How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I have a presentation in a couple of hours and I am so, so nervous.

I keep going back and forth between feeling like it is going to be okay and feeling like I want to pass out. The majority of the people in my class are people I have had class with in previous semesters, so there is that little added bit of comfort that I know them. Also, we do A LOT of partner work in this class. Although it kind of sucks it also helps you become more comfortable with everyone because they aren't some total stranger that sits across the room from you. We all make mistakes in the class, we all help each other... as far as the people go, it really isn't all that bad. Things aren't going to be that bad. It isn't some presentation I have to do alone in front of a bunch of people I don't really know who are going to judge me. I know they aren't judging, I know that they are sympathizing with me. I know that they are all just as scared as I am. So all those thoughts make me feel like I have nothing to worry about.

But then there is that other side of me that is just freaking out and panicking. I don't want to do this, I want to run away. Aaaaaah.


Well-known member
Well, today saw some bad news, but also some very good news.

I've always said I appreciate balance and equality ;)


Well-known member
I'm feeling euphoric at the moment. Still on a high from my trip. :)

Haven't been here in 3 days so I hope everyone is doing really well. :)


Well-known member
Glad you had such a good time, Mikey. It is great to hear that you are feeling so great right now; I agree you deserve it. Seems like this trip came at just the right time.


Well-known member
Typical teenage problems, I know it may seem pathetic. I feel like two of the people I spend time with at school, do not like me at all. I feel like I'm tagging along and they have enough of me. At the beginning, I could tell they liked me but now, like with everything, I have ruined it, I have disappointed them with my personality as they got to know me...

The worst is, I'm not even sure it's true. It's like I need CONSTANT approval of someone's liking.


Well-known member
Thanks Buzz and polishgirl. :) It did come at a good time. I don't think it could've went any better, to be honest.

Typical teenage problems, I know it may seem pathetic. I feel like two of the people I spend time with at school, do not like me at all. I feel like I'm tagging along and they have enough of me. At the beginning, I could tell they liked me but now, like with everything, I have ruined it, I have disappointed them with my personality as they got to know me...

The worst is, I'm not even sure it's true. It's like I need CONSTANT approval of someone's liking.
I had these same issues at high school when I was with my friends. I think they still like you but maybe they're just more comfortable around you now.


Well-known member
Haven't been here in 3 days so I hope everyone is doing really well. :)

I thought someone that regularly posted was missing. I couldn't figure out who. ::eek::

Welcome back!

I'm tired as always. I got three hours of sleep last night and then was awoken by my dog. I had a snack and then tried to go back to bed. After awhile I saw that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon, so I meditated for a little bit and then tried again. I ended up laying in bed for a couple of hours or so listening to music and finally fell asleep. I got about 2 1/2 hours of sleep and then had to get up to go to my therapy session.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
My dad made me go to some meeting with him and I spent an hour or so vomiting in the parking lot due to severe anxiety.. He thought I was being a jerk by not talking to him in front of people and my kindle fell out of my pocket into the vomit.. My dad also volunteered me to help them during a fundraising event.. And I still feel ill.. I hate my life and the fact nobody in the family believes my SM is real.. I know I am trying to quit video games or at least break my addiction to them, but I need and welcome the distraction now more than ever!


Well-known member
Thanks Buzz and polishgirl. :) It did come at a good time. I don't think it could've went any better, to be honest.

well then you def should not upset yourself with our problems :) I wanna hear all about it! Where was it to? Who did you take it with? What happend that made it so enjoyable for you?