Rate your shyness on a scale from 1 - 10


Well-known member
Shyness... well it's really elevated lately, I'd say it depends on the definition of shyness. In conversation I don't appear THAT shy, I just look like I don't have much to say because what I say is always rejected. 'll say around 6-8


Well-known member
I don't know about shyness.

But I'm usually pretty quiet. Probably about an 8 or 9.

And I usually worry about how I'll be perceived by others, whether it's something I want to say, something I want to do, or just not doing or saying anything. This is probably around 8 or 9 as well.

So if shyness = (silence + anxiety)/2 then it's probably between 8 or 9.



To me it depends on the situation:
In class: 8
Meeting new people: 9
With my XC team: 6
At a party: 2
At work: 8


Used to be a 10 in most situations. Nowadays though it varies massively. If i'm with good friends at a party or on a night out then it can drop to 1, but if i'm in a situation where i have to talk to strangers it can be 10. On average, probably about 5 or 6.

I think my main problem is avoidance of social situations nowadays/not taking enough chances to meet new people. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
i'm shy at work on a level that i'd rate an 8-9/10 but that is mainly because where i work i find very uncomfortable and its very demanding and combining "having to work my bum off" with talking/joking arounf\d i find difficult to do both ..

when im relaxed with a friend is the only time i open up alot, but i am shy around family as well..


Active member
Around my family (excluding my sister - I find her extremely intimidating): 3.
Around my best friend: 4.
Around pretty much anyone else: 10.


Well-known member
Just wondering how others perceive their shyness. So on a scale from 1 - 10, how would you rate yours. 1 being minimal and 10 being severe. For me most of my life it was a 10, however I think it may be at 7 now, since I am on meds. How about you?
If it's someone new or that I'm not close to, perhaps a 4. But I believe if it's someone I've known for awhile or close friends, I can get up to like 9 or even 10 for some, lol


Active member
I'm shy in most cases:

Around people close to me (husband, mom, dad,grandma) - 0
Around other family/relatives I know - 3
Strangers - 10
What's worst? Social gatherings, parties, classroom with people, or any group or crowd - 10-15


Well-known member
It is hard to rate something that changes on the situation. Sometimes you have to force yourself sometimes its not too bad.


Well-known member
Crippling anxiety goes beyond shyness. Maybe 20 years ago I was shy, but anxiety is exponetially more than shyness.


not actually Fiona Apple
It depends on the situation and definitely the topic. If you ask me about baseball I will probably be a 3 on a shyness scale but I would appear like a 10 if it was someone I wasn't comfortable around (almost everyone) due to my lack of self-esteem. On the other hand their are some topics I am a 10 to begin with, like...well you get the point.