developing severe generalized anxiety, I feel like a mess again.


Mm...although I admit it wasn't all bad... I did really well on my midterms, ran into an old friend who I haven't spoken to in ages and had a nice, long conversation, and most importantly, I've been pushing myself...even though it led to full blown anxiety attacks. I don't know... I'm still feeling anxious and too depressed to see more of the big picture. Think I'll just go to sleep now and hopefully I don't jump in front of a car tomorrow.


Well-known member
to cut my hair very short or not,this is the question.....
I got a better machine this time,but I dont think I have the head shape to pull it out,might try only one more time....


Well-known member
Actually feeling pretty good this morning. A little nervous though since I have to go to the chiropractor in about an hour.


Well-known member
my head aches, my whole head and eyes feel puffy and stuffy and I'm supposed to help write a speech for Granny!! yikes

coz isn't any better either.. sis went to buy some more chocolate.. (and other essentials) I don't want to buy any new stuff to wear, though you're supposed to look good and wear certain colors on events like this.. the lists are slowly being ticked off..