How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Y'know that weird feeling you get in your gut when a sudden rush of anxiety comes over you? It kinda feels like your stomach is dropping? Yeah, I got that...


Well-known member
A bit tired but I feel much better compared to yesterday, a bit of socializing today with some friendly faces put me on the right track again.I'm starting to think that staying in home to much gets me depressed.


Well-known member
Feeling great!! woke up at 7am and started at it. I took everything out of my room, cleaned it from top to bottom and rearranged everything, kind of a spring cleaning type of thing. Then, I started cracking at our big project, moving our complete jam space from downstairs, up to our two living rooms lol. Yeah I know, a little extreme but we rent out our jam space as well to two other bands and honestly we're really getting sick and tired of them using all our equipment (mainly me!!!) so we figured lets just create our own space that will be set up exactly how we want and all we have to do is hit record whenever we want to jam.


Well-known member
Talking to my only friend on msn. Her birthday is tomorrow.
When she was 16, her parents threw her a huge surprise party and pretty much every other person in school was there-- except for me. They hated me.
I've never had a birthday party nor a surprise party... because people hate me.

I feel pretty lame.


Well-known member
Talking to my only friend on msn. Her birthday is tomorrow.
When she was 16, her parents threw her a huge surprise party and pretty much every other person in school was there-- except for me. They hated me.
I've never had a birthday party nor a surprise party... because people hate me.

I feel pretty lame.
I've never had one either and last month my friend had sort of a same kind of birthday party in which almost everyone but me was invited. You're not in anyway lame Weirdy. I hope you feel better soon :)
More of the same. Feeling invisible. I'm also very cold.
You're not invisible to me. I hope you feel better :)
I feel like an alien. not in New York, in crapville. *hehe*

Nah, I feel good. I just had some nice lunch and I laughed about some stuff, always a good medicine!
Extremely tired, should've had an extra hour in bed.

Hmm, I am always drowned into my pillow and It's sucking my head in so I can't get out of bed in the morning, i wanna stay stay stay in that warm pillow. ::(:

I love sleeping overclock ::p: But i can't because of school ::(: :)


Well-known member
Angry and frustrated,I just tried to have some normal chat with my mother today but as usual she always finds a way to jump from any discussion to a discussion about by "awesome" life which eventually degenerated in a full verbal war.This time was the first time I blamed her for my problems and she look very pissed of about what I said,but I think she realized that I may be right.