Rate your shyness on a scale from 1 - 10


Well-known member
Just wondering how others perceive their shyness. So on a scale from 1 - 10, how would you rate yours. 1 being minimal and 10 being severe. For me most of my life it was a 10, however I think it may be at 7 now, since I am on meds. How about you?


Well-known member
it all depends where i am. at work i find the people to be intimidating and uncomfortable to be around so i dont say much, same goes for when i'm around family because we are all so different and not really that close ...

however the group i had at university i did open up to and felt really calm and relaxed around ...

so i'd say a 6 or 7 in all honesty.


Well-known member
I guess I shouldn't be answering this, because I'm not shy, I have severe social anxiety, avoidant personality disorder & agoraphobia. So definitely 10+

I only answered because I have nothing else to do & I can't sleep lol


Staff member
Compared to normal people putting an average mark at 5/10

Shyness 5/10
Social anxiety 7/10

I'd say both have dropped one point in the last ten years (30's) and one point the 10 years before that (20's)


Shyness probably around 6 or 7....it depends on the circumstances. If I get a good vibe from another person then I can feel quite comfortable(especially if i sense the other person is friendly and non judgmental), otherwise I am just awkward and embarrassed about existing...I am no where near as shy as I was when I was at school thank goodness.


Well-known member
Depends on the mood offcourse.
When you're super angry no one cares about what other people think, at the moment. When you think of it afterwards you could be ashamed of yourself.
Normal: 8/10
Depressed mood: 10/10
Happy mood: 6/10
Angry: 4/10
Superduper killable angry: 0/10


Well-known member
Shyness 5/10
Anxiety 8/10

My anxiety used to be a 10, but it's gone done a bit. Maybe it's because I don't go out as much, if I did, I'm sure I'd feel super anxious everyday. ::(:


Well-known member
Ten most definitely, I'm kind of surprised at how many low-ish ratings there are in this thread.