Anyone paranoid that...


Well-known member
Anyone besides me get paranoid that someone you know in real life is going to stumble upon these forums and read your posts? Or maybe it actually happened to you?

I kind of use this site as a "journal". I post things some times when I'm really depressed or angry, just to vent, that don't accurately reflect who I am.


Well-known member
I know so few people in real life that the probability is zero.

And most of the virtual people I "know" is on here anyway.


Well-known member
I once linked this forum to my fiancee completely by mistake. I was embarrassed for a while but then it occurred to me that I have nothing to hide. But that's also because I have a fair bit of restraint online. It would be different if I was really pouring my heart out or flirting with girls on here or something.

But I don't think there's a big chance that someone from the real world 'discovers' you on here. It's not like Facebook, where real names and identities are involved.


Well-known member
I took a screenshot for someone and had this forum open in tabs, luckily no comment about it...but it did make me think oh crap...


Well-known member
I doubt it would happen. But I have felt paranoid about it. They won't learn anything new about me from reading here though.


Well-known member
no it's likely they would learn less about me on here then what they know in real life::p: I don't know many people and the one I'm closest to already knows.


Well-known member
I actually myself once discovered a person I knew on a SA forum. I read the username, some posts, description of situations and just knew it would be that person.

I never told her though.


Well-known member
Yes, I am afraid I will post my picture and then all of a sudden a person that came across me in my life will recognize me. Hence why I never posted it yet ::p:. I feel sometimes I reveal a little too much about myself on here that I don't need to open that door.


Well-known member
its already happened to me with my HR dept. There was a big legal kerfuffle, they signed a legally binding agreement that they woldnt come here and this place was blocked from the company network, and i in turn signed a document stating i wouldnt discuss the specific details of it.

Sh!tty that it had to come to that but you have to do what you have to do.


Well-known member
Yes,I'm afraid somebody will discover me here....and speaking of paranoid I just remember I have to delete my last pics.


Well-known member
Im at the point where i just dont care at all anymore.

I am what i am. i get nervous around people and dont like most people. And thats fine.

Mutant and proud.


Well-known member
yes, more before than now. But i still wouldnt post a pic i think.

Even the fact that our Country is now visible in the irc chatbox is also a bit paranoia inducing but not as much since it is not 'permanent' like the posts here.

The chance though is not high that someone discovers you.

A profile pic with a real pic is probably the easiest way to be discovered :D


Well-known member
I know 2 people on the forum from 'real life'.
I doubt they could recognize my posts as things I would say though-- no one bothers to pay attention to me, people don't know who I really am; just who they imagine I am.
Probably works in my favor, though.
Google "Pyrophosphate". See how long it takes to find me. Not really expecting anyone to happen across this site and recognize me either. Not enough people know me.

Someone finding me here is one of the few things I'm not paranoid about.


Well-known member
I was once on a forum for Borderline Personality Disorder, and had my blog url posted on my profile. It took me a good long while to discover that googling my blog name would take you straight to my profile on the BPD forum. Ugh, that was embarrassing. I never knew if anyone found out about it. Won't make that mistake again, that's for sure.


Well-known member
I used to worry but now I just don't care. I think the chances of one of the few people who know me stumbling across my picture on here are astronomically low. It's unlikely even if they were trying to dig something up about me. I have considered though that one easy way they could do it is google the filenames of pictures I have posted on other forums and facebook, but I have yet to test if that works.


Well I don't use my real information on any of the forums I go on so that isn't really a concern for me. Even if somebody I knew did stumble upon here, it would be for a similar reason as to why I'm here.


Well-known member
before i was more paranoid about it. now i still hope that no1 i know discovers that I'm posting here, but i don't get crazy about it