What book are you currently reading?


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The Wounded Spirit by Frank Peretti. Highly recommend this book to read if you have been affected by bullying in your past, and as long as you don't totally reject Christianity then this book will enlighten you greatly.

here is an excerpt from chapter one:
emotional abuse heart to heart


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Somebody elses kids by Torey hayden. She's a great writer and has proper understanding of all kinds of human behavior, mainly works around kids. One child, is the best book :)


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I actually had to read Hop-Frog by Edgar Allan Poe for English. I know, it's not a book, but still a story. It was like a gruesome little fairytale to me. I loved it :D


Well-known member

Those two, among others. They're GREAT.


Sometimes I read many books at one time and do it quickly, other times I read one book slowly, and sometimes I don't read anything for a long time.

Currently I'm reading "Commodore: A Company on the Edge" by Brian Bagnall. I'm a classic computer geek.


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bartley gorman king of the gypsies...... interesting and violent, a real eye opener to a secret world.


Well-known member
hells prisoner.....true story about an australian man wrongly convicted of drug smuggling sentenced to 25 years in an indonesian prision. grim stuff!


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"One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest" and "Hell's Angels" presently.

Next up is "The Rum Diary" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".

I'm getting my Hunter S. Thompson fix :cool:

On a related note: could anyone point me towards a few good books or movies about drug culture, especially in the 60's in 70's?


On a related note: could anyone point me towards a few good books or movies about drug culture, especially in the 60's in 70's?

Well, there's the fictional Go Ask Alice.

There's also The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue.

Those are the only two I know.