How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I fet good today. My family and my cousin who is around my age and finally, I could talk without any fear of the judgment or anything else. I never thought " I shouldn't say it ", I just had something in mind and said it. Didn't happen to me since a long time. After, I didn't really talked to my family since they were too many for me to be comfortable but talk like a normal person was really good.
Also, for some strange reason, I was bringing the table back in the house from outside ( since we ate in the garden ) and the dog was in front of the table and I said " Exuse me " and I also felt really good. I really need to find someone I would be able to talk with without any trouble


Well-known member
Ummmmmmm... The weather outside is looking kind of scary and getting scarier by the second, and I'm all alone in the house on the second floor where I can see the scary clouds even better D:

Anyone wanna come over and watch TV? I have Oreos!
Oreo's? I'm in. :thumbup:

I can´t go on, I am so psychically depleted and that´s most important for being able to proceed. I really can´t help myself anymore. I don´t know what I´m going to do, I need some miracle probably. I would stop trying at least for a while but I can´t because this living at home is unbearable. I am running out of time, my CV is getting ****tier every day and month, I am so depressed that I´m only staring the doom in the face unable to do anything. And the thought, that my father holds most of the keys from my life, that he is the only person who could help me most, he could get me going if he wanted, instead the whole life he´s doing the exact opposite, he is tearing me down and makes sure I never crawl out of the mud, in case I do a bit he kicks me right back in. He seems to have some sadistic enjoyment of making me suffer. He stole me money from 2,5 years of slaving in Germany years ago, while other parents pay their children studies, weddings, houses. It all makes me so sick and I can´t help crying. Is rude to me all the time, he thinks I am not a human or am just some **** to kick when he is angry, he has no considereation for me as human being at all. I guess if he wanted he could help me to find a job or borrow me money to go abroad and look, it´s not much comparing to what other parents do for their children. And even though it´s not much it would make a hell of difference to me. But as I say, I am not a human. All he can do is shout at me, mock and humiliate for nothing.
I'm sorry. Your short-term mission should be to get out of that house, I reckon.


I feel kind of depressed, it's like the older I get, the more lonely I feel. I still have the same friends, do the same things, etc. but I guess what I'm looking for is a change.

I just wish I could feel at ease and relaxed throughout the day. I get nervous talking to new people sometimes or going into new situations. I just want to be normal. I want to make some new friends, enjoy new things, and feel upbeat. I used to feel like that all the time but now it's like a veil of depression has flown over my head and stayed there.


I'm sorry. Your short-term mission should be to get out of that house, I reckon.

That´s what I am trying to do the whole time, but nobody will employ the crap I am. Catch 22, suicide seems the only way out. I really have no other idea of how to solve this problem.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I feel like givin' up... Fed up with not being taken seriously. I just get laugh at when I try and be assertive and stand up for myself - thanks family! But that's nothing new. Why f**kin' bother? :sad:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm also startin' to feel like it's not worth asking people (family) to help me once in awhile or do something for me. Despite me constantly doing things for them when asked to. Seems a bit too much to expect the same in return, doesn't it But then what do I know? I'm an ungrateful c-u-n-t, according to my own mother. Though, apparently she didn't mean that remark - I beg to f**kin' differ, to be honest! Aren't dysfunctional families brilliant?! :sad:


not actually Fiona Apple
I sense a nervous indecisive day ahead of me. First there is a lawn I have to mow, but it's sort of rainy out. I don't know if I should go over and mow it, or just stay home and wait until tomorrow. Or ask him about it (which I won't do anyway).

Then also I am scheduled to work today, but I usually don't work on Thursday's. Usually the manager lets me know when I have to work on a day or at a time I usually don't, but this time he didn't. So I don't know if he just forgot to say something, or if he messed up the schedule and I'm not really working. Obviously I have to go in to work, but I may walking into an embarrassing trap. I hope I'm working and it starts pouring out :praying:


Well-known member
I feel lonely. Why do things, they´re pointless.
I have alienated myself from people. I don´t know how to make plans with people. This life is mostly a dark tunnel, all the way through, day after day.


Well-known member
Not good. My boss has told me I have to stop wearing make-up to work. I despise my face and the very notion of not having at least a little make up on them is just awful :( This is all because they made me move departments, I'm in a place where we need to shower to enter. I wear waterproof make up but she doesn't believe me... I know I should just get over myself but it's a massive deal to someone with low self esteem...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I feel lonely. Why do things, they´re pointless.
I have alienated myself from people. I don´t know how to make plans with people. This life is mostly a dark tunnel, all the way through, day after day.

