How are you feeling?


Well-known member
breaking up hurts so much. first someone is all about you, begging you to hang out, telling you how amazing and beautiful you are, making great promises. relations ensue. then something clicks and they decide you are a disease they cannot get far enough away from.

clearly, when someone initially comes on so strong like that you don't fully trust them. i held my breath and rode the wave to see where it took me. sure enough. slowly, i opened my heart and gave it to someone who:

a. is not so respectable, never let me know the "real" them, and wasn't that serious
b. is respectable and decided me to be repugnant for some reason they did not specify.

neither feels good.

it also does not feel good when someone who was not only your lover, but best friend, drops off the face of the planet. all the things we did the past months were apparently a sham.

the mixed messages at the end... saying that we might still work it out after we have some space, thinking of me, that we should hang out, or use the word "love". way to drag it out.

then they drop off the face of the planet. i get it. they don't want me. they couldn't do a clean cut. that is fine... it just hurts.

and what makes me mad is mySELF. i still think of him. i still have these affections and desire for someone who clearly doesn't want me. that is so pathetic and makes me mad at ME.

is this normal? or obsessive? logically i know i need to move on. so obvious. and i am trying to go out and meet people. but i can't have plans every single day. i am just not that busy of a person. so sometimes i find myself... longing for him. which i HATE to admit.

yeah, people break up every day. it is not the end of the world. maybe i take relationships way too serious.

wow this got long. i have been needing to vent this so bad.


Pirate from the North Pole
is this normal? or obsessive? logically i know i need to move on. so obvious. and i am trying to go out and meet people. but i can't have plans every single day. i am just not that busy of a person. so sometimes i find myself... longing for him. which i HATE to admit.

yeah, people break up every day. it is not the end of the world. maybe i take relationships way too serious.

I would say normal unfortunately... Keeping your mind busy is the only way I think. Time heals everything


Well-known member

Baking used to make me happy and feel peaceful but these days, I just don't see the point... no matter how sweet and delicious things turn out, I can't stomach my own cooking.


Well-known member
I should really be asleep now. But I just don't feel like continuing the same old routine of sleeping and getting up and then having all the time in the world to do absolutely nothing. I need a change in my life, a purpose, something I can feel making me better. But I just know that my tolerances of all things new and unknown is low. I'll just come running back to this little hole I'm in, eventually.


Well-known member
@pacific_loner thanks... sometimes when i think i am feeling kind of "over" him my heart relapses.

right now i feel cute. i should not be inside this hobbit hole.


Well-known member
@pacific_loner thanks... sometimes when i think i am feeling kind of "over" him my heart relapses.

right now i feel cute. i should not be inside this hobbit hole.

right - cute people should come out so the rest of us can see you

it makes us feel better :]


Well-known member
sleep deprived + allergic/int reaction + overheating room + loneliness, topped off with a mom who keeps telling me that i'm not doing enough = deathly. Wonder when I'll let myself out of this cycle


Well-known member
I felt really sick and anxious before the race, and talked to no one, I had to walk away and cry where no one could see me and I avoided any prospect of being misrepresented.

I started a 5km fun run with the intention of walking. I still had pain in my hip when I tried to run. After about a kilometre I warmed up and started to jog. I ran the rest of the race in a fair deal of pain in my hip but not my back.

I encouraged some of the other runners and low/middle fived one runner and cheered them on. It was a good positive interaction and it lifted my spirits.
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Sleepy *yawn* My cat decided she wanted to play at 5 this morning and started jumping all over me and pawing at my face. Good job she's cute enough to get away with it.