How are you feeling?


I'm in a tough spot again. Finally got a new job and left it because they were trying to make me do stuff that they didn't hire me for, things I was specifically trying to avoid. I have felt nauseous for days because of the situation. There was just something about the whole business that was sending off warning signals in me.

And of course now my vehicle starts having problems. So I'm pretty much home bound until I get that fixed this weekend.

A family member had told me they'd help out if I wanted to go back to college and finish my degree. Now when I bring it up they get in a bad mood and start making demands acting like I hid things from them when I was in college before, which I didn't. I was really confused about their reaction. I hate when people claim they'll help you and then guilt trip you when you take them up on the offer. One way or another I'll find a way to get back to finish my degree, I don't need someone making me feel guilty about it.


Well-known member
sick, still. no energy, dizzy, stomach aches, muscle pains, freezing cold.
I wanted to just stay in bed and keep sleeping today... fuuuuuuuuu... I missed an appointment today. slept right through it. -___-
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Well-known member
It's been a rough week at work. I just feel left out and generally ignored by my coworkers. Today one of my coworkers went up to another one of my coworkers to ask about something that was printed on the back on MY shirt. WTF? Another coworker was complaining that she was the only one who showed up on Easter morning to work, even though she and I were both there on time and interacted. *sigh*


Well-known member
It's been a rough week at work. I just feel left out and generally ignored by my coworkers. Today one of my coworkers went up to another one of my coworkers to ask about something that was printed on the back on MY shirt. WTF? Another coworker was complaining that she was the only one who showed up on Easter morning to work, even though she and I were both there on time and interacted. *sigh*

perhaps you're invisible

just think of all the things you could do with that kind of power!


Well-known member
I am feeling really sad, stressed out, and nervous.

My lease is ending soon and I am going to head back up to stay with my mom for awhile until I can start getting some money coming back in. There is a two week gap between the time my lease is up and when school is out. A sort of friend said I could sleep on their couch. I am scared, I don't want to do that. I will be in there space and in the living room for two weeks. I will have no privacy. What about eating? Like, I don't want to use their kitchen... it feels too awkward. I will feel weird eating in front of them too. What if they think I eat a lot? What if I look like a pig? I called the front office and they said I could stay until school is out. But I would have to pay about 500 dollars more. Avoiding everything and just shelling out the money sounds so appealing, but I sort of need that money.

When I went up to visit my mom for Easter I left my dog up there to make the move easier. At first, I was kind of looking forward to getting the break from him because he was stressing me out. But, I miss him. It is so lonely here, it is so quiet. I feel so sad.

I don't know what I am going to do with all my stuff. I thought I didn't have that much, but when I think about it... I have no idea how I am going to fit it all in my car. Not only that, I don't know how it is all going to work out. Am I going to stuff my car to the brim and just... keep it like that for two weeks until school is out? I don't know what to do.

I want to just, crawl into a hole and hide away until things are all over. Things are bad lately too with my depression. It has been really difficult to continue on with things. I feel so hopeless.

Oh yeah, my mom lives about 850 miles away so there is nothing that can be easily done as far as getting stuff up there.


Well-known member
I am feeling really sad, stressed out, and nervous.

My lease is ending soon and I am going to head back up to stay with my mom for awhile until I can start getting some money coming back in. There is a two week gap between the time my lease is up and when school is out. A sort of friend said I could sleep on their couch. I am scared, I don't want to do that. I will be in there space and in the living room for two weeks. I will have no privacy. What about eating? Like, I don't want to use their kitchen... it feels too awkward. I will feel weird eating in front of them too. What if they think I eat a lot? What if I look like a pig? I called the front office and they said I could stay until school is out. But I would have to pay about 500 dollars more. Avoiding everything and just shelling out the money sounds so appealing, but I sort of need that money.

When I went up to visit my mom for Easter I left my dog up there to make the move easier. At first, I was kind of looking forward to getting the break from him because he was stressing me out. But, I miss him. It is so lonely here, it is so quiet. I feel so sad.

