How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm not my usual self. I'm channelling a whimsical elf.
Well, okay, Mr. Elf. :giggle:

Not good. My boss has told me I have to stop wearing make-up to work. I despise my face and the very notion of not having at least a little make up on them is just awful :( This is all because they made me move departments, I'm in a place where we need to shower to enter. I wear waterproof make up but she doesn't believe me... I know I should just get over myself but it's a massive deal to someone with low self esteem...
I was wondering why that is an issue, but if you need to shower constantly, then it would be. Good luck in your new department!

Beyond repair, totally rock bottom. I am trying to do productive things, but I am just so desperate that I can´t do anything, suicide is on my mind all the time.
*big hugs*


Well-known member
I woke up feeling quite uneasy. I had a nightmare today. I dreamt I had a daughter and she was in the hospital nursery. As soon as I saw her, I thought she was my daughter, even though I had no memories of giving birth to her. Then I tried to pick her up and breastfeed her but she rejected me, so I put her back. I didn't feel bad about the rejection, but I was more horrified by the fact that I had a daughter!

So I'm glad I woke up from this dream. I know I am not parent-material so I don't want children.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Conflicted! Should I go back to therapy / counselling to deal with the issues I had with ma father? Or not? Ah mean, it's not like am gonnae get any answer now anyway, is it? Since ma dad passed away last year.Still... so many regrets - things left unspoken, questions unanswered, issues unresolved.


Well-known member
Conflicted! Should I go back to therapy / counselling to deal with the issues I had with ma father? Or not? Ah mean, it's not like am gonnae get any answer now anyway, is it? Since ma dad passed away last year.Still... so many regrets - things left unspoken, questions unanswered, issues unresolved.

Hi, Graeme,

It sure wouldn't hurt. I just started attending a "grief group" and my partner died 5 years ago. Grief is hard for me to resolve, too. It just seems to grow and grow, since everyone else dies the older we get! Hope you are well. I enjoy reading your posts.


Well-known member
I am feeling some relief. I composed two letters today to people who have been disrespecting my clear boundaries (which were SO hard to vocalize the first time around). They were good and kind letters, but I was still completely honest. It's been such a problem lately. I just want to stick with my old friends, who have known me long enough to "get it." They were hard to write, but one was delivered and the other is in the mail! I also called my son who agreed to borrow me enough to get a new air conditioner. Summer is great, but the heat makes me MUCH more anxious. So, yeah, I crossed these very hard items off the list for today!


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Hi, Graeme,

It sure wouldn't hurt. I just started attending a "grief group" and my partner died 5 years ago. Grief is hard for me to resolve, too. It just seems to grow and grow, since everyone else dies the older we get! Hope you are well

Am huvin' a bit of a hard time as, of late - alot on ma mind. Doesnae help that ah can't really talk openly with family about ma problems - depression, in particular - without being made tae feel like am always moanin' and complain'. :sad: Ah think ah suppress alot what I actually think, as I said recently on here, I kinda put on an act, most of the time. Ah think that could be because am scared of how people will react. Oh, and that's despite being well aware of what my culture is like. See, the Scots have tendency to be very matter-of-fact and have a tell it like it is approach when it comes to honesty.

I enjoy reading your posts.

How?! <----- Ooops! Sorry, that's Scottish lingo, there. :bigsmile: Better translate... ah mean, why? So, ye actually understand ma posts, seriously? Because, tae be honest, half the time am no even sure maself. Since am no translatin' the Scottish dialect, so maist o' this is probably guess work fur alot of you on here, innit?* :sarcastic:

*(Except for fellow Scots, the Irish and... the Geordies (Or people from Newcastle, Northern England as they're also known - but Geordie is alot quicker tae say. That's a wee joke, there) :giggle:


Well-known member
Am huvin' a bit of a hard time as, of late - alot on ma mind. Doesnae help that ah can't really talk openly with family about ma problems - depression, in particular - without being made tae feel like am always moanin' and complain'. :sad: Ah think ah suppress alot what I actually think, as I said recently on here, I kinda put on an act, most of the time. Ah think that could be because am scared of how people will react. Oh, and that's despite being well aware of what my culture is like. See, the Scots have tendency to be very matter-of-fact and have a tell it like it is approach when it comes to honesty.

How?! <----- Ooops! Sorry, that's Scottish lingo, there. :bigsmile: Better translate... ah mean, why? So, ye actually understand ma posts, seriously? Because, tae be honest, half the time am no even sure maself. Since am no translatin' the Scottish dialect, so maist o' this is probably guess work fur alot of you on here, innit?* :sarcastic:

*(Except for fellow Scots, the Irish and... the Geordies (Or people from Newcastle, Northern England as they're also known - but Geordie is alot quicker tae say. That's a wee joke, there) :giggle:

Well, hang in there. Grief sure does a number on bodies and minds.


Well-known member
This morning I felt old and tired, and the battle I've been through for years is too much, and is taking its toll. Then I went for my first pain free run in a couple of weeks, and my whole perspective changed. It was like the sun came out, even though it was cold and pouring with rain.

"I don't understand, I don't understand, what I am going trough," I said as I ran, looking up at the sky rain falling into my eyes. Then I thought I may as well as embrace it because it might not get better than this.


Well-known member
Lame. Despite all the steps I've made in the last few months, I still have a grand total of zero friends. That's me; forever alone, I guess.