How are you feeling?


Well-known member
very icky
and my hopes to get out of here is crushed......
I was going to go WWOOFing, or somewhere, in a month.
Even dropped out of school for it, planned it for a few weeks..
and then had to tell my mother... Well, she decided to not let me receive the money I get from relatives for my birthday in the mail. Which means, I now can't even go anywhere.
And... I thought this would be the challenge I needed...


Well-known member
oh, and I can complain more!!
I fell off of the diet that was helping me so much with my anxiety/depression/fatigue, and I turned to a diet of binging on things that I'm allergic/intolerant to
So, I have been feeling sick/swollen/depressed/anxious/tiiiiired and just really really out of it for the last week.
Didn't help that I turned to a allergen-food-binge to cope with that thing that I just mentioned..
Yeahp.. Feelin' like a sack of swollen ****!


Well-known member
I'm not really sure tbh. I'm a little scared of tomorrow, and I'm sure my morale is gonna get that kick in the groin eventually. Probably tomorrow, I think...
Man, I really am a mess!!!
So sorry to hear that Escape. I know that someday you'll be somewhat thankful for what you're going through as it will teach you a valuable lesson...


Well-known member
oh, and I can complain more!!
I fell off of the diet that was helping me so much with my anxiety/depression/fatigue, and I turned to a diet of binging on things that I'm allergic/intolerant to
So, I have been feeling sick/swollen/depressed/anxious/tiiiiired and just really really out of it for the last week.
Didn't help that I turned to a allergen-food-binge to cope with that thing that I just mentioned..
Yeahp.. Feelin' like a sack of swollen ****!

Hope you feel better soon escape! If misery loves company, can i join you with a massive headache?::(:
Life, meaningless. An illusion supplied to fill our selfish souls with free happiness. Only those who have seen can know it as illusion. Nothing is free. Continuance in such a masterly false existence is diabolical.


Well-known member
Life, meaningless. An illusion supplied to fill our selfish souls with free happiness. Only those who have seen can know it as illusion. Nothing is free. Continuance in such a masterly false existence is diabolical.

Life, meaning. To exist. We exist. Wether with fantasy for happy freedom or with determination for real freedom. Freedom being a feeling you once described to me about weight lifting. Being able to reach boundary but still go a few more. That is no illusion, and still a freedom existing.
If selfish can be un-avoided by the continual need of our own, let's be selfish together.
That's how I feel.


Well-known member
Woke up late and it's turned into a very boring day today. I'm not liking the rain either. Too bad it's sunday otherwise I'd go to the gym.
Thinking of looking for a 2nd job just to stay busy. =P
I'm feeling great! I feel so relaxed, doing my breathing exercises since yesterday.
It's just awesome to feel that all my tension's gone :)
I'm going to watch a nice TV show now with the rest.
About farmers lol :3 Farmer seeks wife .. LOL :D
See yah
Life, meaning. To exist. We exist. Wether with fantasy for happy freedom or with determination for real freedom. Freedom being a feeling you once described to me about weight lifting. Being able to reach boundary but still go a few more. That is no illusion, and still a freedom existing.
If selfish can be un-avoided by the continual need of our own, let's be selfish together.
That's how I feel.

I honestly do not know what to say. Except thank you. Sometimes we need to be turned around.


Well-known member
I feel indifferent to everything.
I have nothing to express. I don't even know what I think about most of the time..
blind x.x

In every sense, I've lost one of my contacts and I really dont know what to do today, hmmm. but I know I'll be allright (I always am) so I dont worry too much, guess I'll just try to have fun today. Yup that's what i'll do :)

Hope everyone's feelin allright


Well-known member
also not sure whether I am being paranoid but sometimes it just seems like a lot of people don't like me for no particular reason. I don't know why. I think it may be because I am too scared to talk to them and so don't. Perhaps they think I am blanking them, ignoring them, coming off as arrogant. I wish they could see the world through my eyes.


Well-known member
blind x.x

In every sense, I've lost one of my contacts and I really dont know what to do today, hmmm. but I know I'll be allright (I always am) so I dont worry too much, guess I'll just try to have fun today. Yup that's what i'll do :)

Hope everyone's feelin allright

dude, put your glasses on


Well-known member
Up to 2600 word in my book.

Back to work this morning and walking around facing the some of the small-minded intolerant people who live in this town. I think of all the things I've overheard said about me while I stand by dieing inside and I despair. The mud has certainly stuck with some people in this town and this has damaged me in some deep place inside.

So today I plan on seeing a pyschologist, and looking into doing a stress and anxiety program. I want to be confident and assertive enough to take my place in the world without the fear of being misrepresented. I want it to be time to show the world just who I can be.
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Well-known member
Really excited and happy tbh lol

I have my Indian takeaway feast of food, and the Golden Globes are on tonight i get quite geeky about award shows, plus being a film fan im excited wooo


Well-known member
Asperger's is a bitch sometimes. No matter how well I cover it up, no matter how charismatic I get and how much of a good first impression I leave, people sooner or later notice that I'm weird.