I don't know what I am going to do with all my stuff. I thought I didn't have that much, but when I think about it... I have no idea how I am going to fit it all in my car. Not only that, I don't know how it is all going to work out. Am I going to stuff my car to the brim and just... keep it like that for two weeks until school is out? I don't know what to do.

I want to just, crawl into a hole and hide away until things are all over. Things are bad lately too with my depression. It has been really difficult to continue on with things. I feel so hopeless.

Oh yeah, my mom lives about 850 miles away so there is nothing that can be easily done as far as getting stuff up there.

I don't have any suggestions... wish I did, but I'm in a similar spot minus your context or any lease/moving/school or animals. I moved back home 4 years ago or so when I transferred universities and thought I'd be there a year... I'm still hereeeeeeeeeeee lol. I'd prob take the easy way and shell 500 dollars even if I needed it. The car thing may not be smart, ppl will break in.

Far as with friend option - I'd feel similar except the eating, I'd feel I'm wasting their money. No privacy is my biggest thing. But anyways... sorry, things aren't hopeless (even tho I feel the same way lol), wish u the best Buzz! *hugs*


Well-known member
Thanks, Lemur. Yeah, I really really REALLLY don't want to move back to Colorado. In a perfect world I would only be there until it started getting cold and then I could move back down to Arizona but I know that is not likely.

I definitely wouldn't eat their food, I would buy my own. But that is what I feel is kind of awkward. How much fridge space can I use? Or can I cook in there? It just feels so weird. I was thinking that if I did end up staying there I would just buy bread and peanut butter/jelly and maybe turkey meat and eat nothing but sandwiches haha.


Well-known member
Im quite content with this day, spent the day at CCPgames headquarters to interview for assignment for business class, and then I met a man who has the world record in dead lift and then I ate a lot of ice cream :D yayy what more can you ask for, in one day,,


Well-known member
Sad & super depressed. My parents want to take away my laptop because I lost interest in mainly everything ::(:. I can't help I'm depressed punishing me for it wont make me feel better ...


Well-known member
Sad & super depressed. My parents want to take away my laptop because I lost interest in mainly everything ::(:. I can't help I'm depressed punishing me for it wont make me feel better ...

That sounds difficult... But, maybe it could in the end actually help you? It will be painful perhaps, but you might find in the end that good things come from it! I sure as heck would hate that but I gotta admit, it's easier to go outside when there's no computer-tainment


Well-known member
I am feeling very regretful for stuffing my face today with probably about 3000 calories when I was doing really well on what some people call "dieting" or "losing weight", also having not eaten sugar for like a good 2 weeks.. Uagh -_-

Man I hate losing progress! But will make up for it tomorrow...
Also feeling a lot of regret for pretty much every situation lately. Not handling family very well, not telling truths to certain people when they are needed to prevent deep hurt, using kratom 2 days in a row so now my tolerance is sky high so that I can't make sure I go to my class tomorrow... seeing as I now have to take a 3 day break from it. Yep, regret is that common thread


Well-known member
I am feeling very regretful for stuffing my face today with probably about 3000 calories when I was doing really well on what some people call "dieting" or "losing weight", also having not eaten sugar for like a good 2 weeks.. Uagh -_-

Man I hate losing progress! But will make up for it tomorrow...
Also feeling a lot of regret for pretty much every situation lately. Not handling family very well, not telling truths to certain people when they are needed to prevent deep hurt, using kratom 2 days in a row so now my tolerance is sky high so that I can't make sure I go to my class tomorrow... seeing as I now have to take a 3 day break from it. Yep, regret is that common thread

I wouldn't feel bad about eating a lot today. I think depriving yourself too much of things you enjoy or trying to restrict too many calories is what leads people to give up on their diets. I think if you enjoy sugary foods you can learn how to work them into your diet without going overboard. You can eat the foods you enjoy and still be healthy and still lose weight. A lot of people (myself included) really believe in "spiking" your calories every now and then. Eating a lot of calories in one day kind of shocks your system out of the mundane routine of eating less. It will help with the weight loss. Keep in mind that things should be a life style change and don't be focused on "dieting".