Same, sadly... :sad: Though, I've been seriously questioning ma existence as o f late. Like why am I here? It seems just to make other people happy. But the thing is I'm not happy, not geniunely. Just fake the smile, and pretend yer fine while inside you suppress yer true feelings and alot of resentment at not havin' yer voice heard.

My family don't take me serious so ah isolate myself from them as much as I can - have been lately.

Because it's not worth me actually gettin' a few things off ma chest, just be told: "Aw, shut-up would ye? And just be happy.." So that how depression gets dealt? Since talkin' about depression is in itself ironically "too depressing" - we'd rather supress it, keep held deep within. Just plaster on a fake - seemly sincere - smile and go about yer day: "I'm fine, honestly. I'm okay... (I'm emotionally dead inside)" Nothin' like sufferin' in silence, huh? :sad:

Naebody listens to me anyway, so maybe that's why ah don't talk much? And ma monotone, dour, matter-of-fact, deadpan Scottish accent just gets unintentional laugh from ma family when am being serious so best keep maself quiet. If nothin' else, it's keeps ma internal frustration from being verbalised. :kickingmyself:

Case in point with the voice issue, everytime there's a joke at ma expense - it's usually appearance based. Ma oldest sister's great at those. Got tae enjoy those jokes that strip away what little self-confidence ye have. Anyway, she'll say the joke - usually comparing me to a muslim (my beard, ma brown skin tone or built in sun-tan, as I like to think of it). Anyway, she'll laugh as will ma other sister, usually. Just a wee chuckle. Then ah'll say, in a sarcastic, deadpan delivery: "Aye, that's very funny. Hilarious..." And they think am just playin' along. I'm not. But, of course, I don't want to add insult to injury by makin' a joke about her appearance. God-for-f**kin'-bid I do that! As much as I'd like too, but I don't.

Ah mean, ah would stand up for myself if it's was worth the effort. Naw! No me, eh, ah've got very few redeming, positive qualities. Too outspoken, despite ma shy/quiet demeaneur. Too honest. Too cynical and pessimistic. I hide alot of how am feelin' behind humour and comedy. So ah guess that's why I'm not taken seriously. And I'm a bit of prick, if am honest. See...?

^Sorry... most o' that is my internal dialogue. I'm just ramblin' on as per usual. :confused:
Old beyond my years, young beyond my fears

Really like that

I feel lonely. Why do things, they´re pointless.
I have alienated myself from people. I don´t know how to make plans with people. This life is mostly a dark tunnel, all the way through, day after day.

It is summed up how I am feeling right there. Really blue day. Trying no to think to much of how I feel and distract myself. Quite sad and it is silly, a man who has been a big part of my life has retired from his job- man is Man Utd manager Sir Alex Ferguson. Not known football without him. Love the game and it is my escapism amongst other things. He had a great career, is an incredible man- it has just come as a surprise he has called it a day, though it had to happen sometime.

Pretty down really, just feel a real failure and don't know where my life is heading or who I am.
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Same, sadly... :sad: Though, I've been seriously questioning ma existence as o f late. Like why am I here? It seems just to make other people happy. But the thing is I'm not happy, not geniunely. Just fake the smile, and pretend yer fine while inside you suppress yer true feelings and alot of resentment at not havin' yer voice heard.

My family don't take me serious so ah isolate myself from them as much as I can - have been lately.

Because it's not worth me actually gettin' a few things off ma chest, just be told: "Aw, shut-up would ye? And just be happy.." So that how depression gets dealt? Since talkin' about depression is in itself ironically "too depressing" - we'd rather supress it, keep held deep within. Just plaster on a fake - seemly sincere - smile and go about yer day: "I'm fine, honestly. I'm okay... (I'm emotionally dead inside)" Nothin' like sufferin' in silence, huh? :sad:

Naebody listens to me anyway, so maybe that's why ah don't talk much? And ma monotone, dour, matter-of-fact, deadpan Scottish accent just gets unintentional laugh from ma family when am being serious so best keep maself quiet. If nothin' else, it's keeps ma internal frustration from being verbalised. :kickingmyself:

Case in point with the voice issue, everytime there's a joke at ma expense - it's usually appearance based. Ma oldest sister's great at those. Got tae enjoy those jokes that strip away what little self-confidence ye have. Anyway, she'll say the joke - usually comparing me to a muslim (my beard, ma brown skin tone or built in sun-tan, as I like to think of it). Anyway, she'll laugh as will ma other sister, usually. Just a wee chuckle. Then ah'll say, in a sarcastic, deadpan delivery: "Aye, that's very funny. Hilarious..." And they think am just playin' along. I'm not. But, of course, I don't want to add insult to injury by makin' a joke about her appearance. God-for-f**kin'-bid I do that! As much as I'd like too, but I don't.

