How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Feeling quite good, went out at 6am and rode 101.39 km (63.37 mi) in 3 hours and 25 minutes. Then ran 2.94 km (1.84 mi) in 15 minutes. Still feeling good, ie no injuries or major soreness. After that went to my developing house and found workers were inside which meant I could get in and have a look - normally I am locked out. House is looking great and should be getting the keys to move in within 2-3 weeks. Exciting.


Well-known member
Feeling quite good, went out at 6am and rode 101.39 km (63.37 mi) in 3 hours and 25 minutes. Then ran 2.94 km (1.84 mi) in 15 minutes. Still feeling good, ie no injuries or major soreness. After that went to my developing house and found workers were inside which meant I could get in and have a look - normally I am locked out. House is looking great and should be getting the keys to move in within 2-3 weeks. Exciting.

Nice brick. Techo tri term for cycle/run.


Well-known member
Yes, i wish write i feel well, but i dont. I feel sick...and i dont know how long i can live like that as i do. Really i dont have powers. World propose me so wonderfull things around, sunshine giggling my face,amazing sunsets.,,brihgting stars...trees taller and taller,hills everything look so beautiful and i dont have willing stay close by.


Well-known member
Thanks for that but I still feel alone lol, I'm sure I will snap out of it soon! I just feel to depressed to do anything but apparently the best way to beat depression is to do the opposite of what its telling you in other words I should get up and do something but I cannot be bothered. What a freakin struggle.

When I get depressed I write poetry. (at the expense of everyone here who has to read it :p)
Or go jogging! Sometimes even stretching can help to get you moving again.
I hope you don't feel depressed for too long, because trust me i've been there too many times before and theres more to come im sure.
Goodluck and welcome by the way! :)


A little run down and I have a headache coming on. Think I will have to go back to the doctors tomorrow for more antibiotics.

And while I feel so thankful that my sleeping pattern is approaching normal...I wish I wasn't waking up every day at 7. I can never get back to sleep but that could be a good thing I guess.


Well-known member

I just don't wanna deal with some people today.. What ever made me think we could get this eco club/non-profit off the ground (easily)??

didn't eat enough yesterday, and kinda over-extended myself.. drank too much apple juice too, so it could be just backlash from that and from being info overwhelmed & upset etc too.. Now sure what to do, and how? (or don't wanna.. bad motivation/inspiration)


Well-known member
You! Can! Do! It!

*Does a little cheer dance*

Maybe make a post describing the problems with your eco club so we can try to offer you advice. There are a lot of smarter older people here who probably own businesses and clubs. You've helped and cheered up many people by writing to them so the least they can do is offer you a little advice and comfort.

Wish you all the best!

Funky, you are absolutely right! Feathers is there for everyone it seems, so Feathers, we are here for you! I don't have a lot of advice at the moment, but i am here to listen if you want to vent. ~hug~ Also, what you are trying to do is a great thing so one way or another good karma is coming to you, i am sure everything will work out the way it is meant to. Hang in there you have support!;)


Well-known member
Not too shabby. I'm writing my running tragics guide to Half Marathons book. 1800 words. I feel oddly inspired