How are you feeling?


Well-known member
My head hurts so feels like it's going to explode.::(:
I hope you feel better soon :) Just try to take some rest.
Wondering if anyone else (predominatly people with SM) experience intense anxiety when going in public by themselves and less anxiety with a family member present? I went to the grocery store by myself and the cashier kept trying to talk to me, I could only get a head nod out as my reply, I still can't look anyone in the eyes and on a scale to 10 (Being the worst) my anxiety was about an 8.5.. ::(:
Yep, it always happens to me. I wonder if there's a cure.
Ahhh, why am I being so negative? LOL xD
Is something bothering you?


Well-known member
I come undone so easily, I really struggle to try to feel good about myself but I always seem to end up back at square one, hating myself and feeling pathetic. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if I'm in the wrong place and time. Why is it so easy for some people and so hard for others? and always there's that voice inside me that counters every thought I have so that nothing is ever clear. How can I be anything to anybody when I'm nothing to myself? Just a rant
*hugs* Its hard sometimes to push the negative feelings away. I hope you feel better and if you ever want to talk I'm here :)


Feeling great this morning, after a pointless, timewasting long weekend.

In the mood to knock job adverts which never change. Same old posting in the last 12 months! Nothing ever changes. Same descriptions everywhere. What candidates to companies want? Run every applicant through the mill, and make 'em restless, causing unrest? Monopoly companies interested in torture of talent?

the company had been crippled by the recession: devastate, ruin, destroy, wipe out; paralyze, hamstring, bring to a standstill, put out of action, sideline, put out of business, bankrupt, break, bring someone to their knees.
I can't live at home anymore ! I'm going crazy here, my sister spend the week with her boyfriend and now she's back and already driving me up the wall! I reallllly need a place for myself...

I can relate. I really like ''the right space where I can relax'' It's not personally attacking though my invironment thinks it is, I just want to escape! Otherwise send me to a holiday resport, damn! :mad:

Oh well, I'm feeling quite calm now. I'm at home from school, I had a short day which is nice :). I just had a low grade though. -__- The teacher mis-calculated so I hope the 'real' result won't be too bad! :$

I'm going to my therapist soon, I willl see her 30 minutes earlier, so we can talk things out even better. Good ;)


Well-known member
I woke up angry this morning. It didn't help my cat wouldn't stop whining at 5am, but it's more than that. Mainly, I'm just frustrated with myself. I'm frustrated that didn't get things done sooner, that I can't do anything creative, that I'm almost 2 projects behind, that I have all this stupid work to do on my break, that I cut off contact with a friend last year and can't get back in touch with her, that I can't drive in the city or where there's lots of people, that I'm succumbing to my anxiety again, and that I'm allowing all these stupid, negative thoughts back inside my head.

I'm tired of being angry. I wish I didn't even care.


Active member
I feel physically and mentally tired and weak.I'm on the edge of depression since yesterday.::(:

Im also feeling like this.
In addition to this, disturbing thoughts in my head are bothering me.

Its hard to explain. I guess from a rpg gamer's perspective it feels like i got tired of leveling this character and almost feel like deleting it. And by this character, i mean me.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Frustrated. My mum doesn't seem to understand what I'm going through - and I don't just mean my anxiety and depression, but my disability too. I'm starting to feel like no-one in my family does. ::(:

I feel like just giving up.
I am a little sore from all the yard work yesterday. So I'm going to do some more! I've got some flower bulbs that need to be planted. I just hope it's not to early. The weather has been going back and forth between hot and cool, with frost warnings at night. It's making gardening difficult.