How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Last night I was very annoyed by what I saw on a dating show. The program matches men to women and vice versa. Some of the women asked very good questions and it shows they are smart and mature, but other women looked clueless and out of place. From their words and reactions, I get the impression that they don't know what they want in a boyfriend/partner, that perhaps they also don't even know what they want in life. I can't help but think, did they join the show because of parental or societal pressure? Some of these women end up embarrassing themselves on TV, is this what they want?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Last night I was very annoyed by what I saw on a dating show. The program matches men to women and vice versa. Some of the women asked very good questions and it shows they are smart and mature, but other women looked clueless and out of place. From their words and reactions, I get the impression that they don't know what they want in a boyfriend/partner, that perhaps they also don't even know what they want in life. I can't help but think, did they join the show because of parental or societal pressure? Some of these women end up embarrassing themselves on TV, is this what they want?

Or for the sake of appearing on TV? Since most people seek fame for the sake, rather than being famous for something. Just ma thoughts on what you said, there. Not that am adding anything really... :idontknow:

Ooow! Ah've been in absolute agony today, ma shoulders and neck are really sore. And complete lackin' in energy. Tryin' tae keep depressive thoughts outta ma head, only adds tae ma problems... :sad: :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Or for the sake of appearing on TV? Since most people seek fame for the sake, rather than being famous for something. Just ma thoughts on what you said, there. Not that am adding anything really... :idontknow:

That's what I thought too. Some contestants look like they're having so much fun on stage, makes me think they would rather stay there forever and not get picked.

Ooow! Ah've been in absolute agony today, ma shoulders and neck are really sore. And complete lackin' in energy. Tryin' tae keep depressive thoughts outta ma head, only adds tae ma problems... :sad: :kickingmyself:

I feel you. Yesterday by arms, shoulders, and upper back were very sore due to strength training. Today they're much better. Yoga helps.


Well-known member
All of a sudden I started feeling nauseous. It's definitely not my blood sugar, so I don't know why...? :idontknow: I hope I'm not coming down with anything. That would completely ruin my weekend.


Well-known member
I'm feeling really positive today. :)
Yay! :thumbup: Hopefully the nausea isn't too bad.

It's Sunday morning here and I've had the best Saturday I've had in a while. It was busy but damn awesome. I only got about 4 hours sleep last night but I still feel pretty good. :) Let's keep this going!


Well-known member
Relieved and happy. First day at work went about as well as could be expected. New boss lady is super cool and sweet.
^ New job? Very cool! Good luck! :thumbup:

I feel like having an eating binge today. I felt so sick last night I barely ate anything for dinner and didn't really eat a proper meal since early yesterday afternoon. Thankfully I'm feeling so much better today, not sure what made me sick, but I'm certain it's something I ate. I'll be talking to my nutritionist about that on my appointment on Tuesday.
Beyond repair, totally rock bottom. I am trying to do productive things, but I am just so desperate that I can´t do anything, suicide is on my mind all the time
I have come to know that feeling/state very well unfortunately :(

But it always passes, even if you believe it never will, as life/universe is constantly changing. You just have to get through each day, as best as you can manage, and have patience and faith that the pain is only temporary, and that some changes will filter through to your own life.

I hope you can gain some respite, some peace, from this very soon...
Naebody listens to me anyway, so maybe that's why ah don't talk much? And ma monotone, dour, matter-of-fact, deadpan Scottish accent just gets unintentional laugh from ma family when am being serious so best keep maself quiet
I used to be exactly like this.

Case in point with the voice issue, everytime there's a joke at ma expense - it's usually appearance based. Ma oldest sister's great at those. Got tae enjoy those jokes that strip away what little self-confidence ye have. Anyway, she'll say the joke - usually comparing me to a muslim (my beard, ma brown skin tone or built in sun-tan, as I like to think of it). Anyway, she'll laugh as will ma other sister, usually. Just a wee chuckle. Then ah'll say, in a sarcastic, deadpan delivery: "Aye, that's very funny. Hilarious..." And they think am just playin' along. I'm not. But, of course, I don't want to add insult to injury by makin' a joke about her appearance. God-for-f**kin'-bid I do that! As much as I'd like too, but I don't

Try to see the postives of the situation more, to try combat all the negatives.
I mean, that's all one can do when the negatives can never be rid, is to turn them into positives (but real positives, not sarcastic or dry-humour or otherwise false/half-pie "positives"). The best way to fight "evil" is with "good".
Zen Tibetan saying: "the greatest contribution that any individual can offer for the soul development of another is to be their enemy".
Even better imho are "enemies" who masquerade as "friends", such as family members!. So they are actually a blessing in disguise!:thumbdown::perfect:

Ah mean, ah would stand up for myself if it's was worth the effort. Naw! No me, eh, ah've got very few redeming, positive qualities. Too outspoken, despite ma shy/quiet demeaneur. Too honest. Too cynical and pessimistic. I hide alot of how am feelin' behind humour and comedy. So ah guess that's why I'm not taken seriously. And I'm a bit of prick, if am honest. See...?
I was very much like this when younger. Felt certain others (my "enemies") could "run circles around" me easily. They simply picked on what i offered them "on a platter" (my honesty, lack of people skills, dry humour, social anxiety, shyness, quietness, "stiffness", wierdness, etc) ... and used their substantial "attacking" skills to "spear" me ... and then leave the rest & most of the damage to be done by myself to myself (via my negativity, depressive, worrying, etc ways)


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I used to be exactly like this.

Try to see the postives of the situation more, to try combat all the negatives.
I mean, that's all one can do when the negatives can never be rid, is to turn them into positives (but real positives, not sarcastic or dry-humour or otherwise false/half-pie "positives"). The best way to fight "evil" is with "good".
Zen Tibetan saying: "the greatest contribution that any individual can offer for the soul development of another is to be their enemy".
Even better imho are "enemies" who masquerade as "friends", such as family members!. So they are actually a blessing in disguise!:thumbdown::perfect:

I was very much like this when younger. Felt certain others (my "enemies") could "run circles around" me easily. They simply picked on what i offered them "on a platter" (my honesty, lack of people skills, dry humour, social anxiety, shyness, quietness, "stiffness", wierdness, etc) ... and used their substantial "attacking" skills to "spear" me ... and then leave the rest & most of the damage to be done by myself to myself (via my negativity, depressive, worrying, etc ways)

Could ye explain that wee bit clearer? Nae offense, intended. Ah mean the turnin' negatives intae positives because am huvin' a hard time seein' the positives of the situation, at the moment... Sorry, if that sounds pessimistic, by the way.