How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Extremely tired and depressed as f**k. Somedays I wonder why I even bother getting out of bed, to be honest. ::(:


Well-known member
I know I shouldn't be moaning about the fact I'm being paid to write something, but all this time behind Microsoft Word is turning me insane (I often spend a lot of time at a computer, but this time I feel I don't have a choice).

I am feeling like this

Aaaaaaaaaaaahaaahaaaa! - YouTube

Anyway. Moan over. Back to it.


Well-known member
Bored and impatient. I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up so I can help her sort and move some stuff. She told me she'd be here at around 10am. It's 10:30am. I'm guessing she overslept. ::p:
Is anyone else not able to access the Random Thoughts thread?

EDIT: Nevermind, cleared my cache and it's fine now.
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Well-known member
Sensitive. Trying not to wallow in self-pity and negative thoughts. I need to distract myself somehow.

I don't think I'm helping my friend today either. She got around too late and she has to go to work soon, so I think she's just coming over to hang out instead.

Also, I had a burst of creativity today. Went to start a project and the idea left as fast as it came. I can't hold onto anything, it seems. ::(: Why is this so hard?


Well-known member
I feel a bit enlightened, I've decided that I'm not going to give a **** on what others think of me anymore and I feel like I can do everything that I want to do.


Well-known member
Had a good day. Loved watching those as/sholes who are hostile to me for no reason turn green with envy while the teacher praised my work and then gave them sh!t for having nothing to show and being lazy. Haters gonna hate.:D


Well-known member
I can't live at home anymore ! I'm going crazy here, my sister spend the week with her boyfriend and now she's back and already driving me up the wall! I reallllly need a place for myself...
I just mowed the yard, except for the hillside. It's too steep to mow. I'll get the weed eater out tomorrow. Now I'm researching rose bushes so I can figure out where to plant the one my mom gave my sister and I for Easter. Then I may do some more yard work. It feels good to get outside and do things. It makes me not feel as bad when I spent 3 hours a day on the interwebs.

If anyone knows anything about taking care of rose bushes and would mind sharing their info, you can PM me. I have a Hybrid Tea Rose bush. It gets 3-4ft., flowers from June - September, and likes to be in the sun or partial shade. It blooms orange-y petals. I'm really excited. Orange is awesome!


Well-known member
Not feeling too good. A nasty cold crept up on me when I wasn't looking. I had a mild sore throat yesterday evening and at this point it's become a full blown cold with sore throat, sinus headache, nasally voice, and stuffy runny nose. I think I could blow my nose until my brain pops out through my nostril and it still wouldn't be enough.


Well-known member
Not feeling too good. A nasty cold crept up on me when I wasn't looking. I had a mild sore throat yesterday evening and at this point it's become a full blown cold with sore throat, sinus headache, nasally voice, and stuffy runny nose. I think I could blow my nose until my brain pops out through my nostril and it still wouldn't be enough.

i think i had that one last month - lots of fatigue as well

lasted a couple of weeks for me - i was one of the lucky ones

take care - get some rest, drink plenty of fluids

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Wondering if anyone else (predominatly people with SM) experience intense anxiety when going in public by themselves and less anxiety with a family member present? I went to the grocery store by myself and the cashier kept trying to talk to me, I could only get a head nod out as my reply, I still can't look anyone in the eyes and on a scale to 10 (Being the worst) my anxiety was about an 8.5.. ::(: