How are you feeling?


Mad, angry, ticked off, indignant, sore, furious, incensed, cross, heated, irate, and mad.

Sorry to hear that dude, hope that whatever has caused all this gets better for you.

I'm feeling okay, just a bit sluggish with not doing much today. Not feeling as down as I was last night but hardly feeling positive either. Numb is about right.
Nervous, Frustrated, Anxious, Depressed, Happy, Sad, Angry, Pissed Off, Afraid, Awkward, Everything all in one. I'm such an emotional rollercoaster. o_O


Sorry to hear that dude, hope that whatever has caused all this gets better for you.

I'm feeling okay, just a bit sluggish with not doing much today. Not feeling as down as I was last night but hardly feeling positive either. Numb is about right.

Thanks, I wont know until tomorrow. I just feel like crap right now.
I'm feeling ok. Going to make myself ready for the day. Coffee time! ;)
I'm going to my see my therapist. and my mom will perform tonight.
Loong day :)
OHIP is paying less and less. My insurance is ****. Nothing like the feeling Ontario has been assimilated. Soon, here, we will not be able to afford medical care.
You have to need it. Forced to pay it.

Ambulance arrives.
Me: "Great!"
Paramedic: "where is the emergency, sir?"
Me: "Let me get into my car and drive head on with that semi that is illegally parked over there."
Paramedic: "?"
Me: "No excuses guys. You've been called to this planned accident."

I'm going to become a citizen of Cuba.
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Well-known member
Me too! That's what I'm supposed to be doing right now, haha.

It it by any chance an Economics exam on the 28th? A level.. Just that I have my last exam then! Lol.

Ah no it's not - my last exam on that day is Mathematics, 2nd year uni. Numbers are driving me crazy :( What's Economics like?


Well-known member
Ah no it's not - my last exam on that day is Mathematics, 2nd year uni. Numbers are driving me crazy :( What's Economics like?

Ouch.. Maths!

It's good if you're good at it, haha.. I don't really understand half of it so it's hard for me.


Well-known member
dying of em bare ass ment(pun intended).... omg... i am only sharing this cause maybe some of you need a laugh and all i can do is laugh at myself or else i will die of embarassment... today is my laundry day... and we have shared facilities in my building... and there are security cameras... well.. as i was carrying the heavy load in the basket my pants fell down and i am certain it will be on camera... so yea... dying here... why me?! :eek:
this sucks so bad but at least some of you might get a giggle out of it at least...!!!!~crawls under a rock and dies~


Well-known member
I once had day-before undies escape from my jeans in the supermarket. They had travelled there unknown, a stowaway, an escapee from the drudgery of wear-wash-wear. They waited for public space for their time to confess and sat quietly on the floor, waiting for a response. ::eek:: ::eek:: ::eek::

Oh my! Well we can be::eek::together, and bless you for sharing lol
I once had day-before undies escape from my jeans in the supermarket. They had travelled there unknown, a stowaway, an escapee from the drudgery of wear-wash-wear. They waited for public space for their time to confess and sat quietly on the floor, waiting for a response. ::eek:: ::eek:: ::eek::

Oh phocas! :0 That sounds like a horrid nightmare!

..the way you wrote that made me totally LOL!:D


Well-known member
Pain down one or two notches.

You could submit the pants down episode to funniest home videos, Emerald Star? You might win a prize. You will have the last laugh then.
Suddenly sad. My little steamship of emotion has run aground; I must await the next high tide to refloat it. ::(:

*Gives phocas a crate of coal to help his steamship roar into action when the high tide finally comes in*
