How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm feeling so damn GREAT!!! In my whole miserable life I never felt so wonderful before...
I saw a random beautiful girl on the bus, when I saw her struggling with opening the window, I just stood up and helped her... Then I sat down like nothing happened.
2 possibilities:
a) I take off from the bus like always as if nothing happened
b) I gather all my courage and talk to her
I chose plan b) First I stood up, pushed the take-off button, then I said to her:
"Sorry, but I have to tell you that you're a beautiful girl." - I held a piece of paper in my hand, I put it in her bag on the floor - "Here's this, if you don't want to talk to me, throw it away, but if you won't throw it a way, I'll be happy! Sorry for bothering you, see you!"
The door wouldn't even open, when the bus stopped we were still talking, lol. It opened just after I said "bye", like I was given a green signal from Heaven..." When I took off I felt so damn happy, because I DID IT, I was brave for possibly the first time in my life.

Well I just wanted to share this with you, moreover because, the feeling you get right after you succeed in something like this, is just invaluable. I suddenly forgot all the **** things in my life lol!
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^ :applause: :)

What does your mother think of your progress. What do you think of your progress?

She thinks I'm doing well. I worry sometimes about what my parents are thinking and I do seek validation from them. I'm almost 26, still living at home for free, and have no job. I feel like I owe it to them to live up to any expectations they may have for me, which is why I like to touch base with them. It's a really hard line to walk and I get my stomach in knots just thinking about it sometimes. I know it's not easy for them, either.


I'm feeling so damn GREAT!!! In my whole miserable life I never felt so wonderful before...
I saw a random beautiful girl on the bus, when I saw her struggling with opening the window, I just stood up and helped her... Then I sat down like nothing happened.
2 possibilities:
a) I take off from the bus like always as if nothing happened
b) I gather all my courage and talk to her
I chose plan b) First I stood up, pushed the take-off button, then I said to her:
"Sorry, but I have to tell you that you're a beautiful girl." - I held a piece of paper in my hand, I put it in her bag on the floor - "Here's this, if you don't want to talk to me, throw it away, but if you won't throw it a way, I'll be happy! Sorry for bothering you, see you!"
The door wouldn't even open, when the bus stopped we were still talking, lol. It opened just after I said "bye", like I was given a green signal from Heaven..." When I took off I felt so damn happy, because I DID IT, I was brave for possibly the first time in my life.

Well I just wanted to share this with you, moreover because, the feeling you get right after you succeed in something like this, is just invaluable. I suddenly forgot all the **** things in my life lol!

Congrats, hopefully she will call back :).


Well-known member
I'm feeling so damn GREAT!!! In my whole miserable life I never felt so wonderful before...
I saw a random beautiful girl on the bus, when I saw her struggling with opening the window, I just stood up and helped her... Then I sat down like nothing happened.
2 possibilities:
a) I take off from the bus like always as if nothing happened
b) I gather all my courage and talk to her
I chose plan b) First I stood up, pushed the take-off button, then I said to her:
"Sorry, but I have to tell you that you're a beautiful girl." - I held a piece of paper in my hand, I put it in her bag on the floor - "Here's this, if you don't want to talk to me, throw it away, but if you won't throw it a way, I'll be happy! Sorry for bothering you, see you!"
The door wouldn't even open, when the bus stopped we were still talking, lol. It opened just after I said "bye", like I was given a green signal from Heaven..." When I took off I felt so damn happy, because I DID IT, I was brave for possibly the first time in my life.

Well I just wanted to share this with you, moreover because, the feeling you get right after you succeed in something like this, is just invaluable. I suddenly forgot all the **** things in my life lol!
That's crazy, dude! :eek: Well done on having that kind of courage! I hope she calls you back.

She thinks I'm doing well. I worry sometimes about what my parents are thinking and I do seek validation from them. I'm almost 26, still living at home for free, and have no job. I feel like I owe it to them to live up to any expectations they may have for me, which is why I like to touch base with them. It's a really hard line to walk and I get my stomach in knots just thinking about it sometimes. I know it's not easy for them, either.
I understand. You want them to not worry, but as parents they're going to. I don't think you "owe" them anything - they probably just want to see you happy.


Well-known member
I think I lost a friend. I didn't leave her alone, I wanted to talk to her so much about my life, I kept messaging her stuff that may crushed her soul. Today she told me to "leave her alone once and for all", I even gave her a book long ago, she will send it by mail instead of meeting and giving it to me...
I look at her as a friend only, with all my heart, I don't have emotions towards her. I'm hoping some day she will talk to me again. It was my fault.
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Well-known member

I'm so hungry. I think too much because I shouldn't be going through hunger. I should have a job making enough money for myself to be able to eat. But no, I just had to quit the one job I was actually lucky to get to move in with someone less fortunate and have a child. Can't really afford any ****ing thing.

My mom is paying my cell bill and my phone doesn't even ****ing work anymore. It's out fucing dated and I want an iPhone but I don't have that kind of ****ing money. Plus I don't ****ing talk to anyone so it would be a waste of money.

I feel that everything is going wrong as a sign I will get a job VERY soon and if my life actually doesn't work that way then I WILL be flipping out soon. I already want to through **** around.


Well-known member
I think I lost a friend. I didn't leave her alone, I wanted to talk to her so much about my life, I kept messaging her stuff that may crushed her soul. Today she told me to "leave her alone once and for all", I even gave her a book long ago, she will send it by mail instead of meeting and giving it to me...
I look at her as a friend only, with all my heart, I don't have emotions towards her. I'm hoping some day she will talk to me again. It was my fault.
Being overbearing can lead to people pushing away, because it can be too much to keep up. At least you are now aware of this and can rectify it for the next one. I'm sorry this has happened, though.

Feeling very happy that I am accepted in this Forum, in which I can talk to very gentle and nice people.
Gentle? Nice? I'm going to have to start yelling at you more. :mad:

I actually don't know.. does that make sense?
It does. I have teetered on the edge many times myself.

One more exam

And two more university acceptance letters :) but not much sleep and a lot of coffee but I'm nearrrly there. Nearly. I also will be attending a VERY exciting event tomorrow after my last exam. Im quite nervous about it but absolutely thrilled at the same time, chance of a lifetime.
What event? Don't leave us hanging! I'm happy for you, joule! You're doing awesome! :thumbup:


not actually Fiona Apple
Good, I need to find a way to maintain the mindset I have now. Also, relieved my semester is just about done, nothing big as far as assignments are left. And my head is tired, I should maybe take an early sleep.