What book are you currently reading?


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I read that book last year. I think she is/would have been a wonderful writer, but I had a hard time getting into the book. I think it was that there were so many characters and some had no connection to the others.

I didn't know that it was supposed to be longer. That could have been the problem, too.

Some where supposed to meet up in later chapters(I had a version that included her family letters as well as her note book) for example the snobby writer in the first part was supposed to become a colloborater in the 3rd part and has a violent run in with the farmer Benoit.Or so she planned ::(:.The german von Falk was to die in Russia while Lucille was to fall in love with the son of the couple in the Ist chaper.
Some where supposed to meet up in later chapters(I had a version that included her family letters as well as her note book) for example the snobby writer in the first part was supposed to become a colloborater in the 3rd part and has a violent run in with the farmer Benoit.Or so she planned ::(:.The german von Falk was to die in Russia while Lucille was to fall in love with the son of the couple in the Ist chaper.

Interesting. It is sad that we'll never get to read the ending.


Well-known member
The Science of Culture - Leslie White
The Reluctant Mr Darwin - David Quaman
Food Inc.

all for school

I was reading some other book for pleasure...can't remember what now haha, certainly not any of those!


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Finished railway children and am now on Sylvia Plaths book 'the bell jar.

It uncomfortable as the main character has a feeling of emptiness that can get a bit too real.


Well-known member
Finished railway children and am now on Sylvia Plaths book 'the bell jar.

It uncomfortable as the main character has a feeling of emptiness that can get a bit too real.

hmmm....Not such a good book to read if you're in a bad mood.Similar to Prozac Nation it's all about depression and being suicidal.
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^yeah not the best choice of reading material when on a low.

Now I'm on the hunchback of notredame.Enjoyable but victor hugo goes a bit over-board with description and all the french can make it hard to read at times.


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The Ultramind Solution.

WONDERFUL book. I can see it being absolutely life changing for tons and tons of people.
No wonder they had 23 copies at the library....