How are you feeling?


Well-known member
still very happy I went through with the surgery :)
Looking great now, except for 1 or 2 minor things that should hopefully heal in the coming weeks.

has been a VERY stresful rollercoaster ride the last 2 months since Op, but now im officialy happy =)

VERY VERY happy now :)
Saw the surgeon today and she draind abit of the fluid and explained to me my concerns. Things are physically starting to look heaps heaps better.
Seem to be improving every 6 hours (when i keep checking :p )

Advice for anyone who has just had surgery (or has some illness) - DO NOT TRY AND SELF DIAGNOSE VIA THE INTERNET :p only makes things 10000000000000000 times worse.

First time i've been smiling in a while =) yay !
Try this:

Good god, that's genius!

..and ever so slightly painful!


Well-known member
Thunderstruck that coyote can log in just as I am going to bed, be still there when I get up, be (still) still there a couple of hours later, and (still [still]) still there a couple of hours later again. The last thing he posted was approximately 12 hours after he first logged in.


Well-known member
Annoyed that I have to go to work tomorrow. I can't stand the majority of my co-workers, I'm at the point where I've had enough and am starting to hate my job which is unfortunate because I love the kids I work with ::(:


Well-known member
My manager can be such a dick when is comes to using the end of the night I just want to punch him in the face lol
I feel like crap

Went out with a group of people including a guy i used to have something with. He avoided me the whole night (as per usual) and i feel like ****. Useless, unlovable, etc etc.

Avoiding is normal in situations like that.

Do not worry, things will get better.


Well-known member
lousy.. I think there was too much buzz yesterday, and I ate too much gluten..

I feel like I need a day 'off' after such a big 'do'/social occasion/anything 'big' really...

don't know how to play some things.. hmm..


Well-known member
Not in this situation - he began to avoid me even when things were going great. Issues!

I know, things will turn out, im just very lost right now.

hmm seems that you're better off without him..??

beatles are great yup.. I'm trying to find a funny Japanese drama I haven't watched yet.. :)



Well-known member
Thunderstruck that coyote can log in just as I am going to bed, be still there when I get up, be (still) still there a couple of hours later, and (still [still]) still there a couple of hours later again. The last thing he posted was approximately 12 hours after he first logged in.

lol it seems that coyote is omnipresent.. like god kinda.. ?? /is slightly scared/

...and has 9 lives.. uses'em all online.. here.. and still does heavy duty living in RL..?? How does he manage it all??