Ah mean, ah would stand up for myself if it's was worth the effort. Naw! No me, eh, ah've got very few redeming, positive qualities. Too outspoken, despite ma shy/quiet demeaneur. Too honest. Too cynical and pessimistic. I hide alot of how am feelin' behind humour and comedy. So ah guess that's why I'm not taken seriously. And I'm a bit of prick, if am honest. See...?

^Sorry... most o' that is my internal dialogue. I'm just ramblin' on as per usual. :confused:

Made for a good read, can really relate to how you are feeling. It helps to vent and at times words just pour out! That is rubbish that people say that to you when you tell them how you are feeling. Takes a-lot of balls to talk about yourself, especially opening up about your feelings. Could be wrong to say so but think it is even tougher for guys than it is for girls to talk about things. With guys there is this whole need to be strong, harder to admit weakeness and guys just generally don't chat relentlessly as women do or share things with their friends as girls with theirs. Seems you but on an act too sort of hinting by saying you hide behind humour. Real vicious cycle it sounds with the family and you.


Beyond repair, totally rock bottom. I am trying to do productive things, but I am just so desperate that I can´t do anything, suicide is on my mind all the time.
Beyond repair, totally rock bottom. I am trying to do productive things, but I am just so desperate that I can´t do anything, suicide is on my mind all the time.

That is a worrying thing. Are you seeing anyone about things, can't risk harming yourself. Things must be very bad for you.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Really like that

It is summed up how I am feeling right there. Really blue day. Trying no to think to much of how I feel and distract myself. Quite sad and it is silly, something has changed a man who has been a big part of my life has retired from his job- man is Man Utd manager Sir Alex Ferguson. Not known football without him. Love the game and it is my escapism amongst other things. He had a great career, is an incredible man- it has just come as a surprise he has called it a day, though it had to happen sometime.

I don't really follow football as much as I used to in terms of keepin' up with championships and league matches. Watch it occassionally, though. But yer definitely right, football isn't going to the same without Sir Alex Ferguson. Arguably the greatest football manager ever, when ye look at what he and the teams he managed over the years achieved, not just with Man Utd. Quite a driven, determined guy. Got tae admire him for that. Though, ah wouldnae want tae get him mad... We Scots tend tae losing our cool when we get really mad and get quite aggressive! Well, some of us, anyway. Am I right? :giggle: And "quite" is puttin' it mildly...

Pretty down really, just feel a real failure and don't know where my life is heading or who I am.

Sorry tae hear that, though ah can relate. Since that's exactly how ah've been feelin' as of late. Nae idea why ah've taken tae writin' in the Scottish dialect? :confused: Trouble is... ah cannae seem tae stop maself. :bigsmile:

Made for a good read, can really relate to how you are feeling. It helps to vent and at times words just pour out! That is rubbish that people say that to you when you tell them how you are feeling. Takes a-lot of balls to talk about yourself, especially opening up about your feelings. Could be wrong to say so but think it is even tougher for guys than it is for girls to talk about things. With guys there is this whole need to be strong, harder to admit weakeness and guys just generally don't chat relentlessly as women do or share things with their friends as girls with theirs.

No, I agree with you. It's definitely harder for lads to talk about how they're feelin' since we're expected to be strong, as you said. And ah think it's also more awkward for guys to share how they're feelin' with their friends, as guys seem more likely to make fun of their mate for doing such a thing. Whereas women don't do that to their friends. Not sayin' it any easier for lassies to talk about how they're feelin', either. It's no easy for anyone, lets face it.

Seems you put on an act too sort of hinting by saying you hide behind humour. Real vicious cycle it sounds with the family and you.

