How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Lonely. Nobody to talk to. God knows how much I want to be in the company of others, my age, with girls included ofc. I don't have the guts to find brand new friends, and I'm afraid to meet people I already know, either. I'm not like others and I would handle social situations differently, instead of others. Life just sucks now.


Well-known member
Lonely. Nobody to talk to. God knows how much I want to be in the company of others, my age, with girls included ofc. I don't have the guts to find brand new friends, and I'm afraid to meet people I already know, either. I'm not like others and I would handle social situations differently, instead of others. Life just sucks now.

I'm really sorry Dani, if you ever want to talk my inbox is always open. Its an awful feeling I know, hang in there.


Well-known member
Yikes but thanks. I've always wondered what I did to lead him on because even though I told him I'm not interested, he still made advances.

It also makes me wonder whether he has SA because he doesn't have a lot of friends either. Or maybe he sees me as a substitute for another girl that he likes.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Just... ah don't f**kin' know! Feel like rantin' an' ragin'... had alot on ma mind, lately.

Feelin' confused. Lonely. Depressed and insecure as per usual. :sad:


Well-known member
Yikes but thanks. I've always wondered what I did to lead him on because even though I told him I'm not interested, he still made advances.
I guess it's part of the challenge, but also because he was still interested even though you said you weren't, so he had to keep trying. I've been there. :kickingmyself:

Lonely and confused.
Lonely. Nobody to talk to.
Feelin' confused. Lonely.
A few lonely people on the board at the moment. I hate that feeling more than most other feelings in the world. It's destroying. Hugs to all!

Totally hopeless about ever being happy. I just can't do even the simplest things without being overwhelmed by tension and panic. I'm tired of feeling horrible by the end of every day. I'm just a lonely pathetic person who sits in their room all day never interacting with anyone else. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't even function within my own head, let alone within a whole society of other people. Oh I really hate the world sometimes...


Well-known member


Well-known member
Re: Ugh

Totally hopeless about ever being happy. I just can't do even the simplest things without being overwhelmed by tension and panic. I'm tired of feeling horrible by the end of every day. I'm just a lonely pathetic person who sits in their room all day never interacting with anyone else. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't even function within my own head, let alone within a whole society of other people. Oh I really hate the world sometimes...

Happiness is subjective. I try to focus on being content instead, and in this moment, with a hot drink in my hand and a cat on my lap, i am content :)


Well-known member
Re: Ugh

Just... ah don't f**kin' know! Feel like rantin' an' ragin'... had alot on ma mind, lately.

Feelin' confused. Lonely. Depressed and insecure as per usual. :sad:

:sad: I´m sorry, friend

Totally hopeless about ever being happy. I just can't do even the simplest things without being overwhelmed by tension and panic. I'm tired of feeling horrible by the end of every day. I'm just a lonely pathetic person who sits in their room all day never interacting with anyone else. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't even function within my own head, let alone within a whole society of other people. Oh I really hate the world sometimes...

I´m sorry you´re feeling this way
But yeah I feel more or less the same

Happiness is subjective. I try to focus on being content instead, and in this moment, with a hot drink in my hand and a cat on my lap, i am content :)

Hot drink & cat sounds wonderful, unfortunately I only have access to hot drink, no cat :(


Well-known member
I'm feeling like I want to go on a Mass Effect marathon. But last time I did that I barely moved from my PC for about 2 weeks, so maybe not.