How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Self deprecating leads to nowhere Mari. I feel for you , I know it gets so bad sometimes that there seems no hope.
You were doing fine last time i talked to you, but i know there is this sadness that does not go away even if we appear fine.
You are a brave woman. You can beat it.
Are you running these days?

Try to see what is the cause of your feelings that you are having. If you know that may be you will come up with something..

I am not feeling good these days, not that i feel good any time. I am mostly kinda sad..but nowadays i am feeling really low.
I think i cannot find any purpose to my life or i can say i do not want my life to be the way it is.
You can always talk to me Mari.

Thank you springk. I am trying to work on that right now... but its difficult to have the motivation, when all you wanna do is give up.

I hope that you feel better soon as well, and thank you for being a good friend.


Well-known member
And why are you feeling so low?

I think that it has been a culmination of things. I am not one to easily express what it is I feel. So, its as if there's moments when it becomes all consuming. This sadness that sucks all the motivation and drive out of me. I feel void and exhausted. Hopefully, it passes soon... I have insomnia, so it doesn't help that im up all night just thinking. Some nights is especially hard.... like it has been these last nights, but we will see. Hopefully it'll pass.


Well-known member
I think that it has been a culmination of things. I am not one to easily express what it is I feel. So, its as if there's moments when it becomes all consuming. This sadness that sucks all the motivation and drive out of me. I feel void and exhausted. Hopefully, it passes soon... I have insomnia, so it doesn't help that im up all night just thinking. Some nights is especially hard.... like it has been these last nights, but we will see. Hopefully it'll pass.
Insomnia is not going to help. What's keeping you from sleeping?

It may not be like this for everyone, but I know that when I'm lacking sleep, I get more upset, more triggered by events negatively, more cranky in general. If you're not sleeping whatsoever, it could be a reason why you're feeling as low as you are.

The sadness sucks but hopefully you can get through it. :thumbup:
Thank you Jc972, Loyal and Mikey. Exam went okay. But the journey to the exam centre was an ordeal. The traffic was crawling and being stuck in jam with the smoke around was not a good feeling. Besides i had to walk amidst crowd for some distance..was just so bad. Finally however i was just in time and i had to cool myself down when i started reading the question paper.It felt i will not be able to answer properly but however the test did not turn out that bad.
Its over!!

:thumbup: I'm proud of you!
Why is it getting more difficult? What's wrong?

General life obligation wear and tear. The kind that keeps on accumulating until you distance yourself from it. Which is not an option at the moment. Which comes with migraines and general stress.

It's fine, though. It's a constant in my life that I'm currently addressing. It's just tough sometimes.


Well-known member
Blehhh, not feeling so great today. I already woke up exhausted this morning because I didn't sleep well and then I didn't eat enough when I took my medicine so now I'm left feeling sick. Maybe a nap later will make me feel better.
I'm in such a horrendous mood. I've been irritable all day, and it's only gotten worse as I've had to deal with a cranky annoying certain someone barking at all the annoying drivers, an overcrowded supermarket, an extremely drunk annoying someone else, children (need I say more?), what feels like the beginning of an ear infection (another one!), feminine issues... shoot me. JUST DO IT.

saklfjslfjdsjfioaesjdflkdsaj I just need to c h i l l o u t


Well-known member
It feels like I'm living in a surreal world of social experiments. Went out with my cousin today. So many things feel contrived. The anxiety was still there, but it could have been worse. I encountered another person who feels nervous like me, but it didn't lessen my anxiety. I thought about getting glasses today, so I ask the eye doctor questions and ultimately decided to delay it. I'll stick with contacts for now, since I have to study a lot and drive.


Well-known member
Migraine. And also bothered and nervous about seeing my dad in a while. Please can he just behave nicely today and not be crazy or drunk or hurtful or insane - or anything else like that, just sit and eat and be nice, thanks.


Well-known member
Tired, but okay. I had a really crappy morning, but forced myself to go out today just to distract my mind and thoughts. It worked pretty well, but now I'm afraid the crappiness is going to come back.


Well-known member
Tired and possibly coming down with something. I've been running non-stop for about five weeks. I don't know how I did it, but I spent more time with my family than I have in years. I'm grateful that I was able to succeed in all of it. Sometimes you just have to do it!

I am totally spent from the whole affair. Emotions flying, crying, and trying so hard to BE THERE WITH THEM on an emotional level. That is so hard to do! Some positive self-talk and praying a lot is all that got me through. Glad I did it. My family loves me.

Sat around online with the cat all day. I did the daily chores, showered, dressed, fed myself, but some days that's all I can manage. I'm glad I don't have to be anywhere for a few days. I need to recuperate.


Well-known member
Surprisingly I had a good day, all plans went better than I expected.
And tonight I have been out making random street art. I feel good.


Well-known member
Woke up feeling glad to have managed a sleep in, but still feel utterly exhausted. Would love to know what it feels like to wake up refreshed...


Well-known member
I feel so disappointed in myself. I didn't give my cousin a proper send-off before she left. I wasn't as friendly and nice as I want to be. I was totally awkward at the airport. I let social anxiety get the best of me! Now I regret acting like a freakin' rock. Thank God my mom was there to save the day.

My cousin and I aren't exactly friends, but we were "buddies" for 2-3 days. I went out of my way to do things for my cousin, like bringing her to the mall and several fast food restaurants. I hope she remembers me for my kind deeds instead of my social awkwardness. I was gonna keep in touch with her on Google+ but she doesn't use that. I didn't ask for her FB because I dread using FB.