Oh aye, very much so. It's complicated, and a wee bit difficult to explain. Ah'll try ma best. Right here goes...:

Well, in ma case, it's true, I put up a front, put on an act. See, I'm overly polite, nice, quiet, shy. Say next tae nothin' but a few words. Don't swear or raise ma voice, that'd be "outta character" for me. It's like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, if you will. Aye... that's pretty accurate description of ma side of ma personality which I rarely show. You'll see what ah mean by that comparison. Anyway, ramblin' on...

Maist o' the time, right, ah just agree with people and shut up. Ah know, bad ideas but I don't want to get into an argument. Growin' up with 2 older sisters, it's only recent years I've realised that I'm more like ma older sister personality wise than the ma oldest.

What I mean by that is that: We both tend to tell-it-like-it-is, so quite outspoken, - at least in ma case - honest and we both have a tendency to fly off the hand - verbally speakin', of course - when really angry. Or start f**kin' ragin' - if ye want to put it in Scottish slang terms. :bigsmile: But I digress, slightly...

Anyway, ah think when ah say that I hide behind humour, ah mean, the sarcastic, deadpan, matter-of-fact delivery where the line between funny and serious blurred and ye can't really tell which if it's one or the other. You just assume it's meant to be funny - if that makes sense? Can't really think of any explain as such, since I usually stop myself before I say something funny yet cruel and start an argument - this is quite a recurring theme.

Usually I go: "Ummm..." (go to say something) let out a sigh, and then say: "Aw, forget it! It's doesnae matter, anyway"

To which ma sister usually says: "Aw, go on. It'll be funny!"

And where it starts tae piss me off, latter half o' that statement. Because - and Scottish accent aside here - not every ah say is intended tae be funny! I guess it's ma own fault for usin' humour as defense? And I suppose that where the vicious cycle begins because if I'm very matter-of-fact, honest, straight-talkin' - most will probably assume I'm being sarcastic. As I said before, deadpan delivery? Yeah, you see what am gettin' at here.

Goin' back to put on the act - sorry if I start ramblin'... Polite, I never swear, raise ma voice, get mad, none o' that! There has been many time where I've wanted to raised ma voice but don't because knowin' ma oldest sister, she'll get a laugh outta it. Probably! Like when I was 15/16 years old, ma mum, and both my sister would say this, almost constantly: "All men are useless..." - this statement would usually end with: "Ha! Only jokin'..." Or "..aren't they?" Why did they do that? Either...

  1. To unintentionally undermind ma own confidence? Done
  2. Start a debate? Un - f**kin' - likely
  3. Or... because, to my older sisters, provoking me to angry is so hysterically funny? Oh, what's our wee brother gonnae say? This should be a laugh

^Number 3? Correct! Yay! Insult comedy... F**kin' pure quality, man, eh?! A f**kin' right laugh, indeed! Mental!
Here we, here we... here we f**kin' go!

^ And if you know anything about Scottish humour or comedy, when comes to insults and putdowns, the Scots are f**kin' brutal! Look no further than the Glaswegian comedians Frankie Boyle and Jerry Sadowitz.Talkin' aboot supressed rage, eh...?! Buckin' hell! - oops, only Scots will get that in-joke/reference from certain Scottish sketch comedy TV series.

I guess hiding behind the humour doesnae help me when it comes to being taken seriously, does it? But it's just that I've always got that fear in the back o' ma mind - they're gonnae if ah say this, even though, am just being honest! And I'm always afraid I'll go too far, especially when it comes to jokes at ma expense, especially about my appearance.

Put it this way, right? I have a couple of cruel humour, quite vicious putdowns that would silence that "You look like a... - insert ignorant Middle East stereotype here -...with that beard" joke. My sister loves to pull that joke out whenever we're out in public - especially at music gigs or stand-up comedy shows - nae irony there, is there? Naw, am readin' too much intae it, surely?!

Well, she's ma oldest step-sister, technical - same mother, different father. I'm mixed race - (Half Scottish, half Kenyan, a deadly mixture. On the plus side, a built-in sun tan - get it up ye!) - and ma sister's white Scottish. So, is that above joke racist? Hmmm...? Or more importantly is that joke actually as laugh-out-loud funny as my sister thinks? Judge for yerself...

Anyway, long story short, I think things I wouldnae dare say aloud, unless it's in a very sarcastic tone of voice. And there's a huge difference between what ah say out loud, and what I actually think - if that makes any sense? Eh, ah probably didnae explain aw that too well, did ah? Am no too sure tae be honest.

Ach, anyway... ah've rambled on for long enough. Okay, enough o' me talkin' sh*te! Am outta here.
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