How are you feeling?


Well-known member
i've had lots of ups and downs lately....i feel optimistic one moment and the future looks promising but then i feel down and upset..

Been thinking a lot about how it seems everyone is moving on with their lives and making something of themselves while i'm :/


Well-known member
A bit stressed. My brain needs to let go of things (little, practically meaningless things) and move on. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
not too good recently, ive been barely sleeping, infact i didn't sleep at all last night. im barely eating, in the past 3 days ive eaten a few mouthfuls of noodles and half a roast dinner. every single thing frustrates me, from the cat meowing too hearing people talk downstairs.
every little thing is doing my head in and i don't know why it bothers me.


Well-known member
And my brain is asploding. Again. Agh. Need to learn how to quit overanalysing everything and make my brain chill. Random, nonsensical venting seems to help at least.


Well-known member
I have a big decision I need to make. There's this former friend that I used to hang out with. He helped me a lot such as driving me to places to take care of urgent matters and taking me out to restaurants. At first, I thought nothing of it. But later I realized he expected something in return. He made advances towards me, even stole my first kiss (technically), which I was very angry about. I think he has ulterior motives for his actions. I get the feeling he's trying to get me into becoming friends with benefits with him.

Last summer, I officially cut off all contact with him. I don't think we can continue being friends because I cannot give him what he wanted (love and relationship). I also feel bad asking him to drive me to places and paying for meals and stuff. I am grateful for all that he did for me, but I think it's best if we part ways.

Yesterday I got a request from him to connect on linkedin, and I accepted. I was very hesitant to do so, though. I think he should find people who fit his definition of "friend."


Well-known member
every little thing is doing my head in and i don't know why it bothers me.
You answered your own question:
ive been barely sleeping, infact i didn't sleep at all last night.

I have a big decision I need to make. There's this former friend that I used to hang out with. He helped me a lot such as driving me to places to take care of urgent matters and taking me out to restaurants. At first, I thought nothing of it. But later I realized he expected something in return. He made advances towards me, even stole my first kiss (technically), which I was very angry about. I think he has ulterior motives for his actions. I get the feeling he's trying to get me into becoming friends with benefits with him.

Last summer, I officially cut off all contact with him. I don't think we can continue being friends because I cannot give him what he wanted (love and relationship). I also feel bad asking him to drive me to places and paying for meals and stuff. I am grateful for all that he did for me, but I think it's best if we part ways.

Yesterday I got a request from him to connect on linkedin, and I accepted. I was very hesitant to do so, though. I think he should find people who fit his definition of "friend."
Take it from a guy: if we're taking you to restaurants, helping you out with personal matters, and spending a lot of time with you, it means we're interested! :bigsmile:


Well-known member
The past 2 days were pretty bad. I put in 52 hours in four days. Both my muscles and joints are aching from working long hours plus I woke up with a huge headache and was vomiting this morning. I stayed home today wondering about my future.

My depression hasd been up and down all week. I don't know what to do or how to think somedays. I am so behind in life.

I started trying to hi to random people as they pass me but most keep walking by without a word. That's not as bad as my stuttering but I'm trying.

Just need to get a lil bit off my chest, just a lil.


Well-known member
i'm glad that I get a new phone and one that I've always wanted but I have interviews coming up and I don't know if I'd need to answer a call from someone wanting to hire me. I can't even call my voice mail so seriously my mom needs to stop getting so annoyed just because someone wants and need more information of what's going on. Yet she would be pissed if I didn't know anything or didn't want to talk to her.


Well-known member
Take it from a guy: if we're taking you to restaurants, helping you out with personal matters, and spending a lot of time with you, it means we're interested! :bigsmile:

Yikes but thanks. I've always wondered what I did to lead him on because even though I told him I'm not interested, he still made advances.


Well-known member
The past 2 days were pretty bad. I put in 52 hours in four days. Both my muscles and joints are aching from working long hours plus I woke up with a huge headache and was vomiting this morning. I stayed home today wondering about my future.

My depression hasd been up and down all week. I don't know what to do or how to think somedays. I am so behind in life.

I started trying to hi to random people as they pass me but most keep walking by without a word. That's not as bad as my stuttering but I'm trying.

Just need to get a lil bit off my chest, just a lil.

I hope you're feeling better now. Stay strong.