Well-known member
I'm actually a botanist, but I also get to see some interesting wildlife including birds when I am out in the the bush. The mallee fowl experience was volunteer work. The Ground Parrot was one day when I was out doing a vegetation survey.
I've done a fair bit of field work over the years and seen some amazing things, always something new and awe and inspiring. Plenty of highlights.
I've spotlighted for nocturnal animals and have seen Sooty and Powerful Owls, Koalas and gliding Possums. I can imagine feeding an owl would be scary, those massive talons!
That is so cool! I've taken a few botany courses, one in college and one 8-week field course through my (former) workplace. To this day, one of my favorite pastimes is geeking out in my yard or the woods with a field guide. Gleason and Cronquist if I'm feeling extra nerdy.
Making out with two guys at the same time. It is not something I talk about ever, and I am reluctant to say that here, but it was quite an experience and I probably will never do it again as it was out of character for me-I guess that is why it is so "awesome" to me, haha ::
Any life experience that feels great and doesn't hurt anyone is awesome, so to me this totally counts. I can't say I've ever made out with two guys at once, but I've done some other awesome things that I won't be admitting here. :